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System & Network Administration (MCSA & RHCSA)

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Presentation on theme: "System & Network Administration (MCSA & RHCSA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 System & Network Administration (MCSA & RHCSA)
Lecture 4-5 By Waseem Ahmad Topic :Mount

2 Web Server

3 Services :HTTPD Check either Httpd package is available .
Rpm –qa grub httpd //command /etc/init.d/httpd status //to check the status Come in the directory of httpd conf Cd /etc/httpd/conf/ Vi httpd.conf ///setting file of httpd

4 Services /etc/init.d/httpd start // services start
Chkconfig httpd on //restatrt Now Alow port in firewall System-config-firewall& /// Alow port 80 Here

5 Troubleshooting Netstat –ntl Check in browser default localhost page.
Make a page in www Cd /var/www Ls Cd html Vi index.html

6 How to Configure Network
Setup Or system-config-network After giving ip-adress service network restart Ifconfig Ifup and ifdown Arp Netstat –r

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