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Oakcrest intermediate school

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1 Oakcrest intermediate school
5th grade Homeroom Parent Orientation

2 Great Expectations: 8 expectations for living
We will value one another as unique and special individuals. We will not laugh at or make fun of a person’s mistakes nor use sarcasm or put-downs. We will use good manners, saying “please”, “thank you”, and “excuse me” and allow others to go first. We will cheer each other to success. We will help one another whenever possible. We will recognize every effort and applaud it  We will encourage each other to do our best. We will practice virtuous living, using the Life Principles.

3 Lunch Schedule A Lunch 11:08-11:38 Lunch/Recess B Lunch
A Lunch 11:08-11:38 Lunch/Recess B Lunch 11:43-12:13 Lunch/Recess C Lunch 12:18-12:48 Lunch/Recess

4 Attendance Attendance is the most important factor that affects student achievement. Being here increases your chance of success! State law requires 90% attendance to receive credit Please take all absence notes to the front office before the tardy bell at 7:45 A note (parent and/or doctor) is needed Doctor’s note: within 5 days Parent’s note: within 5 days

5 Dress and Grooming Highlights
“The District’s dress code is reflective of community standards and is established to promote school-appropriate attire, prevent disruption, and minimize safety hazard.” Hair should be clean and neatly groomed, not covering the eyes or styled in a way that is distracting to the learning environment. Clothing that does not adequately cover the body or that has tears or rips that are higher than mid-thigh, such as: i. Low cut, see-through, spaghetti straps or backless dresses, or other revealing tops. *Midriffs are to be covered. ii. Sleeveless shirts for boys. iii. Baggy/oversized pants or pants that hang on the hipbone, or unhemmed shorts. iv. Shorts, skirts, or split skirts shorter than mid-thigh in length. *Leggings worn under skirts or shorts do not alter this regulation. Parent(s) will be contacted if a student’s dress or grooming is not in accordance with district policy.

6 Wednesday Folders & Planners
Planners will be used by your children to keep track of homework. Please check it daily. Wednesday folders will be sent home with student work each week. Please return by Friday. Progress reports will be sent home every 3 weeks including grades and conduct. Home Access letters will be sent home very soon. This information (including your personal password) allows you access to your child’s grades online

7 OIS Conduct Students will be receiving individual conduct grades for each content area. E (Excellent) ALWAYS follows campus expectations S (Satisfactory) USUALLY follows campus expectations N (Needs Improvement) SOMETIMES follows campus expectations U (Unsatisfactory) RARELY follows campus expectations

8 It’s a great day to be a wildcat!

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