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Ch.3 Sect.2: The Agricultural South

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1 Ch.3 Sect.2: The Agricultural South

2 What you will learn in this section
Cash Crops How life was in Southern society Slavery Triangular Trade Middle Passage Stono Rebellion

3 A Plantation Economy Arises
Cash Crop— Maryland, Virginia, NC… SC, Georgia… Plantations developed not towns Rivers were vital Few cities, Charleston most important

4 Life in Southern Society
1700s Euro immigrants Mostly small farmers Planters very powerful Women were 2nd class citizens Indentured servants, mostly white men Numbers declined

5 Slavery Becomes Entrenched
Slaves— Natives could no longer be enslaved Economics Slaves cost more but they worked for life Whites thoughts on slaves Long before colonies, slaves were in West Indies Triangular Trade—


7 The Middle Passage Middle Passage— Cruelty Branded Smells Suicide
80-90% worked in fields Small farms… Domestic Slaves Olaudah Equiano

8 Resistance and Revolt Slaves faked illness, broke tools, work slowdowns Stono Rebellion White militia surrounded them Rebellions continued into 1800s Runaways

9 Ch.3 Sect.3: The Commercial North

10 What you will learn in this section
Urban life in the North Salem Witch trials The Enlightenment The Great Awakening

11 Commerce Grows in the North
Colonies economy… Farms in North produced more than 1 crop Sold surplus Commercial economy… Manufactured… Port cities grew… Philadelphia 2nd largest city in British Empire! Slavery did exist in North Women in north few legal rights 

12 Witchcraft Trials in Salem
February 1692, several Salem girls accused slave of witchcraft Girls accused others as well Social and religious tensions Governors wife accused! Results…


14 Giles Corey

15 New Ideas Enlightenment— Spread by books and pamphlets Ben Franklin—
Thomas Jefferson said humans have natural rights. British monarchy?


17 The Great Awakening 1700s Puritan church lost grip on society
Jonathan Edwards— Traveling preachers Great Awakening— Authority challenged Increased interest in higher education Helped colonists question the British rule



20 George Whitefield

21 Ch.3 Sect.4: The French & Indian War

22 Rivals for an Empire France was Britain's biggest rival OH R. Valley
1534 France began their Empire Quebec was 1st permanent settlement in 1608 1682 La Salle claimed MS Valley 1760 New France only had… French colonists… Military alliances, how? Rivals for an Empire


24 La Salle


26 Britain Defeats an Old Enemy
French Empire collided with Britains 1754 Ft. Duquesne built by French Virginia sent militia to kick French out George Washington led the way He built Ft. Necessity but lost it to French

27 Ft. Necessity


29 Early French Victories
Braddock was to drive French out of OH Valley 1st attacked Ft. Duquesne Guerilla Warfare for French British suffered defeat after defeat in

30 Pitt and the Iroquois William Pitt selected by King George II
Soon after started winning and gained Iroquois support 1759 Plains of Abraham War ended 1763 Treaty of Paris Britain took all land east of Mississippi

31 Plains of Abraham


33 New Problems Natives soon became… 1763 Ottawa leader Pontiac…
British gave Natives… Proclamation of 1763— Did it stop the colonists from moving West?


35 The Colonies and Britain Grow Apart
Financial Crisis Writs of Assistance in Massachusetts 10,000 troops… Another expense George Grenville new Prime Minister Sugar Act—

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