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Common Core State Standards

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1 Common Core State Standards
Implementation Toolkit for Administrators Teachers, parents, school and district administrators, and most importantly, students, need to be prepared for the implementation of the Common Core State Standards. This toolkit is designed to provide you with the tools you need to get started.

2 Toolkit Overview Audience oriented Collaborative effort
A resource, not a requirement The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Toolkit is a process and resource guide to Aid administrators in implementing the Common Core in their school or district, Aid teachers in implementing the Common Core in their classrooms, and Prepare parents and students for the increased expectations that the Common Core brings. The toolkit was developed in response to requests from Oregon educators and has been a collaborative effort. Resources included in the toolkit have been contributed by ODE, as well as ESDs, districts, Oregon teachers on special assignment (TOSAs), and other states that have adopted the CCSS. The toolkit is process oriented, as opposed to the main audience web pages which are information oriented. The goal of the toolkit is to take the materials on the resource pages and present them in a way that provides context on HOW they might be used. A graphic has been designed that shows the four phases of the process presented in the toolkit: Awareness, Transition, Implementation, and Monitor & Modify.

3 Administrator Toolkit
Graphic highlights each phase Menu shows the steps for that phase The administrator toolkit is organized by phase, and includes specific steps related to that phase. A modified version of the toolkit graphic shown on the previous slide is found on each administrator toolkit page, highlighting that phase. The menu on the right presents the title of the current phase in bold, followed by the steps for that phase which are identified with bullets. You can use the menu at any time to move between phases.

4 Toolkit Organization For each phase a series of “TO DOs”, with steps, are provided. Resources and activities are included for these steps. The purpose of this toolkit is to aid administrators in implementing the Common Core in their school or district. With that in mind, many of the resources included in this toolkit are brief and designed to be used at staff meetings or other staff gatherings. While brief is best for introducing a concept, there may be more that an administrator wants to learn or share with staff. For this purpose “Support Materials” are listed at the bottom of each page. These materials offer more detailed information on the topic being highlighted.

5 Awareness & Dissemination
Phase 1 Awareness & Dissemination Learn About the Standards Explore Connections Understand the Design Examine the Standards The first phase of the toolkit involves building awareness and understanding. Stakeholders who understand how the Common Core benefits them, including the kinds of changes they can expect to see over time, will not only be stronger partners, but better prepared to assist with implementation. In the Awareness phase, the steps of the toolkit focus on working with staff to develop familiarity with the design and structure of the standards and draw connections between the CCSS and existing education initiatives such as the Oregon Diploma. Not until the last step, are teachers asked to actually examine the standards. While it is tempting to jump right in and start dissecting the standards, building familiarity and setting context first is likely to make examination of the standards more productive when it takes place.

6 Highlights – Module 1 Highlight #1- a series of training sessions known as “Module 1.” Developed in collaboration with the NW Regional Comprehensive Center, these introductory modules in ELA & Literacy and Math are designed to assist K-12 teachers and leaders in building initial understanding of the Common Core State Standards. Each of the 45-minute sessions includes a Facilitator’s Guide, a PowerPoint presentation, and handouts for session activities.

7 Highlights – Connecting Initiatives
Highlight #2 - A brief 5 page document that outlines how the CCSS support the work schools are already engaged in, including Essential Skills, personalized learning, proficiency-based teaching and learning, which are all requirements of the Oregon Diploma.

8 Transition Phase 2 Conduct Self-Assessments Create an Intentional Plan
Align Instructional Materials Transitioning to the Common Core State Standards is more than just replacing one set of standards with another. It is an opportunity for schools and districts to think about what and how they teach and to purposefully plan for student success. In the Transition phase, the focus of the toolkit shifts toward the work that needs to be done at the school/district level. Resources in this phase are designed to help administrators begin developing their plan for implementation. Timelines, roles and responsibilities, needs assessments for teachers along with school and district self-assessments are some of the materials administrators will find. A critical part of the transition process is to put together the team of individuals who will work on implementation. Schools and districts already have many teams that guide their work. While new teams do not need to be created for CCSS implementation, it is necessary to have a team whose job it is to develop the district's plan for implementation and who will be accountable for moving the work forward.

9 Highlights–Teacher Needs Assessments
Professional Development Needs Assessment Literacy - Grades 9/10 Highlight #1 - A needs assessment for teachers designed around the standards. These electronic templates allow teachers to rate their need for professional development on clusters of related standards. Templates are available by grade-level for ELA and math, and by grade band for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects.

10 Highlights–District Self-Assessments for ELA
Highlight #2 - School and district level self-audit tools from the Oregon K-12 Literacy Framework. These self-assessment tools can help districts plan for the implementation of comprehensive reading and writing programs aligned to the CCSS.

11 Implementation Phase 3 Ensure Effective Teams
Establish K-12 Frameworks Implement Quality Materials Examine Classroom Instruction Target Professional Development The third phase involves districts fully implementing the Common Core State Standards in classrooms. Instruction focuses on: The Essential Skills that are embedded within the standards at each grade level and across content areas; Helping all students to be successful in obtaining an Oregon Diploma; and Preparing all students to be college and career ready. Strong, visible leadership at both the school and district level is essential to successful implementation. With clear communication about the district's focused vision and plan for implementation, and careful consideration regarding the allocation of resources to support schools as they move forward, principals and teachers can go about the work of bringing the Common Core to life in the classroom.

12 Highlights– Ensure Effective Teams
Rubric for evaluating teacher teams (Kansas) Sample district-level PLC resources (La Grande SD) Tool for observing teacher teams (Oregon DATA Project) Highlight #1 – Many schools in Oregon have established, in one form or another, a structure for teacher collaboration. Sometimes referred to as Professional Learning Communities or Data Teams, they serve a crucial purpose: they provide a construct for teachers to analyze, discuss, and purposefully plan for improvement. In short, they allow teachers to focus on the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Effective teams, while critical, are not made simply by placing teachers in a group. Included in the administrator toolkit are resources designed to provide support in implementing, monitoring, and sustaining effective teacher teams.

13 Highlights– Classroom Observation Tools
Highlight #2 – This observation tool from Strategic Education Research Partnership (SERP) can be used by administrators to focus attention on what students are saying and doing so that their work (their thinking) can be at the center of educators’ discussions. Components of the card are aligned with CCSS-M and promote a framework of equity by asking observers to attend to whether all students in a classroom have appropriate opportunities to development their mathematical understanding.

14 Toolkit Resources Resource page for each phase that includes all the resources in one location Because of the number of resources included in the toolkit, resource pages have been developed. These pages include all the resources for each phase so that materials can be located quickly.

15 Other Toolkits – Teachers
Awareness & Transition Understanding the instructional shifts needed Implementation Knowing what the Common Core looks like in the classroom The purpose of the teacher toolkit is to aid teachers in implementing the Common Core in their classroom. The Awareness and Transition phases of the teacher toolkit are organized around what are called the “Six Shifts.” These shifts describe what is required to assure alignment to the CCSS in terms of materials and classroom instruction. With that in mind, many of the resources included in the teacher toolkit are designed to help teachers develop a deeper understanding of each Shift and apply what they have learned to their classroom. The Implementation phase of the teacher toolkit is fully focused on the classroom. This section of the toolkit is organized around the four “claims” of the Smarter Balanced assessment. The claims provide a bridge between the standards and classroom practice, describing what the CCSS looks like for students, so that the standards can be implemented in the classroom with fidelity. Using these Claims as the organizer, this section of the toolkit offers tools for teachers as they adjust their instruction, lesson design, and assessment practices to support students in achieving the CCSS.

16 Other Toolkits – Early Childhood
Although the CCSS address standards for grades K-12, it is important for early childhood educators to be familiar with the standards and understand how to facilitate early experiences that will prepare children for success when they enter kindergarten. The Early Childhood Educator Toolkit includes correlations between the CCSS and the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework, alignment of commonly used early childhood assessments in Oregon, and examples of prekindergarten standards from other states.

17 Other Toolkits – Parents
Becoming Informed Introductory video What Does the Common Core Mean for my Student? Parent Resource Guides The purpose of the Parent/Student toolkit is to prepare parents and students for the increased expectations that the Common Core brings. A primary goal of the toolkit is to increase parental awareness about what the move to the Common Core will mean for their student. Several “overview” materials are available including videos as well as a one page flyer outlining how the CCSS will benefit students and parents. Many, although not all, materials in this toolkit are available in both English and Spanish.

18 Questions?
District CCSS Implementation: (DISTRICT CONTACT NAME HERE) Every district in Oregon has identified a CCSS contact. If you have questions about your district’s plan for the Common Core, contact the person listed above.

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