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*Important Information*

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1 *Important Information*
Mrs. Barback’s Class Newsletter ELA: This week we will finish reading the novel “Dexter the Tough”. This novel is about a young boy named Dexter, who struggles to adjust to his new school. This leads to an altercation between him and another student. Dexter will learn a lot about himself and how to build friendships with others. We will answer text dependent questions and answer writing prompts. We will also complete a compare and contrast writing using stories from our Ready Common Core workbook. Math: This week we will continue learning about area in our Module 4 unit. We will be interpreting area models to form rectangular arrays. We will also being finding the area of a rectangle through multiplying the side lengths. Social Living: This week will continue our weather unit. We will be learning about different weather conditions including tornados, hurricanes, etc. we will learn about weather safety and complete a writing on why a basement is a safe place in northern states. We have extended this unit so that way we have enough time to cover all important material for the benchmark. A study guide will be sent home with your child. Week of: November 26, 2018 Homework Monday: Math- Worksheet and Sprint ELA- Comprehension Social Living: Study Tuesday: Math- Worksheet and Sprint Wednesday: Math- Worksheet and Sprint Thursday: Math- Worksheet and Sprint *Important Information* Math Test 3 – Friday 11/30 Dexter the Tough Test – Friday 11/30 Weather Project – Tuesday 12/4 Spelling Assessment Friday 11/30 Birthdays This Month Mrs. Barback 11/27 Standards ELA: 1. I can ask and answer questions about an informational text. 2. I can describe how a character’s actions contribute to the events in the story. 3. I can explain how specific aspects of texts illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by words in a story. Math: 1. I can recognize area as an attribute of plane figures and understand concepts of area. 2. I can measure areas by counting unit squares. 3. I can relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition.

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