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October 4th 2013.

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1 October 4th 2013

2 Advanced Physics Groups, pg. 79 (27, 29, 26) Pg. 750 (8, 10, 11, 14)
Starter: turn in hmwk; get out Learning Target sheet – complete a column and the “Muddiest Point” Continue vector components Discuss #29 from pg. 79 Groups, pg. 79 (27, 29, 26) Pg. 750 (8, 10, 11, 14)

3 Adv Phy Groups 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Austin Johnny Christian Michaela Brad
Kayla Donna Chaylen Ashby Conner Claar Dakota Kim Gage Meagan Paige Ashley B Miranda Zack Bo Hannah Kelsey Ashley T Destiny Brian Antonia Jesse Courtney Becky Whitney

4 2nd Period Chemistry I Starter: pick up lab packet from the chair by the projector Today’s learning targets:  15 and 16 Learning Check Afterwards, begin reading your lab packet. Lab discussion 2-4 Apply wkst

5 Astronomy Starter: turn in hmwk; get out SW/APOD sheet SW/APOD
Fall Stargazing exam After your test: Independent reading time: e-readers permissible! Study for another test

6 Conceptual Physics Starter: get out SMQ sheet 
Learning target focus today: review all SMQ Questions for discussion Pg. 57 (14-20)

7 AP Chemistry Daily Weekly Starter: get out wkst 22
Continue new unit: Electrochemistry Wkst 22 Chem days: T and Th “Other” days: M, W, F Reminder: 2nd Chance tests – must finish and score your own practice test. Re-tests will occur Thur or Fri after school.

8 7th Period Chemistry I Starter: pick up lab packet from the chair by the projector Today’s learning targets:  15 and 16 Lab discussion

9 Math RTI 1 2 3 4 5 Jesse Hayley Andrew Brian Antonia Ashley Jessie
Logan Jay Whitney Chaylen Dakota Nick Megan Juliann Skills 12 22 11 8

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