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Lecture 5 CSE 331 Sep 6, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 5 CSE 331 Sep 6, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 5 CSE 331 Sep 6, 2013

2 Submit the form I’ll need confirmation in writing. No graded material will be handed back till I get this signed form from you!

3 Sign-up for mini projects
me your group (=6) composition + your chosen algorithm

4 Homeworks HW 1 posted online: see piazza
Pickup graded HW 0 starting Monday

5 Remember to read the HW policies

6 Separate Proof idea/proof details
Proof details with no proof idea will get you a zero for the entire problem

7 Talks by Ed Lazowska

8 On matchings Mal Wash Simon Inara Zoe Kaylee

9 A valid matching Mal Wash Simon Inara Zoe Kaylee

10 Not a matching Mal Wash Simon Inara Zoe Kaylee

11 Perfect Matching Mal Wash Simon Inara Zoe Kaylee

12 Preferences Mal Wash Simon Inara Zoe Kaylee

13 Instability Mal Wash Simon Inara Zoe Kaylee

14 Even though BBT and JA are not very happy
A stable marriage Even though BBT and JA are not very happy

15 Two stable marriages

16 Stable Marriage problem
Input: M and W with preferences Output: Stable Matching Set of men M and women W Preferences (ranking of potential spouses) Matching (no polygamy in M X W) Perfect Matching (everyone gets married) m w m’ w’ Instablity Stable matching = perfect matching+ no instablity

17 Questions/Comments?

18 Two Questions Does a stable marriage always exist?
If one exists, how quickly can we compute one?

19 Today’s lecture Naïve algorithm
Gale-Shapley algorithm for Stable Marriage problem

20 Discuss: Naïve algorithm!

21 The naïve algorithm Go through all possible perfect matchings S
n! matchings If S is a stable matching then Stop Else move to the next perfect matching

22 Gale-Shapley Algorithm
David Gale Lloyd Shapley O(n3) algorithm

23 Moral of the story… >

24 Questions/Comments?

25 Gale-Shapley Algorithm
Intially all men and women are free While there exists a free woman who can propose Let w be such a woman and m be the best man she has not proposed to w proposes to m If m is free (m,w) get engaged Else (m,w’) are engaged If m prefers w’ to w w remains free Else (m,w) get engaged and w’ is free Output the engaged pairs as the final output

26 Preferences Mal Wash Simon Inara Zoe Kaylee

27 GS algorithm: Firefly Edition
Mal Inara 1 2 3 4 5 6 Wash Zoe 1 Simon Kaylee

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