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Control Response Patterns

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1 Control Response Patterns
Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Copperbelt University 2010

2 System Metrics and Time-Domain Analysis
Time Response Poles and Zeros Transient Response 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

3 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
System Metrics So, What are System Metrics? When a system is being designed and analyzed, it doesn't make any sense to test the system with all manner of strange input functions or to measure all sorts of arbitrary performance metrics. Instead, it is in everybody's best interest to test the system with a set of standard, simple, reference functions. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

4 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Control Systems 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

5 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

6 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
System Metrics Once the system is tested with the reference functions, there are a number of different metrics that we can use to determine the system performance. So, what are the examples of such metrics? 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

7 Time-Response Analysis
Since time is used as an independent variable in most control systems, it is usually of interest to evaluate the state and the output responses with respect to time or simply, the Time-Response. In control system design analysis, a reference input signal is applied to a system and the performance of the system is evaluated by studying the system response in the time-domain. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

8 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Time-Response The time-response of a control system is usually divided into two parts namely; the Steady-State Response and the Transient Response. In other words, the output response of a system is the sum of two responses: the forced response (steady-state response) and the natural response (zero-input response). 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

9 Time-Response of an Elevator
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10 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Transient Response Defined as the part of the time response that goes to zero as time goes to infinity. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

11 Steady-State Response
Defined as the part of the total response that remains after the transient has died out. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

12 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Poles and Zeros The poles of a transfer function are: (1) The values of the Laplace transform variable, s , that cause the transfer function to become infinite, or (2) Any roots of the denominator of the transfer function that are common to roots of the numerator. The zeros of a transfer function are: (1) The values of the Laplace transform variable, s , that cause the transfer function to become zero, or (2) Any roots of the numerator of the transfer function that are common to roots of the denominator. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

13 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

14 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Response blueprint A pole of the input function generates the form of the forced response. A pole of the transfer function generates the form of the natural response. A pole on the real axis generates an exponential response. The zeros and poles generate the amplitudes for both the forced and natural responses. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

15 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Natural response Forced response 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

16 Standard Input Signals
All of the standard inputs are zero before time zero. All the standard inputs are causal. So, what is causal? Causal: A system whose output does not depend on future inputs. All physical systems must be causal. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

17 Standard Input Signals
There are a number of standard inputs that are considered simple enough and universal enough that they are considered when designing a control system. These inputs are known as a unit step, a ramp, and a parabolic input functions. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

18 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Unit Step Function A unit step function is defined piecewise as such: The unit step function is a highly important function, not only in control systems engineering, but also in signal processing, systems analysis, and all branches of engineering. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

19 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Unit Step Function 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

20 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Ramp Input Function A unit ramp is defined in terms of the unit step function, as such: r(t) = tu(t). It is important to note that the ramp function is simply the integral of the unit step function: 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

21 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Ramp Input Function 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

22 Parabolic Input Function
A unit parabolic input is similar to a ramp input: Notice also that, the unit parabolic input is equal to the integral of the ramp function: 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

23 Parabolic Input Function
1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

24 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Steady State To be more precise, we should have taken the limit as t approaches infinity. However, as a shorthand notation, we will typically say "t equals infinity", and assume the reader understands the shortcut that is being used. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

25 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Steady State When a unit-step function is input to a system, the steady state value of that system is the output value at time t = ∞. Since it is impractical (if not completely impossible) to wait till infinity to observe the system, approximations and mathematical calculations are used to determine the steady-state value of the system. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

26 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Steady State Most system responses are asymptotic, that is, the response approaches a particular value. Systems that are asymptotic are typically obvious from viewing the graph of that response. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

27 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Step Response The step response of a system is most frequently used to analyze systems and there is a large amount of terminology involved with step responses. When exposed to the step input, the system will initially have an undesirable output period known as the transient response. The transient response occurs because a system is approaching its final output value. The steady-state response of the system is the response after the transient response has ended. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

28 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Step Response It is common for a systems engineer to try and improve the step response of a system. In general, it is desired for the transient response to be reduced. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

29 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
First-Order Systems 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

30 Initial Conditions are zero
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31 First-Order Systems Response
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32 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
System Response K (1 − e−t /τ ) System response. K = gain Response to initial condition 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

33 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Unit Step Response 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

34 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Unit Step Response The time constant can be described as the time for to decay to 37% of its initial value. Alternately, the time is the time it takes for the step response to rise to 67% of its final value. The reciprocal of the time constant has the units (1/seconds), or frequency. Thus, we call the parameter a the exponential frequency. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

35 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Time Constant 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

36 Second-Order Systems Response
ζ = 0 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

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1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

38 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

39 Step Response Vs. Pole Location
1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

40 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
System Response 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

41 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Target Value The target output value is the value that our system attempts to obtain for a given input. This is not the same as the steady-state value, which is the actual value that the target does obtain. The target value is frequently referred to as the reference value, or the "reference function" of the system. In essence, this is the value that we want the system to produce. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

42 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Example of an Elevator When we input a "5" into an elevator, we want the output (the final position of the elevator) to be the fifth floor. Pressing the "5" button is the reference input, and is the expected value that we want to obtain. If we press the "5" button, and the elevator goes to the third floor, then our elevator is poorly designed. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

43 Time-Domain Specifications
So, what are Time-Domain Specifications? 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

44 Time-Domain Specifications
1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

45 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Rise Time Is the amount of time that it takes for the system response to reach the target value from an initial state of zero. Rise time is defined as the time for the waveform to go from 0.1 to 0.9 of its final value. Rise time is typically denoted tr, or trise. This is because some systems never rise to 100% of the expected target value and therefore, they would have an infinite rise-time. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

46 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Settling Time After the initial rise time of the system, some systems will oscillate and vibrate for an amount of time before the system output settles on the final value. The amount of time it takes to reach steady state after the initial rise time is known as the settling time Which is defined as the time for the response to reach and stay within, 2% (or 5%) of its final value. Damped oscillating systems may never settle completely. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

47 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Settling time 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

48 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Peak Time The time required to reach the first or maximum peak. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

49 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Percent Overshoot The amount that the waveform overshoots the steady-state or final value at the peak time, expressed as a percentage of the steady-state value. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

50 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Pole-Zero Plots 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

51 Step Response as Poles Moves
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52 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

53 Example of a Refrigerator
The refrigerator has cycles where it is on and when it is off. When the refrigerator is on, the coolant pump is running, and the temperature inside the refrigerator decreases. The temperature decreases to a much lower level than is required, and then the pump turns off. When the pump is off, the temperature slowly increases again as heat is absorbed into the refrigerator. When the temperature gets high enough, the pump turns back on. Because the pump cools down the refrigerator more then it needs to initially, we can say that it "overshoots" the target value by a certain specified amount. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

54 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Exercise Find peak time, percent overshoot, and settling time from pole location. 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

55 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Exercise 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

56 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Solution 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

57 Effects of adding a Zero
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58 Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology
Time-Domain Analysis Do further research on this topic please. Consider researching on Positional error constants 1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

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1/18/2019 4:40:03 PM Eng. R. L. Nkumbwa Coperbelt University, School of Technology

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