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Kauko Hämäläinen and Rait Toompere Baku, Open seminar

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1 Kauko Hämäläinen and Rait Toompere Baku, Open seminar 8.9.2016
Recommendations for better communication and networking in AZ higher education Kauko Hämäläinen and Rait Toompere Baku, Open seminar

2 Main Recommendations 1.Establishing a platform or platforms for networking 2. Establish Rector´s conference(s) 3. Regional cooperation 4. Increasing participation in International cooperation and academic networks

3 1. Platform(s) for networking
Now: Insufficient communication, networking and coordination within and between the MoE, the HEIs and stakeholders Better coordination and networking could be useful in developing higher education

4 Platform(s); main tasks, 1.
To promote higher education policy and practice e.g. Mobility and recognition Graduate employability and labor market relevance Learning outcomes Intenal and external evaluations Lifelong learning / professional development Strenghtening involment of stakeholders

5 Main tasks of platform(s), 2
To support structural changes, e.g. creating joint study programs and merging universities or programs To support the development of (work-oriented) teaching, high level and relevant research and innovations

6 Step 1 The establishment of an electronic Newsletter
How to proceed Step 1 The establishment of an electronic Newsletter

7 Newsletter targets Improving communication and common uderstanding among the stakeholders Uniting into a single information platform all possible parties Collecting information in a way, that all participants could have a voice in a Newsletter Informing what is in focus at the national and international level Informing about financing possibilities Identifying the main needs in HE

8 Newsletter composition
IN FOCUS Most important developments (national, international) NEWS From the MoE, universities, business sector,local authorities NATIONAL EDUCATION AND THE GLOBAL CONTEXT „Arab world`s equitable education foundation partners for online learning“ „Norway, changing institutional status after the higher education quality reform“

9 Newsletter composition II
PUBLIC TENDERS AND CALL FOR PROPOSALS „H2020-SwafS Participatory research and innovation via Science Shops“ PUBLICATIONS „EC Study on the potential of education to cause macroeconomic imbalances and negative spillovers“ CONFERENCES, SEMINARS Quarterly edition

10 Step 2 establishment of formalized platform(s)
Newsletter could be a good starting point for formalized networking PLATFORM MISSION Definition of the strategic need Formulation of the strategic goals Ways how to achieve strategic goals

11 Platform objectives and activities
Clear composition of primary objectives and core activities Key results should be carefully analysed The agenda setting should be in compliance with the activities and expected results

12 Platform operations It is necessary to fix leadership, roles and composition of the coordination group The coordination group should be composed transparently The coordination group establishes information flows in order to build up the transparency, participation and trust between members

13 2. Establishing Rectors´s conference
Need for more systematic cooperation of HEIs To support the developent of national higher education To promote higher education, research and arts by addressing far-reaching, university related issues Permanent academic secretary is needed

14 Rector´s conference, tasks
To promote common interests of universities To influence higher education and research policy To support international co-operation To develop the European Higher Education Area to meet European standards

15 Rector`s conference tasks II
Declaration of quality (mutual recognition) Organizeing study-related/scientific conferences, workshops and symposiums

16 3. Regional cooperation To meet regional needs, e.g. emplyability
To develop support systems and facilities together (e.g. libraries, ICT-services, student suport services, teaching facilities) Concentrate teaching and research into bigger units to enhance the level ot teaching and research Merging universities or study programs

17 increasing participation in international academic networks
To support cooperation of HEIs across borders There are plenty of international, non-covernemental organisations For universities, rectors, different academic areas and students

18 How to proceed MoE could analyse Azerbaijan needs and situation
Student organisations need financial support to participate in international cooperation MoE can support or recommend universities to join some associations Marketing of higher education, join EAIE and NAFSA events

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