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B.C. Roy Memorial Library Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Orientation Program for 46h PGDM, 16th PGDCM and Fellow Program Students 1/18/2019.

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Presentation on theme: "B.C. Roy Memorial Library Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Orientation Program for 46h PGDM, 16th PGDCM and Fellow Program Students 1/18/2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 B.C. Roy Memorial Library Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Orientation Program for 46h PGDM, 16th PGDCM and Fellow Program Students 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

2 Welcome We, the staff members of the library of Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, extend a very warm welcome to the students of 46th batch PGDM, 16th batch of PGDCM program and Fellowship program. 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

3 Our Location We are surrounded by: - Computer center on our right;
- Forthcoming 4-storied building in the front; - Lake on the backside; 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

4 To know the Library in Details
Today, I will quickly walk you through our library in virtual mode. It is, however, important that you spend some time in the library to know the same in more details. We will conduct guided library tour, twice on all working days, till July 24, Please sign up for one session and join the tour. 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

5 Working Hours Monday—Friday 9:30A.M.—1:00A.M
Weekends/Holiday 10:00A.M.—1:00 AM. Fully closed th January/15th August & 2nd October During mid-term/end-term exam, we remain open till 3 AM 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

6 Important Contact Contact: Users’ Assistance Desk
Where: 1st floor, behind the book issue/return counter Whom: Mr. Chanchal Pal Phone: /418 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

7 Your Representative PGDM/PGDCM students send their representative every year to the Library Committee. Current representative is Ms. Neha Aggarwal FP students also send their representative to the committee. Current representative is Mr. Abhishek Chakraborty 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

8 Library Tour Till July 24, 2009, we will provide guided tour to our library. It will take place twice everyday. Please sign up for the tour in the register maintained at the Users’ Assistance Desk and report to the Desk, at the appropriate time. 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

9 Our Collection Journals Summer project reports Working papers
Books E- journals and databases Reference collection (Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Yearbook etc.) Theses Journals Summer project reports Working papers Audio-visual materials Govt. Reports 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

10 Glimpse into our collection
We have: 1,25,000 books 500 print journals with approximately 60,000 old volumes More than 40,000 electronic resources A good number of company reports, summer project reports, working papers from other organizations. 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

11 Location of Books & Journals
Books are arranged according to decimal notation. It is easy to track a book in the shelf, if you can locate the same in the catalog. We call that notation class number. Stack-1 - covering class numbers 000—349 Stack covering class numbers 350—999 Stack Bound journals Ground floor - Current journals Please take a library tour to become familiar with this important facility 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

12 Your facilities Borrowing books Photocopy facility Computing facility
Reading facility 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

13 Borrowing books If you are PGDM/PGDCM student
you can borrow for 5 books from general collection and retain them for 15 days; you can borrow 1 book from overnight collection between 11PM and 12:30 AM everyday and retain the same till 11:59 AM (maximum 13 hours). If you are FP student you can borrow 20 books from general collection and retain the same for 90 days; you can also borrow one book from overnight section as mentioned above. 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

14 Photocopy You can avail our photocopy service to get copy of required materials; Photocopy service is available from 12 PM – 8 PM on working days only; You will be charged 70 paisa per exposure; 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

15 Computing facility We have a number of computers in different locations of the library. Please ask Users’ Assistance Desk to know the locations. The library is also wi-fi enabled and you can connect your laptop to the network. 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

16 Reading facility There are several reading areas inside the library. You have to observe silence in most of the areas. If you want to study in group and discuss with your colleagues, please move to Group Study Area. 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

17 Library Portal Please consult the library portal to know more about the collection, services, and facilities. You can connect to the library portal from the website of the institute. 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

18 Institute Website 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

19 Library Website Interface
1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

20 Library Portal You can also go to the library portal directly using the address 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

21 Library Website Link to the Catalog
1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

22 Library Catalog Interface
1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

23 Searching the catalog You will learn more about searching the catalog, let me give you a few examples: IIM, Calcutta : Online Catalogue 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

24 Some Abbreviations Used in the Catalogue
Rqst :On request In appvl :Sent for Director’s approval Appvd :Approved by the Director Order :Order has been placed Rcvd :Book received Tech Proc :Book sent to Processing Section Bindry :Book sent for binding 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

25 Our Electronic Collection
We have a large collection of electronic resources. Some of them are databases and rest are journals. 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

26 Library Website Link to the Electronic Collection
1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

27 Searching Electronic Collection
To search any of these resources you should use that link: Connecting to Electronic resources 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

28 Vendors’ Presentations
Many times, vendors of various electronic resources offer presentations/training sessions. We will let you know about such presentations so that you can participate in those sessions. 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

29 If you want to receive…. If you want to receive information, regularly from the library, in your personal mail account, I suggest you create a group of ids(something like yahoogroup) and let me know the same so that I can push each notification from the library to your account. 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

30 More…. We are issuing temporary library tickets so that you can borrow books now. We will hand over you the regular library tickets shortly. Please take care of that temporary ticket and do not allow anyone else to use your ticket. Even though we are open for nearly 15 hours, limited service and reading/computing facilities are available after 5:30 PM and on holidays. If you have any query, please contact Users’ Assistance Desk between 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM or use LibraryHelpDesk facility of our web portal. 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

31 A few not so good information
There will be penalty for late return of books and other materials; loss of library materials; If found damaging library materials (severe penalty) To know about penalty, please contact Users’ Assistance Desk. 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

32 Our hopes 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

33 Questions/Comments? 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

34 On behalf of IIMC Library
Thank You I am Swati Bhattacharyya Librarian On behalf of IIMC Library 1/18/2019 Swati Bhattacharyya

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