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Ft. Sam Houston Elementary Engaging Students – Ensuring Success

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1 Ft. Sam Houston Elementary Engaging Students – Ensuring Success
FSHISD Belief Statements   We exist to serve the military child.  We are a family of lifelong learners who respect and honor individual differences, diversity, and talents.  We believe a safe and caring environment fosters the emotional and social well-being of students.  We believe that every teacher is a leader; every leader is a teacher.  We inspire our students to their highest level of learning.  We, the school community, provide engaging, challenging, and meaningful work for learners.  We prepare students to be leaders by instilling character, competence, and creativity. Unlocking Discovered Treasures is the theme for Give an introduction/background information about myself that may not have been discussed on the first day. Ft. Sam Houston Elementary Engaging Students – Ensuring Success

2 Welcome to Fourth Grade!
Ms. V. Kennedy Room 3

3 Campus Administration
Joseph Cerna, Principal (210) Scott Stuller, Asst. Principal (3-5) (210) Rebecca Herrera, Asst. Principal (PK-2) (210) Linda Reed, Counselor (3-5) (210) Laura Boon, Counselor (Pre-K - 2) (210) In this section, only include Mrs. Hyde and the personnel that is specific to the your grade level

4 Ms. Kennedy's Information
30 year Veteran Teacher - UK, S. Korea, USA Teaching experience – K – 8 (UK, S. Korea, USA) B.Ed. (Music/Drama); M. Sc. (Elem. Ed.); Principal Certificate (M.Sc. Educational Leadership); ESL Certificate, Coach Centric Certification Tel: (210) Ext. 8003 Hobbies – collecting elephant artifacts, watching movies, traveling, cooking, reading. Two sons – Doniel (sophomore – Texas State University and Marquette – Senior – Randolph Field High School) Served as PBIS Chairperson Now serving as Math Focus chairperson, also on District Design Team.

5 Expectations & Procedures
CHAMPs & PAWS – Expectations for behavior Turn in assignments in a timely manner Aim for the honor roll, don’t underestimate yourself. Homework and grading policies Science rotation classes Student Code of Conduct (online/hardcopy option)

6 FSHISD Attendance Policy
Regular school attendance is essential for the student to make the most of his or her education. Attendance is taken at 9:30 a.m. Students not at school at 9:30 a.m. are counted absent for the entire day. If a student is absent part of the day as a result of a medical appointment, the student will not be counted absent if a note from the doctor documents the appointment. If a student will be absent from school three or more days, the parents need to call the teacher to make arrangements to pick up schoolwork. Parents should call at least one day in advance to give the teachers adequate time to gather the assignments and books. The completed assignments should be brought to school when the child returns or when the work is completed within the time frame allowed. Generally speaking, students are allowed one day to complete work for each day absent. Students will be considered tardy if they are not in their class when the tardy bell rings. Students tardy to school must be checked in by their parent. Tardies count and will impact Attendance Awards. This the attendance policy for There have been some changes to the policy that have been adopted by the Board. The parents will receive that in the FSHISD Student/Parent Handbook.

7 Monday - Friday 4th Grade Schedule
7:30 – 7:45 – Morning with a Purpose 7:50 – 8:00 – Morning Program 8:00 – 8:45- Morning Specials (45 mins) 8:45– 10:00 – ELAR (75mins) 10:00 – 10:10 – Snack/Restroom Break 10:10 – 11:15 – Math (65 min) 11:15 – 11:55 – Science (40 min) 12:05 – 12:35 – LUNCH 12:35 – 1:10 – Social Studies (35 mins) 1:15 – 1:25 – Recess (10 mins) 1:30 – 2:15- Encore Specials (45 min) 2:15 – 3:00 – Intervention and Enrichment (45 min) 3:00 – 3:05 – Get Ready for Dismissal 4th Grade Schedule

8 Specials Schedule 8:05 – 8:50 a.m. Day 1 – P.E. Day 2 – Library 1
1:30 – 2:15 p.m. Monday – Computers 1 Tuesday – Computers 2 Wednesday - Art Thursday – Music Friday - Drama

9 0 - 3 discipline marks = Excellent
Student Conduct Daily conduct will be reflected on the report card. At the end of each nine weeks, the number of discipline signatures will be totaled for each student. 0 - 3 discipline marks = Excellent 4 - 9 discipline marks = Satisfactory discipline marks = Needs Improvement 17 or more discipline marks = Unsatisfactory If a student is sent to Mr. Stuller for a severe offence such as fighting, they will receive an automatic N for the nine weeks. Any student who is suspended will receive an automatic U for the nine weeks. Also, as stated in the handbook, citizenship grades of N or U can prevent a student from achieving Honor Roll. Your child will receive ONE CONDUCT GRADE for all subjects including specials classes.

10 Grading Policy Our grading policy is stated in the Student/Parent Handbook. It is as follows: 69 or below - F D C – B A Reports Cards go home four times a year at the end of each quarter. Progress Reports go home every three weeks following the first grading quarter and additional reports may go home as needed. Please also be an advocate for your child and check their grades as often as possible online. You can set the program up to receive an every time your child’s average drops below a certain percentage. Please sign all progress reports and return them to the teacher the next school day.

11 Principal’s Grading Plan
Grading opportunities in this plan are agreed upon by the grade level and will include the following categories: Assignments Assessments Teacher Assigned

12 Principal’s Grading Plan (cont.)
Final grades in ELAR shall be comprised of a minimum of 8 spelling tests and 12 Reading / Writing / Grammar grades. There should always be more grades from Reading, Writing, and Grammar combined than spelling.

13 Principal’s Grading Plan
Final grades in Math, Science, and Social Studies will be comprised of a minimum of 10 grades equally weighted.

14 Reteaching and Retesting Procedures
Teachers shall reteach and retest when 50% or more students fail the assessment with the greater of 2 scores recorded. Teachers shall reteach and retest for a grade up to 70% for students who failed when less than 50% of the class fails an assessment. *Students must receive additional instruction prior to assessment. A new form of the assessment or assignment must be given for the re-test. These forms of assessments/assignments may be provided by grade level team members.

15 Instructional Recovery
Morning with a Purpose Instead of an unstructured recess from 7:30 – 7:50, students will be engaged in meaningful activities inside the classroom. Instructional Recovery Please refer the Student/Parent Handbook. After school detention may result after a student has been tardy three times in a four-week period. Instructional Recovery may also be used for completion of missing assignments. Parents must provide transportation home for after school detention.

16 Agendas The student agenda/planner will be used every day. The teachers will use it for discipline records, and the teachers and parents can use it as a means for communication. We ask that the students have their parents initial the agenda every day of the week. It is the student’s responsibility to get the parent to sign the agenda daily. It is the student’s responsibility to show the parent any comments from the teacher and vice versa. Since the agenda is our most significant means of communication, please check and initial it everyday.

17 Dress Code Our dress code policy is in the Student/Parent Handbook, and on the district website and is set forth by the district. Please take the time to read it thoroughly. *Please ensure that your child’s clothing is labeled with their name in case of loss, so that it can be easy to identify and find.* If you have questions or concerns about the district dress code, please call the administration at

18 Homework Standards Grades for homework and special projects are not counted in minimum number of required grades. Homework and special projects shall not count for more than 10 percent of any grade.

19 Communication with Parents
Agendas (daily – stamp and/or comment) Teacher webpage (changed on a weekly basis) Phone calls (current telephone numbers are vital) Parent-Teacher Conferences (to discuss progress and any concerns scheduled by either the teacher or yourself) School-wide generated letters. Nurse (medical concerns) Other teachers/staff (specials, cafeteria) Remind 101

20 Opportunities for Parent Involvement
Volunteer Background Check Form Parent Teacher Organization Parent Involvement Room Field Trips & Special Events Class Parties (Christmas, Valentines, End of Year) Parent Classes to update you (e.g. how to access your child’s grades, parenting skills, available services on post regarding your child).

21 In conclusion … My motto :
Good, better, best; Never let it rest, until your good is better, and your better best. My goals: To make sure that your child grows academically, and socially. To develop your child’s critical thinking skills and encourage them to become independent learners. (210) X8003

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