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Heroic bakery politicize officiate library **(tä’kō)

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Presentation on theme: "Heroic bakery politicize officiate library **(tä’kō)"— Presentation transcript:

1 heroic bakery politicize officiate library **(tä’kō)

2 outside of house (p) a place for making (r+s) adhering to the qualities of explosives (s)
** (brēf)

3 away from normal (p) a condition of a place (r+s) (suffix = -tion learned last year) inhabitant of Israel (s) to turn up and down (r) (dräp)

4 to turn back again (p+r) (p = re- learned last year!)
to put out energy (p) to turn back again (p+r) (p = re- learned last year!) a place for doing labs (r+s) to cause to become full of ire (s) ** (brīt)

5 sun blocking out the moon (p) around an area (p) to empty with a machine (r) exploding corn (r) state of being generous (s) **(ə’tur’nē)

6 extra point in school for good (p) to operate with (p) to bring better grass (r) to treat as material (s) to alter with your initials (s) **(chel’ō)

7 malfunction compassion heroic manufacture. (ek,sēd). (jus’tə fī)
malfunction compassion heroic manufacture **(ek,sēd) **(jus’tə fī) **(nā’shən)

8 to turn car back again (p+r)
the condition of people (r) one who leads with (p+r+s) overactive (p) to change form (p) ** (päk’it)

9 good for others or you (p)
system that moves blood around in your body (p) to cause to empty out/outside (p+r+s) one who receives again and again (p+r+s) exploding tart (r) **(dē ō’ dər ənt)

10 away from normal (p) bad nutrition (p) a place for doing labs (s) equal lines (p) body part that is away from (belly) (p) **(el’bō)

11 dynamite pesticide demonstrative currency fragrance **(hus’ əl)

12 a middle effort (p) A book that bears knowledge (r) to take away by coming between (p+r) (p=inter) pertaining to music (s) state of using (s) **(lek’ chər)

13 to phone far (p) to emit across (p) to function badly (p) the scope that let you look around (p) under your conscience (p) **(mis’ tə rē)

14 to read far or future paths (p)
full of bad or evil intended person (p) (s=ious) to respond with (p) to send a note allowing (r) to turn in (r) **(äb’jekt)

15 telephone transmitter malfunction periscope subconscious **(fôrs)

16 a board that works around a computer (p)
to put out energy (p) form of a picture that shows all (p+s) something that keeps allergies under control(p) a home that moves on wheels (r) (2 words) **( fō’bē ə)

17 one who presides (s) one who sells merchandise (s) form of general (s) a place for buying groceries(s) state of using (s) **(ē mō’ shən)

18 condition of closing (s)
to treat as material (s) to put into veins (p) to cause (s) to become enough (p) water to drag or pull (r) again (p) **( ə rij’i nəl)

19 quality of white (s) self written name (p) to change blood in body (p) life signs (r) one who (s) leads(r) with (p) **( hēv)

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