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Brunel Secondary Partnership Conference Friday 27 th September 2013 Welcome!

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1 Brunel Secondary Partnership Conference Friday 27 th September 2013 Welcome!

2 Outcomes for the day: Understand the changing landscape of Initial Teacher Education (ITE), the nature of partnership and our roles within current and likely future arrangements. Develop your skills as Mentors and Professional Co- ordinating Mentors (PCMs). Develop your understanding of how to use Ofsted criteria to observe lessons and provide feedback. Understand Brunels new secondary partnership documentation to support the professional learning of our student teachers. Meet with your student teacher and begin the process of collaboratively planning the professional learning programme.

3 Improving Outcomes for Student Teachers

4 Partnership Priorities Use of data across the partnership to support student outcomes; Documentation and processes; Integration of university and school provision; Enhanced provision required for Student Teachers: Meeting the needs of gifted and talented pupils, EAL pupils and those from ethnic minority backgrounds (TS1, TS5); Pupil attainment, progress and outcomes (TS2, TS5, TS6, TS7); Communication with parents (TS8); Reflecting systematically on the effectiveness and approaches to teaching (TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6); Unit and lesson planning (TS1, TS4); Monitoring, assessment and reporting (TS2, TS6, TS8); Working with support staff (TS8); The use of ICT (TS4); Safeguarding, e-safety (Part Two); National Curriculum (TS3, TS4); Subject knowledge (TS3); Literacy and numeracy (TS3).

5 Effective target setting - a Brunel Secondary ITE Partnership development priority area Students, PCMs, mentors and departmental colleagues understanding and using the Profile level descriptions effectively and consistently Aspirations for all student teachers to meet the high level descriptions for the Teachers Standards Designing professional learning experiences that support student teachers meeting these aspirations Effective feedback – verbal and written Effective target setting – SMART and supports student teachers in meeting the high level descriptions A continuous process of professional learning

6 The Professional Learning Process Course Preparation Foundation Phase Development Phase Consolidation Phase First Post/Induction

7 The Professional Learning Process Identified Professional Learning Needs (Foundation Initial Needs Analysis or Development/Consolidation Action Plan) Professional Learning Activities and Timetable Weekly Professional Learning Targets (Weekly Professional Learning Record: Meeting) Weekly Professional Learning: teaching/other activities (*Lesson Feedback Record and Professional Learning Activities) Interim profile Weekly Professional Learning: teaching/other activities* End of Phase Profile

8 Planning Professional Learning Needs The following documents provide key information which identifies professional learning needs at the start of the three phases of the course. The Overview Profile (PGCert p4) Foundation phase background information including details about pre- course school and other experiences. Foundation Phase Initial Needs Analysis (PGCert p20) Development Phase Action Plan (PGCert p38-39/UG p13-16) Consolidation Phase Action Plan (PGCert p55-56/UG School Experience Handbook p122) Informs the student teachers learning priorities for the phase. This is completed following discussions with the university tutor and school mentor.

9 A Student Teacher Case Study (Foundation Phase Example)

10 PGCert Overview Profile and Initial Needs Analysis Pre-course school experience CV Interview and application data Subject knowledge Specific areas of strength and development Areas of interest Overview Profile and Initial Needs Analysis

11 Activity 1 – Target setting and designing for initial needs Review the information you have gathered from the Overview Profile and Initial Needs Analysis for Student Teacher X. Use this to complete the Action and Support column of the Initial Needs Analysis document.

12 Weekly Professional Learning Record (WPLR) (PGCert p21/UG p25) In preparation for the weekly timetabled meeting: The Student Teacher reflects on the weeks professional learning and collates evidence against targets that were set for the week; The reflective process includes considering targets met and possible targets for the following week; The Student Teacher completes most sections of the WPLR in advance of the meeting. In the meeting: Professional learning and evidence for the week is discussed, using the record as a focus; Focussed targets are set in relation to the Teachers Standards for the following week; Some of these targets feed into the Lesson Feedback Record (LFR); The content of the meeting is recorded on the WPLR.

13 Brunel Lesson Feedback Record (PGCert appendix/ UG p57-63) Number of Lesson Feedback Records (LFRs) required: Foundation phase: 2 x LFRs per week or 4 x per fortnight. Development and consolidation phase: 3 x LFRs per week or 6 x per fortnight. Transition phase into first post/end of consolidation phase: total of 3 x transition LFRs, which use Ofsted grading of lessons. Provided for the observer by student for targeted lessons: blank LFR; copy of lesson plan; Teachers Standards laminate; other info i.e. seating plan, resources etc. Completed LFR accompanied by annotations on the students actual lesson plan. (Annotate lesson plans for lessons without LFRs). Weekly TS targets included by student in advance on LFR. Lesson specific TS targets drawn from last LFR and again included in advance on LFR. Comments on pupil progress and achievement against intentions for the lesson. Strengths and targets using TS and TS evidence outside of these targets too. Descriptors which set aspirations for high quality lessons mapped to TS.

14 Professional Learning Activities (PGCert appendix/UG p17) Meeting student teachers individual learning needs Addressing partnership priority areas (which include national priority areas) Cross referenced to Teachers Standards – evidence of learning Facilitate learning outside of class teaching

15 Activity 2 – Target setting and designing for ongoing weekly learning needs Consider the WPLR and associated evidence for Student Teacher X for two consecutive weeks. In preparation for week 3 for this student please complete the following: Complete the Teachers Standard related targets section at the end of week 2s WPLR in preparation for week 3; Identify which of these targets would appear in the LFRs for week 3.

16 Recap of the Professional Learning Process so far… Weekly Professional Learning: teaching and other activities Interim profile Weekly Professional Learning: teaching and other activities End of Phase Profile

17 The Interim and end of phase Profile (PGCert p29/UG p27) Consistent descriptors based on nationally agreed criteria Grading system is: H - High G - Good M - Minimum U - Unsatisfactory Specified dates for PGCert and UG interim and end of phase Profiles

18 Profile processes for all phases Interim phase Student self assessment making reference to specific evidence Mentor comment with rationale Grade is agreed Targets set for rest of phase End of phase Student self assessment making reference to specific evidence Mentor comment with rationale Grade is agreed Targets set for next phase Professional Learning Action Plan Draws on targets from last end of phase Profile Inform the early TS targets in the Weekly Professional Learning Records Informs the early TS targets in the Lesson Feedback Records Informs Professional Learning Activities

19 Activity 3 – Target setting and designing for next learning phase needs Review the end of phase profile for Student Teacher X. Use the information to set targets for the Development Phase for 3 of the Teachers Standards. Look at the Professional Learning Action Plan (PGCert p38/UG p13) to see how the profile document is used to agree and set targets for the next phase.

20 What next?

21 Contacts and Website Sunita Babbar (PGCert Mathematics): Anne Chappell (PGCert Physical Education): Cathy Gower (BSc Secondary Education and Physical Education): Sarmin Hossain (PGCert Computer Science and Information Communication Technology: Rob Toplis (PGCert Science): Partnership Development Unit: Michelle Evans (PDU Manager): Partnership website:

22 PGCert only - Timetable Weighting Foundation: Normal teacher teaches approximately 80-85% of full timetable; Trainees should plan units and lessons for approximately 33% of this 80-85%; A further 33% of this 80-85% is for training activities; Remaining non-contact time is for planning and assignment writing. Development and Consolidation: Normal teacher teaches approximately 80-85 % of full timetable Trainees should plan units and lessons for approximately 60- 65% of this 80-85 %; A further 10%-15% of this 80-85 % is for training activities Remaining non-contact time is for planning and assignment writing.

23 PGCert only - Timetable Weighting: Foundation Phase School Timetable 100% Main Scale Teacher 80-85% Teaching 33% * Other Training Activities 33% Total Contact 66% Research, and Preparation 34% 201666124 252077146 302488168 * Please note: percentages and periods indicated are approximate and may be adjusted slightly where appropriate or necessary.

24 PGCert only Timetable Weighting: Development and Consolidation Phases * Please note: percentages and periods indicated are approximate and may be adjusted slightly where appropriate or necessary. School Timetable 100% Main Scale Teacher 80% Teaching 60%* Training Activities 15% Total Contact 75% Planning and Preparation 25% 2016102124 2520123155 3024144186

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