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Snacks for Kids!.

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Presentation on theme: "Snacks for Kids!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Snacks for Kids!

2 “Halloween Treats Gone Wrong”

3 Pull out a piece of paper and a pencil…
Fold it twice so there are four squares on your paper and label them as follows… Station 1. Station 2. Station 3. Station 4.

4 Go to each of the stations with your group and list the attributes of the yes and no snacks. What attributes do you think make them yes or no?

5 When finished, sit at your seat and discuss with your neighbor what you found out.

6 What attributes did you list?

7 What do you think? Check out the examples in the following slides. Tell me if you think they’re yes or no and WHY.

8 Yes

9 No

10 No

11 Yes

12 No

13 Come up with 5 snacks of your own that fit these attributes.
Nutritious Foods 2+ Food Groups per Snack Chop up food to appropriate sizes. Serving Sizes Come up with 5 snacks of your own that fit these attributes.

14 YES! Nutritious!

15 NO!

16 YES! 2+ food groups

17 No.

18 YES! Chopping up snacks.

19 NO.

20 YES! Serving Sizes.

21 NO. Found at:

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