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B and K rare decays constraints on top quark FCNCs

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1 B and K rare decays constraints on top quark FCNCs
楊亞東 華中師範大學 合作者:李新強,袁興博

2 1. Precision Flavor Physics
The successful running of and have established: the CP violation picture of CKM the GIM mechanism of Flavor Changing Neutral Currents(FCNC) leave small room for New Physics beyond the SM The mall room: strong constraints on New Physics scenarios already could be very significant if precision increased sensitive to new physics at scale>14TeV

3 1.Precision Flavor Physics
Flavor physics is entering a precision era: LHCb is running Super Japan (2014 taking data) Frascati, Italy (2015 taking data?) Luminosity will increased by 100 times than BABAR&BELLE The transition from the 1st generation B factories to the super ones: Quest for CPV Quest for New Physics Strongly correlated with the direct searches @ATLAS,CMS…

4 2. Top FCNCs and B, K decays Top quark FCNS:
Clear signature, if they are there However, highly GIM suppressed At designed luminosity at 14TeV, LHC will only produce: 80 million top pairs and 34 million single tops annually. So, observation of top FCNC would be the evidence for NP. many model dependent and model independent studies of theses decays.

5 2.1 Model independent top FCNC couplings
NLO QCD corrections have been finished by C.S Li group: PRL102(2009)072001;PRD82(2010) etc. What are the bounds on these effective coupling strength?







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