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Take a Tour of Highland Elementary School Click here to Written by Highlands MegaBytes Sponsored by Ms. Gray.

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2 Take a Tour of Highland Elementary School Click here to Written by Highlands MegaBytes Sponsored by Ms. Gray

3 Our School Over 800 students walk into these doors each day. This is where they learn, play, and make friends. Inside is where many students work hard and where some of the best behaved students learn. ~David PreviousNext

4 Main Office This is the busiest place in the whole school. If you are late or taking attendance you have to enter the main office. The main office is where Ms. Ramirezs and Ms. Reitzs offices are. ~ Jennifer PreviousNext

5 Health Room This is the health room where kids come when they are sick or hurt. If you dont feel well you can come here and Ms. Hadfield can help you get better. ~Brittany PreviousNext

6 Parent Resource Room This is the parent resource room where Ms. Tyler and Ms. Donohue help Highland parents. Parents come here if they want to volunteer or if they need help translating information. ~ Christian PreviousNext

7 Math Room The math room is where all the math materials are kept. Teachers can check out the materials when they need them. If students need help in math, Ms. Frank is here to help them. ~ Kiara PreviousNext

8 Media Center In the media center there are lots of books that you can read. Ms. Rosenblatt and Ms. Hudspeth teach us about how the library works and lets us check out books. ~ Saib PreviousNext

9 Music Room In the music room we learn how to play music on different instruments. We also sing and dance with Ms. Balzer and Mr. Enceneat. ~ Yvonne PreviousNext

10 Computer Lab In the computer lab there are 21 computers and 25 laptops. Students come here to learn about the Internet, CD ROMs, and how to type. With the help of Ms. Gray, students can do pretty cool stuff on the computer.~Denique PreviousNext

11 Ms. Thompsons Room This is Ms. Thompsons room, our counselor. If you are having problems with other kids you can come here. We learn about how to treat one another with respect. ~Ryan PreviousNext

12 Gym The gym is where you do exercises and learn new games. Students like the gym a lot because Mr. Daughtery and Mr. Augustine teach them to play sports like, basketball, soccer, and hockey. ~Jose PreviousNext

13 Learning Cottages We have a neighborhood of learners outside of our main building. There are third, fourth, and fifth grade students who learn in the cottages. Students like the learning cottages because they can adjust the temperature in their room. ~Kianna PreviousNext

14 Playground The playground is where we have free play during recess time. This year we received new playground equipment and it is very popular. On the playground you can play, talk, or hang out with your friends. ~Joanne PreviousNext

15 Cafeteria We eat lunch in the cafeteria. Different grades go at different times during the day. It is a chance for us to talk to our friends outside of the classroom.~Daniel PreviousNext

16 Parking Lot We have a new parking lot this year. Parents can drop off and pick up their kids before and after school. The teachers have plenty of spaces to park now.~Odelys PreviousNext

17 Teacher Workroom We have hard working teachers at Highland. In this room they can make copies, cut out paper, laminate, and check their mail. ~Karen PreviousNext

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