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March Bell Ringer Prompts

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1 March Bell Ringer Prompts

2 February 28th, 2015 List #7 Write down the following words, their parts of speech and definitions. After each word, leave a 2-3 blank lines for an original sentence. Acquiesce (verb)- to submit or comply silently without protest; agree; consent Sample Sentence: When the teacher asked the student to change his seat, he quickly acquiesced because he knew he would work more productively in the new location. Now write your own original sentence using the word acquiesce correctly (part of speech and context).

3 March 2nd, 2015 List #7 Write down the following words, their parts of speech and definitions. After each word, leave a 2-3 blank lines for an original sentence. Gauche (adjective)- lacking social grace, sensitivity, or acuteness; awkward, crude, tactless. Sample Sentence: His gauche way of responding to the critique of others made it difficult for him to keep a job. Now write your own original sentence using the word gauche correctly (part of speech and context).

4 March 3rd, 2015 List #7 Write down the following words, their parts of speech and definitions. After each word, leave a 2-3 blank lines for an original sentence. Enervate (verb or adjective)- to deprive of force or strength; to weaken; Sample Sentence: The flu is sure to enervate even the most healthy among us. However, elderly flu sufferers are left enervate much more quickly than the young. Now write your own original sentence using the word enervate correctly (part of speech and context).

5 March 4th, 2015 List #7 Write down the following words, their parts of speech and definitions. After each word, leave a 2-3 blank lines for an original sentence. Precipitous(adjective)- extremely or impassably steep. Sample Sentence: Frodo dreaded his precipitous journey to Mount Doom. Now write your own original sentence using the word precipitous correctly (part of speech and context).

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