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Renton Education Association

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1 Renton Education Association
October Building Rep 10-minute meeting

2 Weingarten Rights: Employee right to union representation:
Under federal and state labor laws, you are entitled to union representation called in to a meeting that may result in discipline or other adverse consequences. Ask for representation by the union before the meeting or when you realize the nature of the meeting once it begins (or changes). Management does not have to remind you of this right. If you are refused union representation, you may refuse to answer. (2 minutes) You can share the ORANGE “Weingarten Rights” flyer shared at the October 1 Rep Council meeting.

3 Reminder: BLIS plan development and approval process
Prior to October 15: BLIS plan is reviewed and approved at staff meeting (requires 80% approval) Prior to October 25: Individual BLIS menu options are selected, form is signed and turned in to the Administrator. Prior to October 30: Administrator sends forms to Payroll. (2 minutes)

4 Upcoming REA/WEA Trainings:
Professional Growth Plan Training: October 18, 4:30-7:30 pm at the REA office. Space is limited! Great way to earn clock hours and renew your certificate. Please RSVP at the REA website: (3 minutes)

5 Doorbelling in October
The mid-term elections are quickly approaching, and we need REA/WEA members to help in key targeted local races. Electing these PRO-PUBLIC EDUCATION candidates will help ensure educator voice in Olympia. (McCleary, anyone?) We are asking for REA members to sign up for a shift: Sat., October :30 PM: LD 48 with Sen. Patty Kuderer Sat., October :30 PM: LD 5 with Lisa Callan and Bill Ramos Please sign up via the REA website ( Learn more at (3 minutes) Please share the sign-up sheet and encourage people to sign up for a shift.

6 That’s it! Anything to add/share?
Please write your comments on the comment sheet and we will take to the next REA Rep Council. Thank you!

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