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Let’s Get Started! Identify the three main reasons for exploration by drawing a symbol to represent each.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Get Started! Identify the three main reasons for exploration by drawing a symbol to represent each."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Get Started! Identify the three main reasons for exploration by drawing a symbol to represent each.

2 What were some reasons for European explorations and what were the implications of Europeans meeting the Native Americans? Lesson EQ

3 Focus Standard: SS8H1: The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in Georgia. b. Evaluate the impact of European contact on Native American cultures; include Spanish missions along the barrier islands, and the explorations of Hernando de Soto. c. Explain reasons for European exploration and settlement of North America with emphasis on the interests of the French, Spanish, and British in the southeastern area.

4 Your Task: Complete the graphic organizer that helps you evaluate the presence of the French, British, and Spanish in the exploration of Georgia.

5 Be sure to mention specific events, people, countries, etc.
What’s the ? Write a short summary on the Colonization of North America based on the information you have discovered. Be sure to mention specific events, people, countries, etc.

6 Either…Or… Would you explore for gold, God, or glory? Why?
Answer the questions in your journal. Choose one of the three (Gold, God, or Glory) and tell why you made that choice.

7 Who is Hernando de Soto? What was he after? How did he acquire it?
What were the results?

8 Use the GA Studies textbook.
Your Turn… Use the CRCT Test Prep text. Use the FLP text. Use the GA Studies textbook. Things you should consider: Who is the leader you see in the picture? When was he involved with the European exploration and settlement in Georgia? Where did he settle? Why was he exploring? What was the outcome of his exploration attempts?

9 Before you go… Create a list of 3 facts that convey your understanding of Hernando de Soto’s impact on the exploration of Georgia. Be specific with your response.

10 Respond to this question in your journal.
How do you think the Native Americans felt during this period of exploration? Respond to this question in your journal.

11 Independent Work Time Read pages 19-23 in the CRCT Test Prep book.
As you read consider the questions presented on the Reading Comprehension worksheet. Independent Work Time

12 You may write on the quiz.
What was the impact of European on Native American cultures: Spanish missions along the barrier islands and explorations of Hernando De Soto? Complete the quiz. You may write on the quiz. Anyone talking will receive a 0. Cheating is cheating. No exceptions. SS8H1: Students will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in Georgia.

13 Just a basic overview to keep you on track for Unit 3…
Our Week… Just a basic overview to keep you on track for Unit 3…

14 Words to Know Yamacraw Charter of 1732 Savannah Debts Slavery
James Oglethorpe Trustee England Tomochichi Mary Musgrove Mercantilism

15 Europeans Arrive Spanish explorers and missionaries entered Georgia early in the 16th century. Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto led 600 soldiers inland from the Gulf of Mexico. They were searching for “cities of Gold” in the new world.

16 And then the Spanish arrived…
Established St. Augustine, Florida as their first permanent settlement in North America. In 1566, they moved north to St. Catherine’s Island off the Georgia coast. Posts were established on other Georgia barrier islands including Cumberland, St. Simons, and Sapelo Islands. The Spanish established missions wherever they went, hoping to convert the Indians to their Catholic religion.

17 Effects on Native Americans in Georgia
Along with a new religion and government that they forced on Indian cultures, the Spanish brought devastating diseases like smallpox that killed huge numbers of Native Americans. The Spanish also enslaved many Indians.

18 Reasons for Exploration
France, England, and Spain competed to dominate North America and claim the land beginning in 1400. Economic reasons-seeking riches such as gold. Natural resources such as fish, forests, and fur. Desire to spread religion to other lands Many explorers were driven by personal ambition—for glory.

19 Review Questions: 1. Who led a Spanish expedition into Georgia in 1540? 2. What was the first permanent Spanish settlement in North America? 3. Islands along Georgia’s coast are called _________ islands. 4. The Spanish established _________ to convert the Indians to their religion. 5. What is an example of a European disease that killed many Indians?

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