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Passive Programming in the Library Katherine Higginbottom Cedar Ridge High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Passive Programming in the Library Katherine Higginbottom Cedar Ridge High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Passive Programming in the Library Katherine Higginbottom Cedar Ridge High School

2 My original presentation did not include the discussion of Passive Programming. Due to the fact that so much of my programming IS passive programming, I decided to discuss the concept.

3 Passive programming offers the opportunity to reach more patrons while expending less librarian energy. © 2014 North Central Kansas Libraries System

4 Each day, a student stops by my library to sharpen his pencil. He claims, Your pencil sharpener is better than anyone elses. Why is this important to me?

5 Because in 30 seconds or less, I can talk to this student about… What he is currently reading… What he just finished reading… What new book I would recommend to him… What books he would recommend to others… What does he plan on reading next… What new series has he discovered…


7 Near the copy machine, a table supplied with paper, pencils, stapler, paperclips, pens, markers, high-lighters, note cards, and sticky notes. Students are welcome to take supplies as needed. To date, students have not abused this privilege.

8 Display announcements in or near the library. Lunch menus, sports schedules, semester test schedules, etc. Have copies available INSIDE the library. Students WILL come to the library to get copies if they know you have them. Word of mouth goes along way.


10 Approximately, a dozen or more students each week stop by to visit with Dewey and Harry. One day, I noticed the students picking out their favorite books and propping the books up next to the fish tanks so Dewey and Harry could read.

11 At first and second lunch Anyone Usually a dozen or more at both lunches Books of movies displayed Students choice

12 Old Yeller Summer of the Monkeys Left Behind Diary of Anne Frank Sounder Jacob Have I Loved The Outsiders Fahrenheit 451 Moby Dick A Separate Peace The Great Gatsby Bridge to Terabithia Where the Red Fern Grows Huckleberry Finn


14 Displayed among my book shelves. Students make recommendations of books they want me to purchase. Specific titles Series Authors Genres

15 Make sure books are appropriate for grade levels. Check that you do not already have the title. If you have the title, note on the Wish List that the title is available in the library so students will know to look for it. When ordering, I typed the wish list out and make notes…purchased, no hardcover available, not appropriate, age level not appropriate, etc. If students ask me why I did not order the book, I can refer to my list and explain why.

16 Draw attention to books. New books available. Mrs. H read this book and gives it 4 stars. Blind Date Book received 5 hearts.

17 Genre bookmarks draw attention to the books and lists other books of the same genre. Long term themes, I laminate and keep. Monthly themes, I just copy and let students keep them.


19 For students with little time to choose a book. Between classes or Grab-N-Go Breakfast For students who need limited choices. For students who will not browse the shelves on their own. I place books that have recently been checked out in these baskets.

20 I always eat my lunch in the library. Why? Students love to sit and visit with me while Im eating. Better conversation. I learn more about my students during these conversations. They give me a lot of input I might not otherwise receive.

21 Buy holiday pencils on sale Sell them for 25 each Students stop by every day to purchase these pencils even though I have plain pencils for free Take profit and buy apples…WHY?

22 Feed Them They Will Come

23 Candy Land Checkers Chess Cards Students come in during lunch and study hall to play games!

24 Making Christmas Cards for children at St. Jude. I just set up tables with supplies and a note detailing the project and students work on their own. Lots of students see what is going on and stop in to get involved.

25 Our library gets involved in everything going on at school. Red Ribbon Week Poster Contest. EASY, EASY, EASY Posted flyers Tobacco Coalition Group judged Winner-book fair gift certificates



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