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1 Camps

2 Camps

3 Wannsee Conference January 20, 1942
Meeting of high ranking German officials to discuss “The Final Solution to the Jewish Question” Hitler instructed Reinhard Heydrich to organize the mass murder; Heydrich estimated 11 million Jews would be murdered

4 Aktion Reinhard Reinhard Heydrich is assassinated by Czech partisans (Partisans are forces that fight against an occupying force) Odilo Globocnik is placed in charge; Aktion Reinhard goal is to murder 2 million Jews in Poland Globocnik Heydrich


6 Belzech (memorial) 434, 500 Jews were murdered at Belzec
Treblinka 870,000 to 925,000 Jews murdered Sobibor At least 167,000 were murdered here

7 Auschwitz Auschwitz was the largest concentration camp complex Three parts: Auschwitz I Auschwitz II (Birkenau) Mar Nov mi + Jews murdered Auschwitz III (Monowitz)

8 Phot of IG Farben at Auschwitz III
Aerial Photo of Auschwitz I and II


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