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Data Manipulation: Exports, Filters and Selections, Oh My!

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Data Manipulation: Exports, Filters and Selections, Oh My! DonorSearch Webinar August 8, 2016 Presented by: Kristin Sours - Manager of Client Support Caitlin Connolly – Client Support • •

2 Customer Service & Client Support Contacts
Manager of Implementation & Integration Ruth Robertson, Manager of Client Success Kristin Sours, Manager of Client Relationships Adam Haarer, Additional Support: Sarah Tedesco, Executive Vice President, Client Success Representative Megan Walsh, Caitlin Connolly, ALL Client Success: • •

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Agenda for Today: What are the differences between Exports, Segmentation, Filters & Data Sorts Simple Exports – Types, How To? Advanced Exports – Types, Custom Exports Data Segmentation – When should I segment? Filter and Sorts Need to Know Basic Tips Wrap up • •

4 What is an export? To format data in such a way that it can be used by another application. An application that can export data can create a file in a format that another application understands, enabling the two programs to share the same data. Export means take data out! Which means, importing data is putting data back in. Example 1: You exported your list of donors from your donor management software in Excel or CSV format and sent it to DonorSearch for screening. Example 2: You exported the profile to a PDF so that it could not be edited. • •

5 What does it mean to segment data or a list?
Data segmentation is the process of taking your data and breaking it down so that you can use it more efficiently within marketing, fundraising, mission or operations. Example 1: You segmented a Major Gift Prospect group of your database because you were traveling to California from Maryland. Example 2: You segmented a list of donors who have given at least $500 or more to your organization but no more than $5,000. • •

6 What does it mean to filter?
This means the data sets are refined into what a user (or set of users) needs, without including other data that can be repetitive, irrelevant or even sensitive. Different types of data filters can be used to amend reports, query results, or other kinds of information results Example 1: You segmented a Major Gift Prospect group of your database because you were traveling to California from Maryland. You then used a filter and focused your list on only those who had made a gift in the past 15 months. • •

7 What does it mean to use data sorts?
The data sorts simply puts the data in order. Either ascending or descending order, alphabetical or reverse order. Example 1: You choose to look at a prospect’s complete giving but you want to sort it based on year. Example 2: You choose to look at a couple’s giving and want to sort it based on who is recognized for the gift first. • •

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Simple Exports Where are the simple Exports? Gift Search My Portfolio Totals Table within My Portfolio Export Types: CSV, Excel in black and white, Excel in Color for My Portfolio and Totals Table • •

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Complex Exports Create a custom export and save it then use it for specific batches Use multiple filters and selections and export Best used when: You find yourself doing the same export multiple times You have monthly, bi-monthly Mailers You need to sending reports on a weekly basis You need to create import files on a weekly, monthly basis You have a special projects You need to limit the datapoints (number of columns) • •

10 Complex Exports: How to Set-Up
Create an Export in Account Settings – drag and drop your selections, then name it. Use the new named and saved export within your Totals Table in My Portfolio. Choose the format type CSV, Excel, Color Excel. Download! Tip: If you are creating import files, make sure you have the Import ID • •

11 Saving Files to MY PORTFOLIO: How to Set-Up
You don’t have to export your files anymore! Now, you can create your own portfolios. Simply open your file. Apply any filters (like, only DS1-1’s that were assessed) Select “Add to Portfolio” Create a portfolio name Save! Tip: Refresh your web browser to see the portfolio you just created under the MY PORTFOLIO tab • •

12 Saving or Printing Profiles: How to Set-Up
In Google Chrome, right click anywhere within profile and select “Print” Print document to local printer Or, change destination to “Save as PDF” to save Rename and save to desktop or folder (you need Adobe Reader to save to PDF) Did you Know?: We now have a way to save a profile as a word document! This is helpful if you need to customize or edit. • •

13 Data Segmentation Remember the goal of the screening
What are you trying to do? Increase mid level donors? Identify new prospects? Create a travel itinerary? Cultivate and Engage donors who give to certain nonprofits? Tip: Make the screening columns work for you and use filters! • •

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Data Filters and Sort Where you can Filter: Available in Gift Search, Prospect Generator, My Portfolio and the Totals Table HOW TO? Where there is a text box, apply filter (ex. “Maryland”) Where you can Sort: Available in Gift Search, Prospect Generator, Totals Table, within the Profile (charitable & political gifts). HOW TO? When there is a bolded header, simply click on the bolded text and it’ll sort ascending and descending – or alphabetically. Tip: Use Filters and Sorts to narrow down the segmented list you are looking at or your database. • •

15 Advanced Segmentation with Filters…
• •

16 Sample Segmentation for Midlevel Donors with Filters…
DonorSearch Segmentation with Filters: (Yellow) Cumulative Giving Min: 1000/ Max: 5000 (Yellow) Gave in the last 15 years, Min: 2000 (Black column) QS: 16 (Gold column) Sort by DS 1-1 (descending order) or expand by DS score (check DS1-1 to DS1-3) Optional Steps: For shorter list, choose Assessed Records (check Yes) Manipulate states, locations (type in text box “md”) Choose an age or class year for your donors  TIP: Save all you work by creating a new portfolio or export file! • •

17 Wait, Wait, Wait…The Executive Analysis!
Don’t Forget the Executive Analysis! 13 Charts presenting insight on the loyalty, philanthropy, capacity and geography of your donors. View in a Table format, Graphical Representation or Map format your analysis With the Executive Analysis, you can see at a glance: The giving potential of your current donor list – organize your donors by capacity for a campaign Where your donors are giving elsewhere and how much of that giving you’re capturing The politicians and political causes your donors support The likelihood of your donors giving major gifts Other critical information depending upon your development strategy Create a strategy based on key information about your database and constituent population using the Executive Analysis • •

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Strategy Building • •

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Strategy Building • •

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Strategy Building • •

21 What should you include for the big data analysis?
More information the better- Middle Initial, Spouse, Address, Secondary Address Import ID and Unique ID – Easy integration Previous Giving History- Most Recent $$, Number of Gifts, Cumulative Amt., Largest Gift Customize User Columns – Community Member, attended event, MG portfolio, class year • •

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Best Practice: Things to Consider- What category do your donors fall into? High Affinity & High Capacity Low Affinity & High Capacity Low Capacity & High Affinity Low Capacity & Low Affinity Tip: Be efficient at organizing your donors so you spend time with the right people. • •

23 What are characteristics to look for in a Major Gift Prospect?
Surprisingly the top characteristics are philanthropic driven, whereas the last are based on wealth. BEST Predictor: Affinity, current giving to the nonprofit. Prospect’s external giving with other nonprofits. Trustee of a Foundation Lifetime political giving to the FEC Owning RE of $1.2 million + Business affiliations • •

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The Wrap Up: Review your data terms! Fast exports – Simple Exports Save Exports for future use – don’t do work twice Remember your goals Use Segmentation, Filters and Sorts for efficiency Don’t forget the Executive Analysis and Inner Circle! Consider your donor categories Remember top 5 Major Gift Characteristics Please take our ed Survey ☺ • •

25 Questions? Please send us any recommendations for Future Webinars!
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