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Extended Cabinet Summit Highlights

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1 Extended Cabinet Summit Highlights
Jacksonville, Fla., November 2016

2 Welcome, Purpose and Agenda
Understanding the changing landscape of the church Development of the Commission on “Offering a Way Forward” Focus on the work of cultivating vital congregations in the midst of changes

3 The Missiology of Vital Congregations
Understand the deeper concept of “culture of vitality” Faithfulness requires fruitfulness  Understanding fruitfulness as a missiological imperative

4 An example of an annual conference experiment reflecting a culture of vitality
Development of an organizational culture, specifically focusing on:  Who needed to be involved? What needed to be changed? How will the culture be passed on to new Episcopal leadership?

5 Living Into a Culture of Vitality
The current progress on the Four Foci Aligning the Four Foci and Vital Congregations Why these are appropriate missional opportunities for the US Church at this time

6 What are the “next step” challenges in working with the Four Foci?

7 A Call to Courageous Leadership
What does courage mean when focusing on vital congregations? Behavioral principles and practices of courage Stepping into courageous appointment making and resource deployment Naming the adaptive/spiritual questions we need to address to change ourselves

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