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Primary School Dositej Obradović Tomašević Snežana

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1 Primary School Dositej Obradović Tomašević Snežana
Unit 4 - Revision

2 Phrasal verbs- Complete
I don't know where my book is. I must look______ it. Fill________the form, please. The music is too loud. Could you turn ________the volume, please? Quick, get _______the bus or you'll have to walk home. I cannot go out tonight. I must look ________ my little brother. for in down on after

3 Phrasal verbs- Complete
Do you mind if I switch_______ the TV? I'd like to watch the news. The dinner was ruined. I had to throw it_______. When you enter the house, take your shoes_______ and put some slippers _______. If you don't know this word, you can look it_____ in a dictionary. on away on off up

4 Phrasal verbs- Complete
Sit _______ , please. I'll be with you in a minute. Could you write _______ this word for me, please? Don't give _______ singing. You are very talented. Where is the changing room? I'd like to try _______ these trousers. My little sister woke me _______ in the middle of the night. down down up on up

5 Phrasal verbs- Complete
Turn the lights _______when you go to bed. Look _______ these kittens, aren't they cute? I am looking _______ my mobile. Have you seen it? Be careful. You might fall _______ the bike. The teacher gave me _______ my DVD. You should give ________ smoking. off at for off back up

6 circle the correct word.
This pencil is really old. You can throw it away/on . It's so loud here. Can you turn down/ up the radio a little. I don't know where my key is. I have to look after/ for it. The firemen were able to put out/ off the fire in Church Street. Can you help me pick on/ up this box, please?

7 make questions. John is writing a letter. What is John writing?
David likes cats because they are nice. She walks home from school. The children are sitting in the garden. They play tennis twice a week. Mike’s lived in London for a year. She´ll send you a mail as soon as possible. Tom´s going to help Ana with her homework. What is John writing? Why does David like cats? Who walks home from school? Where are the children sitting? How often do they play tennis? How long has Mike lived in London? What will she send you as soon as possible? Who is Tom going to help with her homework?

8 make questions. There were three men standing at my door.
I will go to Madrid by train. Willy went to London three years ago. A kilo of apples costs two euros. My little sister is four years old. Yes, I did. I watched tennis last week. I’ve got two presents so far. How many men were standing at the door? How will you go to Madrid? When did Willy go to London? How much does a kilo of apples cost? How much is a kilo of apples? How old is your sister? Did you watch tennis? How many presents have you got so far?

9 make questions. Mary sent Peter a letter. What did Mary send Peter?
Denis has put his money into your bag. This car is Tom’s. It was cold and raining. Mary could ski when she was five. They were playing games all day yesterday. What did Mary send Peter? Who did Mary send a letter? Who sent Peter a letter? Where has Denis put his money? Whose car is this? What was the weather like? When could Mary ski? What were they doing all day yesterday?

10 jobs a pilot

11 jobs a photographer

12 jobs a hairdresser

13 jobs a nurse

14 jobs a car mechanic

15 jobs a bricklayer

16 jobs a dentist

17 jobs a farmer

18 jobs a chef

19 jobs a vet

20 jobs a flight attendant

21 jobs a lorry driver

22 jobs an electrician

23 jobs an optician

24 jobs an architect

25 jobs a secretary

26 jobs a film director

27 jobs a toy maker

28 jobs a dog walker

29 jobs a helicopter pilot

30 jobs a computer engineer

31 jobs a news reporter

32 jobs an office worker

33 Formal letter Dear Mary Smith,
I________ to apply for_____ job as a _____ walker. I ________ responsible and reliable. I am fourteen ________ old. My _________ _________ is I ______ come for ______ interview any ______ after 3 o’clock. ________________, AGreen Alan Green Ms Smith ‘d like a dog am years telephone number can an day Yours sincerely

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