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Science Safety Science 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Safety Science 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Safety Science 8

2 Welcome Safety in the science lab is top priority

3 Use Your Head Follow all instructions given by the teacher
Never perform an unauthorized experiment Notify the teacher immediately regarding any accident or unsafe area

4 Fire Safety In the event of a fire alarm, Turn off all equipment
Push in chairs Line up at door Teacher leads students out of school Last one out of the room is responsible for closing the door Students are to gather across the street for attendance

5 Fire Safety Fire Extinguishers
All fire extinguishers in this lab are ABC

6 Fire Safety

7 Fire Safety In the event that someone catches on fire
Wrap the fire blanket around the victim Have the person to STOP, DROP & ROLL Notify the teacher

8 Fire Safety You will be using the Bunsen Burner this year
Locate the Gas Shut-Off Button Press this button if there is an emergency while the Bunsen Burners are in use

9 Proper Attire Tie all long hair back Closed shoes Long pants
Lab aprons/jackets Avoid wearing loose clothing and jewellery Avoid hair sprays and other flammable cosmetic products

10 Eye Safety Wear goggles when working with chemicals, flames, heating devices, or if there is a possibility of flying debris Only lab goggles are permitted If you wear contact lenses, please inform your teacher If you choose to wear them during labs, you do so at your own risk


12 Eye Safety Use the Emergency Eye Wash Bottle or Station if a chemical or debris gets into one’s eye Flush for a minimum of 15 minutes and notify the teacher

13 Eye Safety Emergency Eye Wash Bottles
1. Remove bottle from station and open cup lid 2. Hold the person with their head tilted forward 3. Hold the eye open 4. Press the cup against the eye and squeeze the bottle repeatedly

14 Hand Safety Wash your hands with plenty of soap and water after every lab If a chemical spills on your skin, notify the teacher and rinse for a minimum of 15 minutes

15 Sharp Objects Always cut away from fingers and body
Always carry sharp objects with tips pointing down and away Grasp sharp instruments only by the handle

16 Sharp Objects Broken glass and sharp objects DO NOT go in the trash
Do not use damaged glassware Notify the teacher of all broken glass

17 Electrical Safety Lay electrical cords where no one can trip on them or get caught in them Be sure your hands and your lab area are dry before using electrical equipment Unplug equipment by pulling the plug, NOT the cord

18 Electrical Safety Only electrical plugs are to be placed in electrical outlets Unplug electrical equipment after use Keep all electrical cords, wires, and appliances away from water

19 Physical Safety Keep your work space clean Push all chairs in and
out of the way

20 Heating Safety Heated metal and glass looks cool
Use tongs or gloves to handle Never leave a heat source unattended Only certain glassware may be heated (Pyrex)

21 Heating Safety Always point test tubes away from yourself and others when heating Never heat a closed container Do not place hot glassware directly in cold water

22 Chemical Safety Read all labels twice before removing a chemical from its container Only use the type and amount of chemical instructed to use Keep lids on chemical containers when not in use Never return unused chemicals to its container Never mix chemicals unless instructed to do so

23 Chemical Safety Never touch, taste, or smell a chemical unless instructed by your teacher If you are required to smell a chemical, use the wafting technique During lab activities, keep your hands away from your face

24 Chemical Safety When diluting an acid, pour the acid into water
Dispose off all waste product according to instruction

25 Chemical Safety All glassware containing chemicals needs to be labelled Labels should include the following: Students’ names Chemical name/formula Date

26 Chemical Safety Chemical Spill Kits
Report all chemical spills to the teacher immediately The Chemical Spill Kit will be used by the teacher to clean the area

27 Chemical Safety Burns Use the Emergency Shower in
Acid Burns (HCl, H2SO4) Red, painful burn Base Burns (NaOH, KOH) Red, painless burn Use the Emergency Shower in the event a chemical is spilled on one’s body/clothing

28 You Should Never... Eat or drink in the lab Engage in Practical jokes
Horseplay Rough house

29 You Should Never... Enter the storage room
Take any chemicals out of the lab or the storage room Touch any equipment, chemicals, or other materials unless given permission


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