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Definitions due: Fri. 1/12 Quiz Thur. 1/18

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Presentation on theme: "Definitions due: Fri. 1/12 Quiz Thur. 1/18"— Presentation transcript:

1 Definitions due: Fri. 1/12 Quiz Thur. 1/18
Word Study #6 WORD PARTS OF THE WEEK astro- (astron)/ -aster- (aster) Definitions due: Fri. 1/12 Quiz Thur. 1/18

2 1. astrology (noun) suffix: -logy (logia/logos)

3 2. astronaut (noun) suffix: -naut (nautes)

4 3. disaster (noun) prefix: dis-

5 4. asteroid (noun) suffix: -oid

6 5. astronomy (noun) suffix: -nomy (nomos)

7 Word Study #6 astro- / aster- (astron / aster)
astrology (as·trol·o·gy) NOUN suffix = -logy (logia/logos) astronaut (as·tro·naut) NOUN suffix = -naut (nautes) disaster (dis·as·ter) NOUN prefix = dis- asteroid (as·ter·oid) NOUN suffix = -oid astronomy (as·tron·o·my) NOUN suffix = -nomy (nomos)

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