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What is Beauty ? ~ The Beauty Within. Beauty - the quality attributed to whatever pleases or satisfies the senses or mind. That which is striking and.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Beauty ? ~ The Beauty Within. Beauty - the quality attributed to whatever pleases or satisfies the senses or mind. That which is striking and."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Beauty ? ~ The Beauty Within

2 Beauty - the quality attributed to whatever pleases or satisfies the senses or mind. That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful. ~Ninon de L'Enclos That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful. ~Ninon de L'Enclos

3 Is it beneficial to be beautiful? Review Simpsons and Delilah Review Simpsons and Delilah How was Homer treated differently while he had hair? How was Homer treated differently while he had hair? Complete the survey Complete the survey

4 Excerpts from Beauty and the Juror – March 26, 2007 British researchers announced on Thursday that jurors are more lenient with attractive defendants than they are with plain ones British researchers announced on Thursday that jurors are more lenient with attractive defendants than they are with plain ones The researchers gave volunteer "jurors" identical facts describing a mugging, but showed them photographs of different people -- some attractive, some not -- as the supposed defendant The researchers gave volunteer "jurors" identical facts describing a mugging, but showed them photographs of different people -- some attractive, some not -- as the supposed defendant

5 Attractive defendants were less likely to be judged guilty Attractive defendants were less likely to be judged guilty "Our findings confirm previous research on the effects of defendant characteristics, such as physical attractiveness, on the deliberations of jurors," said Dr. Sandie Taylor "Our findings confirm previous research on the effects of defendant characteristics, such as physical attractiveness, on the deliberations of jurors," said Dr. Sandie Taylor The suspicion that beautiful people get more breaks in the world is supported by stacks of scholarly research The suspicion that beautiful people get more breaks in the world is supported by stacks of scholarly research

6 Attractiveness biases have been demonstrated in such different areas as teacher judgments of students, voter preferences for political candidates, and jury judgments in simulated trials. Attractiveness biases have been demonstrated in such different areas as teacher judgments of students, voter preferences for political candidates, and jury judgments in simulated trials. In the area of employment decision making, attractiveness also influences interviewers judgments of job applicants. In the area of employment decision making, attractiveness also influences interviewers judgments of job applicants.

7 Attractive people are more likely to be perceived as: - Good. We can accurately judge attractiveness in as little as.013 seconds, and we associate it strongly with good qualities, according to research last year by Ingrid Olson at Pennsylvania. - Worth higher pay. "Plain people earn less than people of average looks, who earn less than the good-looking. The penalty for plainness is 5 to 10 percent, slightly larger than the premium for beauty." - Competent. "Attractive people were perceived as more competent than less attractive people." - Trustworthy. In a study last year at Rice University, subjects were more likely to trust attractive people than unattractive people.

8 Where does this perception come from? While it's easy to blame the media for all this bias, it may be as likely that the bias shapes the media. In research by Professor Judith Langlois at University of Texas at Austin, babies as young as three months old showed, in their baby ways, that they'd rather have an attractive caregiver. While it's easy to blame the media for all this bias, it may be as likely that the bias shapes the media. In research by Professor Judith Langlois at University of Texas at Austin, babies as young as three months old showed, in their baby ways, that they'd rather have an attractive caregiver.

9 Evolution of Beauty C:\Documents and Settings\Veronica\My Documents\evolution of beauty.mp4 C:\Documents and Settings\Veronica\My Documents\evolution of beauty.mp4 C:\Documents and Settings\Veronica\My Documents\evolution of beauty.mp4 C:\Documents and Settings\Veronica\My Documents\evolution of beauty.mp4

10 How do you judge Beauty? Objectively - Uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices - Based on observable phenomena Subjectively - Proceeding from or taking place in a person's mind rather than the external world - Particular to a given person; personal

11 Objective Beauty 1. There are certain qualities that make something beautiful, such as bright colours, smoothness, shape. 2. Beauty is based only on these qualities – by this reasoning, a purple polka-dotted porcupine would NOT be considered beautiful. 3. Peoples feelings are not to be taken into account when it comes to beauty. 4. If something is judged to be beautiful, everyone should agree with this because the object has the qualities that make things beautiful. 5. This is a position shared by Immanuel Kant. (Philosopher)

12 Subjective Beauty 1. Beauty comes from the amount of pleasure one gets from looking at something. 2. Something is beautiful based on the emotions it produces (if you feel good about something, it must be beautiful). 3. Beauty is NOT found in the object – it exists only in the persons mind which perceives the object. 4. Everybodys mind sees beauty differently – tastes vary greatly from person to person, and there is no wrong when it comes to beauty. 5. This is a position shared by David Hume. (Philosopher)

13 What is Art???

14 What is Art cont…



17 Your Task: You will be shown seven works of art created by different artists. You will be shown seven works of art created by different artists. Individually, rank the pieces from 1 to 7, with number 1 being what you consider to be the most beautiful and 7 the least beautiful. Individually, rank the pieces from 1 to 7, with number 1 being what you consider to be the most beautiful and 7 the least beautiful. Once you have completed your rankings, get into a group and try to come up with a group ranking. Once you have completed your rankings, get into a group and try to come up with a group ranking.

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