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Praise the Lord who reigns above,

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Presentation on theme: "Praise the Lord who reigns above,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Praise the Lord who reigns above,
and rules o’er all below; praise the God of truth and love, and all his goodness show;

2 praise him for his mighty deeds,
praise him for his matchless power, him from whom all good proceeds, let earth and heaven adore.

3 Shout for joy and spread abroad
the great Immanuel’s name; him confess the only God, him Lord of hosts proclaim;

4 praise with every tuneful string,
praise with music’s heavenly art; with the power of music, bring the music of the heart.

5 Him in whom we move and live
let every creature sing; glory to their maker give, and homage to their King

6 praise the Lord with every breath, all his wondrous love record,
he has conquered hell and death: let all things praise the Lord. LAST VERSE

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