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Improving Employee Retention & Engagement

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Employee Retention & Engagement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Employee Retention & Engagement
Stay Interviews offer retention and engagement solutions that cannot be achieved with employee surveys or exit surveys because stay interviews are conducted one-on-one, put managers in the solution seat, and provide focus on top performers. Attendees will learn specific Stay Interview techniques including five questions to ask, probes to dig deeper, and individualized solutions that surveys cannot provide. Also included are the four required skills leaders must learn to make their Stay Interviews successful, and how to forecast employee turnover based on Stay Interview results. Attendees will also have free access to additional materials including case studies, white papers and blogs for those who are ready for an immediate deep dive. Presented in an engaging way, you will come away with usable solutions you can implement immediately in your organization. Improving Employee Retention & Engagement Dick Finnegan

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