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1 s Session 2: James Henri November 2009. Barriers: Physical and mental challenges?

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Presentation on theme: "1 s Session 2: James Henri November 2009. Barriers: Physical and mental challenges?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 s Session 2: James Henri November 2009

2 Barriers: Physical and mental challenges?

3 3 Learning in a BOX How does your school package learning? -Learning spaces -Time for learning -What is learned -Who is doing the learning

4 4 Learning in a BOX Were you thinking about the students? Well now consider the teachers! How does your school package learning? -Learning spaces -Time for learning -What is learned -Who is doing the learning

5 5 School Design How have schools been changing over the past 100 years or so?

6 6 Nair, P. & Fielding, R. (2005).The Language of School Design: Design Patterns for 21st Century Schools. Designshare jameshenri@gmail.com6 Future schools 1909-1940

7 7 Nair, P. & Fielding, R. (2005).The Language of School Design: Design Patterns for 21st Century Schools. Designshare jameshenri@gmail.com7 Future schools 1940s

8 8jameshenri@gmail.com8 Future schools 1970s

9 9 Nair, P. & Fielding, R. (2005).The Language of School Design: Design Patterns for 21st Century Schools. Designshare jameshenri@gmail.com9 Future schools 1990-

10 10 Student design: See winners of Classroom of the Future competition to research and design a futuristic school learning space html jameshenri@gmail.com10 Future schools 2009

11 11jameshenri@gmail.com11 Entry from Lampton School, Hounslow, UK

12 12jameshenri@gmail.com12 Study has shown that the colour. Blue is very relaxing 70% of students we asked said if they could they would have sofas in school Laminate flooring Easy to clean and very nice looking plants Plant tub Interactive board Plasma screen Yellow walls is proven to be a creative colour

13 13jameshenri@gmail.com13 Table with desk in case students want to work alone This table can be broken into 4 Indoor comfortable benches for group work Green chairs to help with our outdoor feel Teachers desk With hi tech apple Mac pc Circle table

14 14jameshenri@gmail.com14 Laptops (we have 48 most are stored away until needed) Black stools

15 15 Much, much, more at Designing the Future online event: (Special price for CEO attendees US$50 per person.) jameshenri@gmail.com15 Future schools 2009

16 16 We can agree that structures have and are changing but too often even todays schools exhibit closed and inflexible hardware (buildings) as well as unimaginative software (timetables, planning time, pedagogical practices etc) jameshenri@gmail.com16 Future schools 2009

17 17 There seems to be consensus that todays school ought to exhibit: Agility Transparency Connectedness jameshenri@gmail.com17 Future schools 2009 ->

18 18 It identifies that such schools have: Leadership Policy driven framework Collaborative learning Culture (students and teachers) What has the research said about highly effective schools (HES) over the past decades? jameshenri@gmail.com18

19 19 High expectations about what is learned and how it is learned within a culture of self- evaluation and reflection A seeking after information and knowledge that can be used to improve practice and inform decision making Strong beyond school networks It identifies that such schools have: jameshenri@gmail.com19

20 20 Are these measures of HES timeless? By analogy…should we use the same measures today that were used in 1959 to judge a highly effective car? Are they technology dependent/independent/ interdependent? * questions.html jameshenri@gmail.com20 1909 and 2009: Some soup questions*

21 21 What does the TL research and professional literature of the past have to say about this? jameshenri@gmail.com21 Key school library factors

22 22 But First: What you do and for whom Management L Knowledge Management T Services T/S Collections T/S Curriculum (process) T Information Policy T Web Presence T/S Reading/Childrens Literature S Leadership T/P Teaching T/S Other peoples stuff And check out the Valenza Manifesto at:

23 23 Professional education An information policy framework Allocation of adequate resources Ongoing professional development opportunities An articulated role statement Demarcation of professional, paraprofessional and clerical roles within the library Linkages to school mission (and 5 year plan) matched with accepted measures of success Deep entry into the curriculum by way of enquiry learning Flexible scheduling of access to the library (to information) jameshenri@gmail.com23 Important school library factors

24 24 A collegial culture (covered in session 1) Collegiality is related to the presence of four types of interactions between and among teachers: – (a) teachers engage in frequent, continuous, and increasingly concrete and precise talk about teaching practice; – (b) teachers are frequently observed and provided with useful critiques of their teaching; – (c) teachers plan, design, evaluate, and prepare teaching materials together; and – (d) teachers teach each other the practice of teaching. Little, J.W. (1982). Norms of collegiality and experimentation: Workplace conditions of school success. American Educational Research Journal 19:3: 325-340. Does your school enable these processes? Does it place a high priority on TEACHER learning? jameshenri@gmail.com24 Essential school library factors

25 25 A teacher focus - Curriculum design (process) - Leadership - Policy development Corollary: Change in school culture does not flow from student learning it flows from teacher learning. jameshenri@gmail.com25 Essential school library factors

26 26 Lack of qualifications and experience Lack of time Confusion of roles Poorly designed assessment tasks that: - enable copy & paste - freeze out meaning via the making of information jameshenri@gmail.com26 Inhibitors

27 27 A collegial approach to teaching & learning A shared understanding of learning as a constructivist process (Students understand this today in a way that has never before happened. The social web! Now Teachers must come on board.) A shared commitment to lifelong learning Competence in developing learning activities and strategies…beyond text book comfort. Planning time and Teacher PD time. jameshenri@gmail.com27 Enablers

28 28 Principal support Corollary 1: If the P is not supporting you look for a new school (or PD yourself into the 2010s) Corollary 2: If the P is behind you make sure the road you are travelling is headed in the right direction. jameshenri@gmail.com28 Necessary and sufficient school library factor

29 29 Your relationship with the principal makes or breaks your place in the school and defines the possibility of an information literate school community. For understanding about leadership look to: Kouzes, J.M., & Posner, B. Z. (2007). The leadership challenge, 4th Edition. Jossey-Bass. jameshenri@gmail.com29 What you ask for

30 30 Modelling the way - That the principal is the most information savvy person in the school (YOU make sure s/he is!) -What you can do for school decision making - Professional recognition - Unacceptability of being a spare parts/ hand in the dyke resource - Respect for the research evidence jameshenri@gmail.com30 What you ask for

31 31 Encouraging the heart – Share soul time with the principal – Seek multiple alliances jameshenri@gmail.com31 What you ask for

32 32 Inspiring a shared vision - Opportunities to deliver on system/school goals - A framework for measuring success jameshenri@gmail.com32 What you ask for

33 33 Enabling others to act - Agility!!!!!!!!!!!! - Space - Risk taking opportunities - Resourcing - Access jameshenri@gmail.com33 What you ask for

34 34 Challenging the process - Keep asking Why is it so? * Is the curriculum process or product the focus? Why? * Do students make information or record it? Why? * Why is the timetable the way it is? * Are teachers information literate? Why? jameshenri@gmail.com34 What you ask for

35 35 High expectations via: - Professionalism (The operating theatre model of collegiality) You are the expert! - Information leadership (KB,KM, IP, IL) - Teacher Focus - Planning time - Culture of inquiry jameshenri@gmail.com35 What you give

36 36 Synergy Trends are: Good schools are becoming much more flexible and client focussed Learning (the curriculum content) must be student focused and information will be increasingly digital and delivered via handheld devices. Students will make information. School libraries need no longer be (primarily) about collections. They are about access to information. Teacher Librarians are about influencing school curriculum (process)…how students learn...and equipping teachers to be able to model practice.

37 37 Synergy Trends are: The teaching spaces and the information spaces can no longer be separated. Every learning space must be rich in information. That is: Schooling is best done inside a library.

38 38 Are you qualified for this task? Are you willing to act as a professional and to take a leadership role? Will you ask the tough questions? Are you mentoring a new TL or a CT who you think could be one? Are you busy or are you focussed? Are you looking after the teachers? Are you educating the P…do you know your P? jameshenri@gmail.com38 Conclusion: are you up to the challenge

39 39 What are you (and your professional network) doing about those colleagues who are dead but not buried? jameshenri@gmail.com39 Conclusion: are you up to the challenge

40 40 If you want to change the world get ready to be dropped from a great height by those who already have the money and the power. And if the principal is on your side be sure that s/he is heading in the right direction… jameshenri@gmail.com40 Postscript from Machiavelli

41 41 But wait there is more! Late night Reading: For the Principal:

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