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LARP Rotatable Collimators for LHC Phase II Collimation

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1 LARP Rotatable Collimators for LHC Phase II Collimation
US LHC Accelerator Research Program BNL - FNAL- LBNL - SLAC LARP Rotatable Collimators for LHC Phase II Collimation 18 December 2006 SLAC R&D Status Meeting Gene Anzalone, Eric Doyle, Lew Keller, Steve Lundgren, & Tom Markiewicz

2 LHC Phase II Collimator Engineering-I
Braze Test #1 Section Braze Test #1 SLAC R&D Mtg December 2006 LHC Rotatable Phase II Collimators

3 LHC Phase II Collimator Engineering-II
200mm Al Mandrel for Coil Winding & CNC Mill Tests Coil Winding Fixture 200mm Cu mandrel w/ coil after brazing Cu ¼-round jaw section before braze to coil/mandrel SLAC R&D Mtg December 2006 LHC Rotatable Phase II Collimators

4 LHC Phase II Collimator Engineering-II
1m winding tooling Full Length Moly Shaft Mill vise as precision bender SLAC R&D Mtg December 2006 LHC Rotatable Phase II Collimators

5 Short Braze Tests prior to full length jaw
Braze Test #2 Immediate schedule 200mm mandrel machined for the braze wire groove and the OD reduced (~0.4mm diameter) to eliminate tubing distortions. QC department measured the 4 Quarter Jaw IDs and the Test Mandrel and determined modifications to the Jaws are necessary. Jaw inner surface modified by shop Klystron Braze Shop will then braze the 4 jaws on 200mm long Assy Promise completion date 12/19/06: in furnace now Assembly will then be sectioned for braze joint inspection. Braze test #3 planned: A second 200mm long Copper mandrel will be fabricated for more Jaw braze technique development and winding practice before the full size 9050mm Heater Test Mandrel is attempted Molybdenum to copper braze tests are in the planning stages SLAC R&D Mtg December 2006 LHC Rotatable Phase II Collimators

6 Single Jaw Thermal Test Hardware Progress
Clean Tent infrastructure upgrades nearing completion. Electricians have installed ~half required conduit SOC contacted. Told to get blessings of Earthquake, ES&H, High Energy Experimental and Electrical Safety Committees Molybdenum Shaft completed and in house on 11/28/2006 Jaw 1/4 sections qty 22 released to vendor (includes 2 spares and 4 for additional Short Mandrel Tests) Late January anticipated Improved/Revised Mandrel design released to vendor for fabrication Mid January date promised SLAC R&D Mtg December 2006 LHC Rotatable Phase II Collimators

7 Other Tests & Design Work for 1st Jaw
Coil Tests Bend 10mm sq. OD/ 7mm sq. ID copper samples into design configurations to check for distortions (internal and external) Samples are being fabricated from 11mm sq. CDA101 conductor Interested in knowing how much the tube deforms inward (relative to Mandrel OD) as a result of winding If deformation is unacceptable may need to bulge it back out by over-pressurizing the tube after brazing Twist tests Twist a few samples to failure for a measure of the margin of safety and to determine actual torque required Detail design work on Collimator End Supports and Bellows Assy Prototype “Rotator” design for proof-of-concept testing U-Joint for initial deflection tests Fabrication of appropriate CERN hardware Drawing Trees and Lists for this are in work SLAC R&D Mtg December 2006 LHC Rotatable Phase II Collimators

8 Upstream end vertical section
1mm jaw-shaft expansion gap Jaw Geneva Mechanism Worm Gear Shaft Water Cooling Channel U-Joint Axle Support Bearings SLAC R&D Mtg December 2006 LHC Rotatable Phase II Collimators

9 Image Current Plate with RF Contacts
SLAC R&D Mtg December 2006 LHC Rotatable Phase II Collimators

10 LHC Rotatable Phase II Collimators
RF Contacts at Jaw Ends SLAC R&D Mtg December 2006 LHC Rotatable Phase II Collimators

11 Longitudinal Contact Options
Top and Bottom are CERN existing design Alternate Options also use CERN contacts Favorite Option uses Omega Co. contacts SLAC R&D Mtg December 2006 LHC Rotatable Phase II Collimators

12 LHC Rotatable Phase II Collimators
Inside detail Possible Option ? SLAC R&D Mtg December 2006 LHC Rotatable Phase II Collimators

13 LHC Rotatable Phase II Collimators
Beam tests in (??) Beginning to think about a Dummy Collimator for use in beam tests in 2007/2008 before final prototype is delivered for damage tests: no rotation no cooling one jaw 2 jaw steppers For impedence tests: 2 Jaws 4 steppers Image Current Plate with RF springs no water cooling ??? What tests are really possible in 2007? Should we be preparing this hardware? SLAC R&D Mtg December 2006 LHC Rotatable Phase II Collimators

14 LARP Collimator Delivery Schedule
Done Braze test #1 (short piece) & coil winding procedures/hardware Finish Braze test #2 (200mm Cu) Braze test #3 (200mm Cu – apply lessons learned) Fab/braze 950mm shaft, mandrel, coil & jaw pieces Prep heaters, chillers, measurement sensors & fixtures, DAQ & lab 1st full length jaw ready for thermal tests Fab 2nd 950mm jaw as above with final materials (Glidcop) and equip with bearings, rotation mechanism, end supports, rf features, cooling features, motors, etc. Modify 1st jaw or fab a 3rd jaw identical to 2nd jaw, as above Mount 2 jaws in vacuum vessel with external alignment features 2 full length jaws with full motion control in vacuum tank available for mechanical & vacuum tests in all orientations (“RC1”) Modify RC1 as required to meet requirements Final prototype (“RC2”) fully operational with final materials, LHC control system-compatible, prototype shipped to CERN to beam test SLAC R&D Mtg December 2006 LHC Rotatable Phase II Collimators

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