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Mrs. Elizabeth Messier Fourth Grade

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Elizabeth Messier Fourth Grade"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Elizabeth Messier Fourth Grade
Back To School Night Mrs. Elizabeth Messier Fourth Grade

2 Welcome to 4th Grade!! About Me My Methods of Teaching
Cooperative learning, seating arrangements, Think Pair Share, Small Groups Hands-on Learning Science experiments, role playing, research, technology integration, manipulatives

3 Communication Student – Teacher Parent – Teacher Classroom Rules
“Think About It” “No H.W. Slip” “While You Were Out” “I Need Help…” Parent – Teacher Friday Folders Parent – Teacher Conferences Notes to/from Home Website

4 Classroom Management Tokens Thermometer Desk Squares
Individual Group Thermometer Desk Squares Rewards and Consequences “What Should I Do Now?” Read Write Challenge

5 Homework Policy 30 – 40 minutes/day “No H.W. Slip”
Please let me know if homework is regularly taking longer. “No H.W. Slip” Please sign slip(s) in the Friday Folder. Missing assignments are due the next day. Homework Incentive Chart

6 Specials Monday – P.E. Tuesday – Art Wednesday – Music Thursday – P.E.
                                                                                                 Specials Monday – P.E. Tuesday – Art Wednesday – Music Thursday – P.E. Friday – Computers/Library

7 Classroom Events Star Student Birthdays Author’s Tea Holiday Parties
*We are a nut-aware environment.*

8 Morning Routine Unpack Copy the homework
Show me the assignment pad and last night’s homework Smart Start

9 Math 300 minutes per week Go Math Series
Focuses on fewer concepts but in greater depth Place Value and Operations with Whole Numbers Fractions and Decimals Geometry, Measurement, and Data Develops a deep and complete understanding of grade level skills Aligned to the Common Core State Standards at every grade level

10 Writing 300 minutes per week Writing Workshop
Students learn a skill and practice it during the writing process Tools Writer’s Notebook Graphic Organizers during the pre-writing stage Dictionary and Thesaurus Computers Varied vocabulary Writing Process Prewriting First Draft Peer Edit Revise Edit Teacher Conference Publishing Words Their Way

11 Reading 300 minutes per week Reader’s Workshop Read Aloud
Shared Reading Buddy Reading Guided Reading Literature Circles Vocabulary Book Talks D.E.A.R. Reading Logs due every month (400 minutes per month)

12 Science Hands-on experiments
Discovery learning – form hypothesis, make observations, analyze data, draw conclusions Units Motion and Design Magnetism and Electricity Earth Minerals Ocean ISearch

13 Social Studies New Jersey: Past and Present
“New Jersey” by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publisher We will study New Jersey’s history Native Americans Colonization Revolutionary War Road to Statehood Geography/ Map Skills

14 Health Great Body Shop Kids Learn how to be healthy in mind and body

15 Latin 30 minutes per week During Content Units Intro Mathematics
Mythology Latin Vocabulary/Phrases Roman Life

16 Quizzes and Tests Tests are always announced in advance and will have study guides for Math, Science, and Social Studies Quizzes are sometimes announced, but not always I will provide extra help to students before/after school or at recess if the student asks me Please review for tests with your child. We will be working on answering open-ended questions. More than one test may occur in the same day or in the same week

17 Friday Folders Bring home on Friday Sign or initial all graded work
Return graded work in the folder on Monday

18 Assessment/Evaluation Criteria
Assessment (announced test) – all subject areas Checking Progress (unannounced quiz) – all subject areas Reader’s Responses/Comprehension Checks to Novel Writer’s Notebook Portfolio Assessment In Class/Home Projects and Reports Homework Self-Assessment – reflections Approaches to Learning (attitude and social development) Look at developmental level of individual – beginning, developing, secure

19 4th and 5th Grade Grading Scale
A+ 100% C 77 – 73% A 99 – 93% C- 72 – 70% A- 92 – 90% D+ 69 – 68% B+ 89 – 88% D 67 – 63% B 87 – 83% D- 62 – 60% B- 82 – 80% F 59% and below C+ 79 – 78%

20 Technology Smartboard Computers Type to Learn

21 School Rules about Bullying (Olweus Bullying Program)
We will not bully others. We will try to help students who are bullied. We will try to include students who are left out. If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home. We will make our school a safe, secure, and supportive learning environment.

22 Classroom-Level Components
Post and enforce school-wide rules against bullying 2. Hold regular class meetings 3. Hold meetings with students’ parents

23 Take-Home Message Stopping bullying takes a team effort.
Approach the process in steps. Change happens in small increments.

24 Thank you for coming! I look forward to a great year!!! 

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