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Describing learning and teaching. Children and language Language acquisition Age.

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1 Describing learning and teaching

2 Children and language Language acquisition Age

3 Language acquisition Acquisition here describes the way in which people ‘get’ language with no real conscious effort - in other words, without thinking about grammar or vocabulary, or worrying about which bits of language go where.

4 In order for acquisition to take place … the children need to hear a lot of language. In other words exposure to language the nature of the language they hear matters, rough-tuning what they say to match the child’s age and situation

5 subconscious anxiety free, ACQUISITION conscious process language is studied and practised LEARNING

6 We need to bear in mind If we believe that acquisition is superior to learning, we will spend all our time providing comprehensible input. the ability to acquire language easily tends to deteriorate with age teenagers and adults have perfectly good reasoning powers and may want to think consciously about how language works Learners in foreign language classrooms are in a very different situation from that of children of loving parents.

7 Different times, different methods Grammar-translation The Grammar-translation method (which was first named as such in Germany in the 1780s) introduced the idea of presenting students with short grammar rules and word lists, and then translation exercises in which they had to make use of the same rules and words.

8 Grammar-translation Audio-lingualism The audio-lingual method originated in army education in the 1940s. It capitalised on the suggestion that if we describe the grammatical patterns of English, we can have students repeat and learn them.

9 Grammar-translation Audio-lingualism Teacher: There’s a cup on the table… repeat Students: There’s a cup on the table Teacher: spoon Students: There’s a spoon on the table Teacher: book Students: There’s a book on the table Teacher: on the chair Students: There’s a book on the chair

10 Grammar-translation Audio-lingualism PPP In PPP lessons or sequences, the teacher presents the context and situation for the language (e.g. describing someone’s holiday plans) and both explains and demonstrates the meaning and form of the new language (for example, the ‘going to’ future - e.g. ‘He’s going to visit the Hermitage Museum’). The students then practise making sentences with ‘going to’ (this is often called controlled practice and may involve drilling ) before going on to the production stage in which they talk more freely about themselves (‘Next week I’m going to see that new film’)

11 Presentation: Are they at work or on holiday? Teacher: What’s Jared doing?Teacher:He’s listening to music

12 Practice:

13 Production: Teacher: Class. Now think about your family members. What do you think they are doing? Student: My mother is working at the hospital, I think Student: My brother is lying on the beach. He’s on holiday Student: My sister is studying at school

14 Grammar-translation Audio-lingualism PPP CLT Communicative Language Teaching CLT has two main guiding principles: the first is that language is not just patterns of grammar with vocabulary items slotted in, but also involves language functions such as inviting, agreeing and disagreeing, suggesting, etc which students should learn how to perform using a variety of language exponents (e.g. we can invite by saying ‘Would you like to come to the cinema?’, ‘Do you fancy coming to the cinema?’, ‘What about coming to the cinema?’, ‘How about a film?’, ‘Are you on for a film?’, etc).

15 Grammar-translation Audio-lingualism PPP CLT The second principle of Communicative Language Teaching is that if students get enough exposure to language, and opportunities for language use - and if they are motivated - then language learning will take care of itself. CLT has had a thoroughly beneficial effect since it reminded teachers that people learn languages not so that they know about them, but so that they can communicate with them.




19 Grammar-translation Audio-lingualism PPP CLT TBL In Task-Based Learning the emphasis is on the task rather than the language. For example, students perform real-life tasks such as getting information about bus timetables, or making a presentation on a certain topic. Later, after the task has been completed, they can look at the language they have used and work on any imperfections that have arisen, correcting grammatical mistakes or thinking about aspects of style.

20 Grammar-translation Audio-lingualism PPP CLT TBL Typical TBL sequence starts with a pre-task (where students are introduced to the topic and told what the task will be). This is followed by a task cycle where the students plan the task, gathering language and information to do it, and then produce the piece of writing or oral performance that the task demands. In the final language focus phase, students analyse the language they used for the task, making improvements and practising any language that needs repair or development.

21 A woman lived with her husband but could never be left alone because of her fear of spiders Pre-task: Teacher – In groups brainstorm three steps that we might use to cure the woman of her phobia Pre-task: Teacher – In groups brainstorm three steps that we might use to cure the woman of her phobia Planning: Groups/pairs rehearse how to explain the steps they recommend, and justify the order they are in. Report and reading: The groups tell the class their proposals and justify them. Teacher- let’s decide which three steps might be similar to those in a newspaper report about the phobic woman’s dilemma. Report and reading: The groups tell the class their proposals and justify them. Teacher- let’s decide which three steps might be similar to those in a newspaper report about the phobic woman’s dilemma. Language focus: The teacher helps students with any mistakes he heard during the task. Then students look at the article and analyse it for topic vocabulary, time expressions etc. Language focus: The teacher helps students with any mistakes he heard during the task. Then students look at the article and analyse it for topic vocabulary, time expressions etc.

22 Grammar-translation Audio-lingualism PPP CLT TBL Teacher says as little as possible. Learning is best facilitated if the learner discovers and creates language. Silent Way

23 Elements for successful language learning Believing that students need exposure, motivation and opportunities for language use, and acknowledging that different students may respond more or less well to different stimuli, it suggests that most teaching sequences need to have certain characteristics or elements, whether they take place over a few minutes, half an hour, a lesson or a sequence of lessons. ENGAGESTUDYACTIVATE

24 ENGAGE things are learnt much better if both our minds and our hearts are brought into service. Engagement of this type is one of the vital ingredients for successful learning.. games music. discussion stimulating pictures. dramatic stories amusing anecdotes

25 STUDY Study activities can range from the focus on and practice of a single sound to an investigation of how a writer achieves a particular effect in a long text; from the examination and practice of a verb tense to the study of a transcript of informal speech in order to discuss spoken style.

26 ACTIVATE The objective in an activate activity is for them to use all and any language which may be appropriate for a given situation or topic. In this way, students get a chance to try out real language use with little or no restriction - a kind of rehearsal for the real world. role-plays. Role plays advertisement design. debates and discussions, Describe and draw

27 Lesson sequences straight arrows: first the teacher gets the class interested and engaged; then they study something; then they try to activate it by putting it into production.


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