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Winning the “War Over There”

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1 Winning the “War Over There”
I. Problem = German Submarines 1. Sink 25% Ships to England a. Britain starving for supplies 2. French suffering heavy losses 3. Russians pulled out of war a. Revolution at home

2 II. Solution(s) to German U-Boats
1. Convoys 2. “Sub Chasers” 3. Ocean Minefields

3 III. Raising an Army 1. Selective Service Act
a. Non-married men drafted -4 million men in 1.5 years 2. Women and WWI a. Nurses Corps 3. New Technology a. Use of Airplanes b. Mass-destruction

4 IV. Turning the Tide 1. Germans advanced toward Paris
a. French men / supplies exhausted b. American Support (just in time) -”Dough Boys” (Americans) -stopped German advance

5 C. June of 1918-Chateau Thierry
-Forced Germans out of France -Major Allied Offensive (C-T) -Major Success -Germans lost faith in war -November 1918 German Revolution -Kaiser Wilhelm II Overthrown -Armistice to end WWI

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