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Published byStephen Gaines Modified over 6 years ago
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Overall Programme Performance per Programme
Programme 1: Administration. Programme 2: Geospatial and Cadastral Services. Programme 3: Rural Development. Programme 4: Restitution. Programme 5: Land Reform (LRD). Programme 5: Land Reform (LTA).
Number of Targets 7 % Reason for Underperformance Target Indicators Reason Achieved 3 42.85% 80% % network uptime and availability maintained. N/A – target over-achieved. 1 Number of media assessment reports submitted indicating the departments profile in the Media. Financing Model developed Financing Model approved. None. Target over-achieved.
Number of Targets 7 % Reason for Underperformance Target Indicator Reason Partially Achieved 2 28.57% 25% % of allocated budget spent The main cost drivers to the aforementioned under spending was the 14.9% under spending by Programme 3: Rural Development, mainly on Households item, followed by Programme 4: Restitution's under spending of 12.4%, also mainly at their cost driving item, also being Households. Total expenditure further reflected a 39.5% or R969.3 million under spending of the drawings to date of R2.5 billion. The main cost driver to the under spending of the drawings, as to the linear target, was Programme 3: Rural Development, with their 60.9% or R million under spending of their drawings to date, with Branch: REID the cost drivers mainly on Households item (spending to date of only 1.3%). Programme 4: Restitution, with the 55.7% or R413.1 million under spending of their drawings to date, this was also mainly on Households (Restitution claims) item, where a spending of only 7.8% or R165.2 million of the budget of R2.1 billion was recorded at the relevant item for the 1st Quarter.
Number of Targets 7 % Reason for Underperformance Target Indicator Reason Partially Achieved 2 28.57% 100% % of valid invoices paid within 30 days upon receipt by supply chain management. Alignment of the budget with Demand plans took longer than expected, System Down time. Expiry of Tax Clearance Certificates, changing of Banking details by Service Providers and Long route of invoice approval by client offices. Not Achieved 60% % of disciplinary cases finalised within 90 days Non-cooperation/ unavailability of managers; prolonged investigations owing to the unavailability of documentary evidence; requests for postponement; ill health of accused employee; delays in the approval process. 70% % of vacancies filled within 120 days from the advert date Line managers needing to schedule time to conclude the recruitment process. Some posts advertised in 2014were put on hold pending approval of priority posts due to budget cuts.
Number of Targets 13 % Reason for Underperformance Target Indicator Reason Achieved 6 46.15% Preliminary report on thematic areas. National Spatial Development Framework (NSDF) developed. N/A – target achieved. Provide 30% with generic tools for land use regulators. % of municipalities supported to implement the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (SPLUMA). 30% target was initially meant for Local Municipalities with high development pressures. Since SPLUMA came into operation, all local municipalities are expected to have customised and published their by-laws. The Model By-Laws needed to be finalised before customisation could commence. 2 (NW, GP) Compliance assessment undertaken and report compiled for (NW, GP). Number of provinces supported to develop Provincial SDFs.
Number of Targets 13 % Reason for Underperformance Target Indicator Reason Achieved 6 46.15% Number of deeds and documents registered. N/A – target achieved. 50 Number of maps of the national map series produced/ reviewed. The time taken to produce an ortho-photo map depends on the amount of detail of the area in question. The lesser the detail, e.g. the Karoo, the quicker the production and thus more maps can be produced in a short space of time. The more the detail the more the time needed to produce maps. 14 Average number of working days taken to process registerable diagrams, sectional plans and general plans. N/A.
Number of Targets 13 % Reason for Underperformance Target Indicator Reason Partially Achieved 2 15.38% 150 Number of State Domestic Facilities (SDFs) surveyed. Jobs are not issued out to Service Providers yet due to unavailability of funds for the project. 95% % of Deeds made available within 7 days from lodgement to execution. Due to backlog and examiners on leave. High volume of lodgements was received, deeds could not made available within the envisaged 7 days. Insufficient staff capacity also contributed in the targets not being met because in some offices junior examiners were seconded to the e-cadastre project.
Number of Targets 13 % Reason for Underperformance Target Indicator Reason Not Achieved 5 38.46% 100% % of municipalities supported to implement the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (SPLUMA) The support to municipalities was hampered by the need to review their Spatial Development Frameworks. This will be prioritised in Q2. Compliance assessment undertaken and report complied. % of municipalities supported to implement the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (SPLUMA). This target was erroneously split when the APP was published. This target is part of the one above that reflects 164. Secondly, the Branch intended to review 10% (23) SDFs nationally, the 164 is a cumulative target for the MTSF. Since the branch already assessed 170 SDFs in 2014/15, the remain SDFs that we can assess is 64 which do not meet what is now regarded as an annual target (164).
Number of Targets 13 % Reason for Underperformance Target Indicator Reason Not Achieved 5 38.46% Compliance assessment undertaken and report compiled. % of municipalities supported to implement the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (SPLUMA). The majority of provinces only collected LUS and analysed existing gaps towards compliance assessment. The main reason given for underperformance is that the provinces focused on SPLUMA implementation which led to underperformance on the target Draft district rural development plans. Number of District Rural Development Plans completed. There were challenges with the order number creation which delayed the commencement of some of these RDP projects. The preliminary analysis in some provinces with many districts takes longer than those with just 1 Rural District. Some service providers started of with limited capacity but the Branch has intervened to ensure that sufficient capacity is availed as for the project. Enterprise architecture available. Number of sets of solution modules deployed. SIU investigation and legal actions informed the termination of the EA.
Number of Targets 6 % Reason for Underperformance Target Indicator Reason Achieved 3 50% 10 Number of socio economic infrastructure projects facilitated & coordinated. 2014/15 FY Carry over projects completed in 2015/16 FY. 300 Number of skills development opportunities provided to support rural development initiatives. 1000 Number of jobs created in rural development initiatives More job opportunities were presented in projects. Partially Achieved 1 16.66% 30 Number of Animal Veld Management Programme projects implemented Delays in the appointment of service providers in some instances led to the targets not being achieved in some provinces. In some instances project sites were identified but not yet assessed.
Number of Targets 6 % Reason for Underperformance Target Indicator Reason Not Achieved 2 33.33% 5 Number of projects implemented in rural communities to improve production, in support of improved food security. This is a new indicator and it was envisaged that 5 projects could be delivered in light of some possible carry-through projects. Those were however not aligned to this new indicator and provinces thus did not target accordingly. 40 Number of rural enterprises supported in rural development initiatives with special focus on 27 District Municipalities. Targeting for Q1 was done in expectation of sooner delivery, which did not happen for reasons including: Review of method of implementation from entities to direct sourcing. Not all projects approved in the last quarter of the last financial year could be implemented due to various delays, including creation of new order numbers, necessity to re-advertise; lack of responses or some adverts older than a month.
Number of Targets 5 % Reason for Underperformance Target Indicator Reason Partially Achieved 2 40% 74 Number of land claims finalised. Some of the projects planned to be finalised in Q1 we finalised in Q4. 12 Number of phased projects approved. Some of the phased projects planned for approval in Q1 we approved in Q4. However, additional submissions for 9 phased projects were received before 30 June 2014, which still had to go through the quality assurance process and could therefore not be routed for approval before the end of the quarter.
Number of Targets 5 % Reason for Underperformance Target Indicator Reason Not Achieved 3 60% 92 Number of land claims settled. Some of the projects planned for settlement in Q1 were actually settled in Q4. However, additional 25 submissions for 24 claims received before 30 June 2014, still had to go through the quality assurance process and could therefore not be routed for approval before the end of quarter. In addition, there are also 23 submission for 21 claims where only received in July 2015. 2 all-terrain (4x4) mobile lodgement offices operational Number of Lodgement Offices operational. 4x4 all-terrain vehicles in final testing before deployment. Also Registration of vehicles in the name of the Department has not been finalised.
Number of Targets 5 % Reason for Underperformance Target Indicator Reason Not Achieved 3 60% 532 Number of claims lodged by 1998 to be researched. The National Research Unit (NRU) received approximately 366 reports for 519 claims. Due to the bulk of the research reports being received between 29 and 30 June 2015, the vetting process could not be completed and the reports could not be recommended for approval before 30 June 2015. Consequently only 198 claims were vetted and approved. Remaining 321 claims are still in the process en-route for approval. Regional offices like KZN, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and Eastern Cape have complex rural claims were a large number of properties have to researched and these claims have to be outsourced.
Number of Targets 7 % Reason for Underperformance Target Indicator Reason Achieved 1 14.28% 248 Number of jobs created in land reform projects through the Recapitalisation and Development programme. Funds were made available and that resulted to additional jobs created than those targeted. Partially Achieved Number of farmers trained through the Recapitalisation and Development programme. The majority of jobs created in the period under review did not require training. Not Achieved 5 71.42% 35 243 Number of hectares allocated to smallholder farmers. 6 119 hectares of the ha withdrawn were meant for allocation to smallholder farmers. There were delays on project approvals. 7 891 Number of hectares allocated to farm dwellers and labour tenants. Some of the farms withdrawn were meant for allocation to farm dwellers and labour tenants. Delays on project approvals of the tenure reform related projects.
Number of Targets 7 % Reason for Underperformance Target Indicator Reason Not Achieved 5 71.42% 77 714 Number of hectares acquired. ha worth of farms have been withdrawn by sellers and sold privately during the period under review. Delays in land valuations due to shortage of valuers in the departmental database. Delays in the approval processes from Provinces and time laps between NLARCC approval and land transfers at provincial level. 82 Number of farms under the Recapitalisation and Development Programme. Delays in project approvals. Delays in the processing of payments. Non compliance by SP to account for funds transferred as per the ageing report. 61 Number of farms under Recapitalisation and Development Programme allocated to smallholder farmers. Of the 36 farms recapitalized there are no smallholder farmers but due to the definition of POE on the TIDS (Memo should be signed within the Quarter under review) yet these projects were approved last financial year for implementation this year.
Number of Targets 5 % Reason for Underperformance Target Indicator Reason Achieved 1 20% 100% % Complete Immovable Asset Register. N/A – target achieved. Not Achieved 4 80% 50 Number of Communal Property Associations supported to be compliant with legislation. No CPA completed the regularization during this quarter but a lot of them are in different stages of regularization. It takes time to regularise a CPA hence the branch changed the indicator but the POE was not changed hence the variance. 33 Number of labour tenants applications settled. Four applications were approved by the NLARCC this quarter & will be transferred to labour tenants soon. Number of TRANCRAA projects (Transformation of Certain Rural Areas Act) supported towards transfers. All 25 TRANCRAA projects are being supported, however, they have not yet been finalised. The POE is again misaligned. The finalisation of these projects is long. There are issues with the legislation itself (section 2). Communities do not want land to be vested with municipalities. They also want support before the actual land is transferred.
Number of Targets 5 % Reason for Underperformance Target Indicator Reason Not Achieved 4 80% 553 Number of State Land Parcels confirmed as vested. The vesting targets were reviewed in November 2014, but did not filter down to the final plan. This led to misalignments between Provincial and national targets. North West had a single official processing vesting applications at manager level. Limpopo targets were erroneously based on land parcels which still required provincial state domestic facilities to be exercised, hence the vesting applications could not be processed. This partly affected Mpumalanga but to lesser extent.
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