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(Guidance – Ofsted, updated 12 April 2018,

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1 (Guidance – Ofsted, updated 12 April 2018,
Feedback and Marking Ofsted recognises that marking and feedback to pupils, both written and oral, are important aspects of assessment. However, Ofsted does not expect to see any specific frequency, type or volume of marking and feedback; these are for the school to decide through its assessment policy (Guidance – Ofsted, updated 12 April 2018,

2 Feedback and Marking at SRRCC
Learning initiated At SRRCC feedback and marking is integral to a student achieving success and is vital in an ongoing cycle of communication between student and teacher. The most effective type of feedback is prompt, timely and relevant to the student Learning evaluated Student reflection Teacher feedback Student action

3 What do you do? WWW EBI

4 The challenges of student reflection...

5 Bottom line – is the marking effective
Bottom line – is the marking effective? If not, is there any point in doing it? Are the students given time to read the feedback and act on it? If not, is there any point in doing it?

6 A good example of student reflection/response to feedback…

7 Student Self Assessment

8 Student Reflection

9 Assessment Feedback (Keeping Parents in the loop)

10 What benefits our students most? What can we do more of?
Student Survey What make feedback helpful to you? Specific comments on what was good and how you can improve A question to make you think about about particular topic/furthers your learning C. An example of what you should have done or how you can make your work better D. Other A. Specific comments on what was good and how you can improve – 67%

11 What benefits our students most? What can we do more of?
Student Survey 2. When you get your green class books back do you read your comments? I read it I quickly skim through looking for good comments I do not spend much time looking at my feedback I read it 53% (followed by B- I quickly skim through looking for good comments 37%)

12 What benefits our students most? What can we do more of?
Student Survey 3. Do you pay more attention to assessment feedback in comparison to the feedback you get in your classwork? Yes b. No Why? B. No – 20% My classwork is more important as my book is used for revision, if I get it wrong in my book I will get it wrong in my assessment.’ ‘My classwork is a reflection of how I will do in my assessment’ ‘I check my classwork more frequently and I often forget my assessment feedback’ YES – 80% ‘Assessments are more important to my progress’ ‘My assessment feedback tells me how to improve’ Assessments are more important and it tells me how I can achieve my target grade

13 What benefits our students most? What can we do more of?
Student Survey 4. Do you find the SRRCC marking response sheets useful? WWW b. EBI EBI ‘It needs to be more flexible to support different students i.e. more spelling error space’ ‘More examples of what I should have done’ ‘More challenges in the tasks set’ ‘Not specific to me’ ‘Aimed at the majority and not at individuals’ WWW ‘It is good as all of the feedback in one place’ ‘It is easy to follow’ ‘It helps me to understand what I can do better’ ‘The DIRT tasks help me to improve my classwork.’

14 What benefits our students most? What can we do more of?
Student Survey 5. Do you find peer/self-marking useful? a. Yes b. No Why? No - 50% ‘It is too generalised and not always correct’ ‘Teachers have more knowledge and they can actually tell us how to improve, not my peers’ ‘Not everyone puts effort in writing a response in your book’ ‘People are biased’ ‘It is not up to us to mark work’ ‘Kids don’t think about you, they are selfish’ YES – 50% ‘It makes you think about what you have written’ ‘It can extend your knowledge’ ‘You learn from your mistakes and form others too’ ‘Often we have all made the same mistake’ ‘We can peer/self assess straight away in lessons which is useful as we don’t forget about the topic by the time the teacher marks it.’

15 What benefits our students most? What can we do more of?
Student Survey 6. What would make your feedback more effective? ‘Instead of having one DIRT lesson to reflect/self and peer mark more regularly’ ‘More frequent feedback’ ‘More specific examples of how to improve’ ‘To see more examples of good work’ ‘1:1 with the teacher. It would be useful to speak to the teacher more regularly to fully understand how I can improve and to be able to ask questions’ ‘More time in class to respond to feedback’

16 Top ten tips Address faulty interpretations, not total lack of understanding. More impact from telling pupils when they got it right Comments, not grades, impact on future learning Cues, prompts Suitably challenging Give sparingly (needs to be meaningful) Timely Specific and clear (relating to learning goals) Focus on task and process; not praise for the self ‘Self and peer assessment can be very useful but students need time to be able to do this and reflect Try to avoid comparisons between pupils – self – and focus on how has improved in relation to previous personal bests – practical tips for this

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