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SAMR Model On X Hunt By: Hannah Pritchert.

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Presentation on theme: "SAMR Model On X Hunt By: Hannah Pritchert."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAMR Model On X Hunt By: Hannah Pritchert

2 Substitution This is a North Dakota Game and Fish Plots guide. This tells you where there is huntable public land. This is a Phone App that does the same thing as the PLOTS guide, but is accessible by smartphone.

3 Augmentation A PlOTS guide does not give landowner names of private land. It just tells the hunter what is public and what is private. This ON X app will tell you each landowners name for all the private land. Additionally, the PLOTS guide is a papers book and the ON X app is continuous and zoomable. Note: All the black mark out names are landowners.

4 Modification The app can be used to track the path of movement on a hunt, show user exact location in real time, and can be used offline, which allows the technology to be used in remote locations. The PLOTS guide, however, the hunter must know where they are at by either other GPS systems or using another map. Left: Shows exact location. Right: Shows a tracking path on public land.

5 Redefinition On X Hunt can allow for custom maps to be instantly shared with other people, in and out of the app. With the constant changing of the landscape, this app can allow for accurate geographical features, up to date property ownership information, and map overlays (such as topographical maps and section lines) that can be added on top of an existing satellite map, allowing the user to use several modalities previously thought for use separately, in one convenient app.

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