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TEL-Con Paragraphs TEL-Con is a strategy to help us create beautifully structured paragraphs.

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Presentation on theme: "TEL-Con Paragraphs TEL-Con is a strategy to help us create beautifully structured paragraphs."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEL-Con Paragraphs TEL-Con is a strategy to help us create beautifully structured paragraphs.

2 Hot Tip: No “I believe,” “I think,” “I feel,” etc…
T= Topic Sentence First sentence of paragraph Tells what paragraph is about. Answers question/responds to prompt. Prompt: Should high school students have to write TEL-Con paragraphs? Example Topic Sentence: High school students should have to write TEL-Con paragraphs. Hot Tip: No “I believe,” “I think,” “I feel,” etc…

3 E = Evidence Provides an example that supports topic sentence Answers the “why” behind your topic sentence Begins with a transition To explain, to begin with, for example, etc… Example Evidence: To begin with, writing TEL-Con paragraphs helps students organize and focus their ideas.

4 L = Link Provides supporting details and explains how the evidence proves the topic sentence One link is always at least 2 sentences: Sentence one should further explain evidence with supporting details Sentence two should explain how the evidence supports or proves the topic sentence. It “links” it back to the main idea.

5 Link Example By using the TEL-Con format, students use specific examples to support their argument and will be less likely to stray from their main topic. Through this focus, students will be better able to communicate their thoughts, which demonstrates that TEL-Con paragraphs genuinely help students write more skillfully.

6 THEN…Add MORE Evidence!
ANOTHER example that supports topic sentence. Begins (of course) with transition. Example: In addition, students should write TEL-Con paragraphs, because doing so will help them with essay writing.

7 THEN… Add ANOTHER LINK! Link #2:
Provides supporting details for evidence #2 Explains how evidence #2 proves topic sentence. Two sentences (just like link #1 ) Example: Through mastery of TELCon paragraphs, students have a strategy that can be adapted to all forms of academic writing. Knowledge of this structure, then, will help them now and throughout their educational life.

8 Con = Concluding Sentence
The final part of your perfect paragraph Should restate the topic sentence in a different way and include a summary of the evidence. One sentence long.

9 Concluding Sentence Example
Therefore, because writing TEL-Con paragraphs helps students maintain focus and prepares them for other types of writing, it is necessary for all students to use this writing format.

10 Sample TEL-Con Using FOUR different colors of your choosing, put together the example sentences of TEL-Con in your notes to make one awesome paragraph of fabulousness. Remember to indent the first sentence! Topic Sentence: one color Evidence #1: one color Link #1: one color Evidence #2: Same color as E#1 Link #2: Same color as L#1 Concluding Sentence: one color

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