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Steps Lead 2 Leadership Development 101 Step 1: What is a Leader?

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Presentation on theme: "Steps Lead 2 Leadership Development 101 Step 1: What is a Leader?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Steps Lead 2 Leadership Development 101 Step 1: What is a Leader?

2 Our Agenda Introductions Events vs. Process
Characteristics of Leadership Characteristics & Competencies Next Steps

3 2 Steps Lead Introductions… Tell us your Name & Department
Leadership Development 101 Introductions… Tell us your Name & Department Tell us one of your strengths Tell us one thing that makes you unique

4 How do you rate me as a Leader?
Steps Lead 2 Leadership Development 101 Step1: What is a Leader? Step 2: How do I rate as a Leader? Step 3: How do I Lead? Step 4: How do you rate me as a Leader? Leadership Development Program for all employees 4 Step Process 2009 continues through 2010

5 What is a Leader? Everyone leads someone. Who are the people you lead?
Who are your leaders? Why do we need leaders? Where do you see leadership?

6 What’s the Difference? Role of a Manager: Role of a Leader: Employees
Direct People Plans Detail/Executes on the Plan Does Things the Right Way Transactional Seek Stability Role of a Leader: Followers Motivate People Sets Direction/Leads Toward a Goal Do the Right Things Transformational Seek Change & Growth

7 How do people become Leaders?
Leadership Development is… Intentional… Leaders are MADE and not born Leadership is a skill that is LEARNED and PRACTICED A Choice… It requires personal GROWTH It requires personal CHANGE A Process… Let’s watch a quick video to illustrate this point.

8 Events vs. Process Process Events Encourage decisions Motivate people
Are a calendar issue Usually about a big group Challenge people Becomes a catalyst Easy to deliver Process Encourages development Matures people Is a consistency issue Usually about a small group Changes people Becomes a culture Not Easy to maintain

9 Characteristics of Leadership
Characteristic [kar-ik-tuh-ris-tik] -adjective pertaining to, constituting, or indicating the character or peculiar quality of a person or thing; typical; distinctive -Random House Dictionary ‘A distinguishing feature or quality: -American Heritage Dictionary

10 Characteristics of Leadership Exercise
Individually: Create a list of ten traits of leadership Rank your list from 1 to 10 Group Activity: Create a group top ten list of traits of leadership Present back to the room your team’s list

11 Fall of 2008 - Company Survey
Supervisor / Team Lead Communication Integrity Analyze & Problem Solve Task Coordination Coaching Manager Communication Integrity Analyze & Problem Solve Leadership Coaching Vice President Communication Integrity Leadership Strategic Thinking Vision Director Communication Integrity Analyze & Problem Solve Leadership Coaching Strategic Thinking

12 What Does This Mean to Me?
Leadership is not a ‘checklist’! Leadership is a process toward CHANGE & GROWTH. Leadership development takes TIME & EFFORT Leadership development is a CHOICE You have a decision to make and a process to begin…

13 Next Step in the Process…
Harvard Business School Graduates Select 3 Characteristics of Leadership Write them down…

14 2 Steps Lead What do I do now? Step 2: How do I rate as a Leader?
Leadership Development 101 What do I do now? Step 2: How do I rate as a Leader? Starts in September Already Scheduled in HCM Sign up Review Your Step 1 Card before Step 2

15 Are you ready to take the next step?
Steps Lead 2 Leadership Development 101 Are you ready to take the next step?

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