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Eurydice Network publications and activities

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1 Eurydice Network publications and activities
ETS WG LeneMejer, DG EAC Education and Training

2 Recent publications Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe Edition (18 May 2017) Support Mechanisms for Evidence-based Policy-Making in Education (26 January 2017) Mobility Scoreboard: Higher Education Background Report (8 December) This is the list of the reports we published since the last SGIB meeting (and the date of their publication).

3 Data sources: Eurydice network, Eurostat, OECD (PISA – TALIS)
60 indicators Data sources: Eurydice network, Eurostat, OECD (PISA – TALIS) Main topics covered: Foreign language provision in the curriculum, participation rate to foreign language learning, initial teacher education, foreign language teachers' mobility, language support measures for newly arrived migrant students 37 countries Main coming promotional events: Webinar (15 June) Eurydice Brief (26 September) A variety of sources are used in this report, including the Eurydice Network (mainly), Eurostat, and the OECD’s PISA and TALIS international surveys. Eurydice data cover all countries of the European Union as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey. Main coming promotion events: 15 June: Webinar organized in Brussels (Philippe Lebon – ) to present the main results of the report. Here is the link (all members of our mailing list will receive a message with this link). Anybody interested can contact us ). ( Publication on the 26th of September (European Day of Languages) of an Eurydice Brief –This is a short document of 25 pages summarizing the main results of the report .

4 Initial mapping of mechanisms and practices supporting evidence-based policy-making in the education sector Specific examples of the use of evidence in policy formulation for each individual country Eurydice information 37 countries This report describes the mechanisms and practices that support evidence-based policy-making in the education sector in Europe. It provides an initial mapping of a complex area. It compares institutions and practices in evidence-based policy-making, as well as the accessibility, and mediation (mediation/brokerage services), of evidence. The report also presents more detailed information, with specific examples of the use of evidence in policy formulation for each individual country. Information was provided by Eurydice National Units The reports covers the 28 EU Member States as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, and Turkey

5 Jointly developed with CEDEFOP for IVET indicators
Support the European Commission’s Mobility Scoreboard, to follow up on the 2011 'Youth on the Move' Recommendation of the Council of the European Union promoting the learning mobility of young people. Jointly developed with CEDEFOP for IVET indicators Six indicators in five thematic areas: Information and quidance; Foreign language preparation; Portability of grants and loans; Support provide to students with low socio- economic background; Recognition of learning outcomes and qualifications A common online platform features dynamic maps The purpose of the Mobility Scoreboard is to provide a framework for monitoring progress made by European countries in promoting, and removing obstacles to learning mobility. It has been produced to support the European Commission’s Mobility Scoreboard, jointly developed with CEDEFOP for IVET indicators, to follow up on the 2011 'Youth on the Move' Recommendation of the Council of the European Union promoting the learning mobility of young people. The Eurydice report includes six indicators in five thematic areas: information and guidance; foreign language preparation; portability of grants and loans; support provided to students with low socio-economic background; recognition of learning outcomes and qualifications. A common online platform features dynamic maps that allow the user to understand the policy environment for learning mobility in Europe at a glance. Information provided by Eurydice National Units and covers the 28 EU Member States, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia and Turkey.

6 Publications foreseen before summer
Recommended Annual Instruction Time in Full-time Compulsory Education in Europe 2016/17 (8 June) Modernization of Higher Education in Europe: Academic Staff – 2017 (15 June) Recommended Annual Instruction Time in Full-time Compulsory Education in Europe – 2016/17 is a yearly publication. It contains detailed information by country and also comparative overview comparing recommended instruction time for various curriculum subjects showing the full or partial flexibility enjoyed by schools in some countries, to determine instruction time to specific curriculum subjects or across the grades. Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe : Academic Staff This publication deals with topics such as the qualification requirements towards academic staff; the recruitment of academic staff; some aspects of employment and working conditions in academia; information about top-level education authorities strategies for internationalisation.

7 Work in progress (reports)
Citizenship education at school in Europe (publication Autumn 2017) The Career of Teachers in Europe (publication December 2017) Implementation report of the Bologna Process – 2018 (publication Spring 2018) Integration of Migrant Students in Schools in Europe (Just starting – publication October 2018) The work for the report on the integration of migrant students has just started. We had a working meeting last week with the National Eurydice Units' representatives to discuss the definitions, the scope and the methodology.

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