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Field Education Orientation

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1 Field Education Orientation
August 25, 2016 Field Year

2 Objectives Field Students will learn and discuss the information on the Field Education Contract Field Students will understand the Field Seminar Syllabi Field Students will understand the Student Orientation Checklist Field Students will hand in Malpractice Insurance and Student Interview Response Forms Questions/Concerns

3 Field Education Student Contract
FIELD EDUCATION STUDENT REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENT: Please initial each statement indicating you have met the stated requirements: ____ 1. I have read and understand the field education manual/handbook and agree to comply with all the requirements of field education, prior to and during the actual placement, as stipulated in the Manual. ____ 2. I have read the understand the NASW Social Work Code of Ethics, the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners’ Code of Conduct, the Texas State Board of Social Work Examiners’ Scope of Practice, and I agree to abide by these documents at all times. ____3. I have read and understand the Texas State Board of Social Work Examiners Licensure (Bachelor Level) requirements. ____ 4. I understand that weekly attendance in Field Seminar is a requirement. If you miss field seminar it will be up to the discretion of the professor if they allow you to make it up. ____ 5. I understand that if I did not obtain malpractice insurance I will not be able to start at my field placement agency on August 24, 2015. ____ 6. I understand that if I and/or my field instructor decide to discontinue my field placement there is no guarantee that I will be placed at another field agency. ____7. I understand and recognize that enrolling in Field Seminar and being placed at a field agency in no way guarantees that I will meet the field education requirements and/or be able to graduate. I understand that violation of any of the above stated requirements will result in my disapproval, suspension, and/or removal from the Field Education program at ASU.

4 Field Education Manual/Handbook

5 NASW Code of Ethics

6 Texas Social Work Examiners
Scope of Practice (a) Practice of Baccalaureate Social Work--Applying social work theory, knowledge, methods, ethics and the professional use of self to restore or enhance social, psychosocial, or bio-psychosocial functioning of individuals, couples, families, groups, organizations and communities. Baccalaureate Social Work is generalist practice and may include interviewing, assessment, planning, intervention, evaluation, case management, mediation, counseling, supportive counseling, direct practice, information and referral, problem solving, supervision, consultation, education, advocacy, community organization, and policy and program development, implementation, and administration. Code of Conduct file:///C:/Users/Irusso/Downloads/Code%20of%20Conduct% %20(1).pdf BSW Licensure Requirements

7 Field Seminar Requirements
Be on time Attendance Confidentiality Professionalism Talking/texting Group discussions Syllabi

8 Learning contract/plan

9 Midterm/Final Evaluations

10 Weekly Time sheet wdpdf

11 Supervision 1 hour per week with Field Instructor, must add this on time sheet, fill out Supervision form and have field instructor sign. Add link to supervision form Discuss learning plan every week Discuss NASW code of ethics, scope of practice, code of conduct Discuss CSWE competencies and practice behaviors Discuss difficulties with clients/sentinel events--A sentinel event is an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof. Serious injury specifically includes loss of limb or function.

12 Field Placement Agency
Agency/population served Who is your field Instructor? Who is your task supervisor? Who is your field liaison? Orientation/training at agency

13 Field Placement Agency
Student Orientation Checklist Instructions: Once I feel that I have received an explanation for the following, I will check the criteria off of the list. ______________________________________________________________________________ On the first day/week I meet with my field instructor, we will discuss… 1. Emergency contact information Yes ______ No______ 2. The agency dress code Yes ______ No______ 3. Reimbursement procedures Yes ______ No______ 4. The clientele the agency serves Yes ______ No______ 5. Types of services provided by the agency Yes ______ No______ 6. What social workers do in the agency Yes ______ No______ 7. How I should identify myself at the agency Yes ______ No______ 8. Confidentiality issues Yes ______ No______ 9. Safety precautions Yes ______ No______ 10. Jargon used by the agency Yes ______ No______ 11. Where to find information for making referrals Yes ______ No______ 12. The expectations the agency has of me Yes ______ No______ 13. Times I am available to meet with my field instructor Yes ______ No______ 14. Guidelines regarding assignments and deadlines Yes ______ No______ 15. My vision of the placement experience Yes ______ No______ 16. My Field schedule—Hours that I will be at the agency Yes ______ No_____ 17. Sentinel Events—What do I do/who do I contact? Yes ______ No_____

14 Field Placement Agency

15 Questions/Comments/Concerns
Mrs. Russo-Field Education Director/Liaison —work —cell Dr. Scaggs—Field Education Liaison —work

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