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Learning & Skills Workbooks- Etrack

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1 Learning & Skills Workbooks- Etrack
Live from 1st August 2012

2 Workbook Priorities As explained at the recent roadshows, qualifications have been split into priorities Any qualifications that do not have a workbook will continue to be assessed in the usual way Templates are only available for the qualifications in Priority 1 as they have workbooks available

3 Priority List Priority 1- Workbooks & Templates all available
Diploma Food & Beverage Service L2 Diploma in Food Service L2 Diploma in Beverage Service L2 Diploma in Hospitality Supervision L3 Certificate in Team Leading L2 Certificate in Customer Service L2 Diploma in Retail Skills L2

4 Priority List Priority 2- Workbooks & Templates due by end Oct 12
Certificate in Business & Administration L2 Diploma in Kitchen Services L2 Diploma in Housekeeping L2 Diploma in Front of House Reception L2 Diploma in Food Production & Cooking L2 Diploma in Hospitality Services L2 Diploma in Professional Cookery L2 Certificate in Children & Young People’s Workforce L2 Diploma in Health & Social Care L2 The above will be rolled out as and when ready between now and the end of October Explain- All other quals are assessed as normal until we roll further info out- even National Accounts

5 Priority List Priority 3- Workbooks & Templates Due Jan 13
Certificate in Management L3 Diploma in Customer Service L3 Diploma in Retail- Sales Professional & Management L3 Diploma in Business & Administration L3 Diploma in Professional Cookery L3 Diploma in Children & Young People’s Workforce- Early Learning & Childcare Pathway L3 Diploma in Health & Social Care L3 (all routes) Certificate in Support Services L2 Diploma in Support Services L3 Certificate in Facilities Management L3

6 Etrack Learners that are assessed by the new workbooks will not be assessed in the usual way! As long as all of the activities within the sections are completed then you can apply ‘Templates’- these will automatically map to the criteria that the workbook is designed to cover There are 2 Templates per section for each workbook: Workbook Template Workbook Sign Off By applying both templates you will cover all of the criteria in the unit Please note- the Technical Certificates will continue to be assessed in the normal way Hospitality VLA’s- you will need to attach the TC score report (if applicable apply the template) to cover the knowledge as you do now- the workbook template will not reference to the criteria met by the Tech Cert Test Explain- Tech Cert Objectives haven’t changed!!!! It is still assessed as before e.g. on-line tests, assignments etc You still need to add Induction and FS as normal Optional Units- assessed as normal via Etrack

7 Etrack- Beverage Service
Search for the qualification in the normal way. For example enter Beverage Add the normal objective Select the optional units (using the info from the skills scan) 2 3 1 Explain- Search for qual in the usual way Select optional units (using info from skills scan) These objectives are the same as before

8 Etrack Apply the Templates relevant to the section you are assessing
Explain- Select the template relevant to the section you have completed- e.g. Section 1 Beverage Service Workbook Template & Section 1 Beverage Service Workbook Sign Off

9 Etrack Attach all DVR files as you would normally (relevant to the section being assessed) Explain- Attach all DVR files as you would normally (relevant to the section being assessed)

10 Etrack Select the Unit you are assessing- e.g. Section 1 of the Workbook is complete, you have applied Section 1 Templates, you now select Unit 1 Explain-

11 Etrack If you drop down the ‘Evidence Type’ Box you will see some methods are already have a ‘green tick’, if you select that type it will populate the ‘ticks’ (see next slide) Explain-

12 Etrack You can see the ‘ticks’ are already populated
You can see that 2/2 Required Evidence have been meet by applying the 2 Templates Explain- Then continue to click next through the wizard until it is complete

13 Etrack All mapping is within the workbook itself so no need to map again on Etrack- the templates do this for you! Hospitality VLA’s- you will need to attach the TC score report (if applicable apply the template) to cover the knowledge as you do now- the workbook template will not reference to the criteria met by the Tech Cert Test The Hospitality Workbooks have been designed to cover the Knowledge that haven’t been met by Tech Cert tests. Explain- In the wizard they attached the evidence relating to which ever section they are assessing e.g. PD/Obs etc and then they just have one box to tick per section. Explain that all mapping is within the workbook itself so no need to map again on Etrack. Re-iterate that they MUST only assess 1 section at a time so that the IV/EV/SV can clearly see which evidence relates to which section! Optional Units- to be assessed as normal via Etrack

14 Optional Units- Etrack
Optional units will continue to be assessed in the usual way through Etrack Explain- The original process of assessing will still apply to optional units- files will be attached and then you decide what criteria is met within the wizard and tick accordingly.

15 National Accounts- Etrack
Some National Accounts will be using a ‘Full Coverage’ Learning & Assessment Workbook This will cover all of the Certificate/Diploma and Technical Certificate 2 Accounts that have gone with this option so far are: Stead & Simpson/Shoezone- Diploma Retail Skills L2 Elior- Certificate in Customer Service L2 The assessment for the accounts that have a ‘Full Coverage’ Workbook will be slightly different to the ‘Mandatory Unit’ Workbooks Only 1 objective is added for the NVQ & Tech Cert together! Mapped programmes short LOPs but more visits Explain- 1 objective for- NVQ & Tech Cert Objectives for Functional Skills and Induction are added as normal

16 National Accounts- Workbooks & Etrack
Search for the qualification e.g. Customer Service Explain- Select the qual with ‘workbook’ in the title- If it is for a ‘Full Coverage’ workbook it will ALWAYS have workbook in the title You will know it is the right one as it will have sections and not units in the ‘units’ box They will also need to actually ‘tick’ the sections as they are not always automatically ticked.

17 National Accounts- Workbooks
You will see sections instead of units Dates are set as normal Explain- That it is split into sections & not units There is usually one section per unit unless we have been able to cross reference Set dates as you would normally

18 National Accounts- Workbooks & Etrack
Select the qualification as you normally would from the drop down Explain- Select qualification as normal from the drop down & click next

19 National Accounts- Workbooks & Etrack
Attach all DVR files as you would normally (relevant to the section being assessed) Explain- Attach all DVR files as you would normally (relevant to the section being assessed)

20 National Accounts- Workbooks & Etrack
You will only see 1 ‘Tick Box’ per section The mapping is within the Workbook so you are simply confirming the section is fully complete Explain- In the wizard they attach the evidence relating to which ever section they are assessing (as you normally would) e.g. PD/Obs etc and then they just have one box to tick per section. Explain that all mapping is within the workbook itself so no need to map again on Etrack. Re-iterate that they MUST only assess 1 section at a time so that the IV/EV/SV can clearly see which evidence relates to which section!

21 Things to remember……. Only assess 1 section at a time Only assess a section when you 100% happy that all questions/PDs/Obs have been met Only attach DVR recordings to the wizard Do NOT take photographs of any evidence

22 Internal Verification
You can request to see the completed workbooks when they are fully complete The sample of workbooks will be determined by the VLA’s colour grade The evidence that you sample is what is attached to Etrack- Observations, PD’s, Witness Statements, K&U Questions- this is over 80% of the qualification so will still allow for formative sampling If VLA’s follow the file naming standards you can still plan to check certain assessment methods- e.g. Section 1- Check PD- you listen to the PD for that section (which will be in the zip file for section 1) and check that it meets the criteria referenced in the Workbook Explain- All this has been agreed with Edexcel We DO NOT want to take the workbook away from the learner……they need it to complete work!! As part of the trial prior to national rollout we found that learners actually completed work in between visits because they had a workbook.

23 Internal Verification
All of this has been agreed with ILM/Edexcel We will be amending the OP4 and all associated documents to reflect all of the changes We DO NOT want to take the workbook away from Explain- All this has been agreed with Edexcel We DO NOT want to take the workbook away from the learner……they need it to complete work!! As part of the trial prior to national rollout we found that learners actually completed work in between visits because they had a workbook.

24 Elior Workbook Any Questions
Please remember if you have any questions please contact us. Laura Higson


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