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BY ANNASEWELL When she was young Anna lived in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. At the age of twelve her family moved to Stoke Newington where Anna.

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3 When she was young Anna lived in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. At the age of twelve her family moved to Stoke Newington where Anna attended school for the first time. One day she injured herself very severely and she used horse-drawn carriages to travel from one place to another. Her mother and Anna left the society of friends and joined the church of England.

4 She began to go to European spas to improve her health. B Black Beauty was her only publication and she wrote it between 1871 and 1877. During this time her health was declining. She wrote it for everyone but especially to the keepers and lovers of horses. Anna said: it's a special aim being to induce kindness, sympathy and an understanding treatment of horses.

5 It is said that it is the sixth best seller in the English Language. Anna Sewell was seriously ill and she died on the 25 April 1878 just five months after her publication. She didnt live long to see the books initial success.

6 The story is told by a horse whose name is Black Beauty. He first lived in a field in England where he was learning how to pull a cart by a kind farmer and his mother told him that soon he was going to leave and go to live on his own. In May he was sold and bought by a man called Mr. Gordan. There were two men to take care of the horses whose names were John and James.

7 There he made a friend whose name was Ginger. Instead of James, a young boy Joe Green, who was only thirteen years old, went to work in the stables. Once Mrs. Gordon was seriously ill and Joe went to wake Black Beauty up to go fast to the doctor. When Black Beauty arrived at the stable, he was extremely tired. Joe, instead of giving him hot food, gave him cold water and forgot to cover him. The doctor said that Mrs. Gordon had to go and live in a warmer country for about two or three years so Black Beauty was sold again.

8 He was sold to the owner of Earshall Park. The Earls wife was very proud of her horses and she wanted them to wear handsome but uncomfortable bridles when they pulled her carriage. Black Beauty liked it when the Earls daughter, Lady Anne, rode him because she was a very good rider so he was gentle with her. Lady Annes friend was Colonel Blantyre and he loved so much Black Beauty.

9 One man who worked in the stables in Earshall Park was called Reuben Smith. He was a clever man and understood horses well. He had one bad thing: he liked to drink. One day Colonel Blantyre left Earshall to go to the army and told Reuben Smith to look after Black Beauty. He went to an inn and told a man to give the horse some food. First he told that man that he will be in the inn till four oclock but then he told him that he will be there till five and he came out at nine oclock. The man told Reuben that Black Beautys shoe was going to fall and he asked him if he can arrange it for him, but Reuben was drunk and he refused.

10 Than Reuben Smith went on and made the horse go fast. Black Beauty travelled on rough roads and his shoe fell. Black Beauty fell and hurt himself. Reuben Smith fell too and died. Then some people came and took them to Earshall Park Black Beauty had scars on his knee.

11 Then he was sold again to a man called Mr. Barry. Mr. Barry wasnt very knowledgeable about horses so he hired a man called Filcher to look after the horse. Filcher was a cruel man and began to steal his food. Then Black Beauty grew weak and Mr. Barry decided to sell him.

12 This time he was sold to a poor but kind family and there he worked as a cab-horse but on Sundays he relaxed as he didnt have work to do. One day he went to a house for two people and he waited there till eleven and outside it was freezing. Because of this Jerry fell seriously ill.

13 Black Beauty was sold again. His job was to pull carts. It was a hard job. One day he was carrying a big family with bags and boxes from the station and he had to go up a hill with the things and the people were heavy and he was hungry and thirsty. Suddenly he fell on his knees on the ground and a doctor came to visit him and told him that he had six months to rest because the job was too hard for him. So he was sold again to a kind man.

14 The farmer took good care of Black Beauty and kept him in a field. The farmer took good care of Black Beauty and kept him in a field. His grandson, Willie, came to visit him every day and every day he gave him something to eat. He started feeling much better and in winter he felt younger and ran up and down in the field. Than he was sold again. His grandson, Willie, came to visit him every day and every day he gave him something to eat. He started feeling much better and in winter he felt younger and ran up and down in the field. Than he was sold again.

15 Early one day, Willie and his grandfather took Black Beauty to Ms. Blomefield and her sisters house. He was bought by them and he had comfortable stables. The next day, as the stableman was cleaning the horses face, he noticed that he had a star like Black Beautys. Afterwards, the man realized that it was indeed Black Beauty and that man was Joe Green. Finally, Black Beauty could live happily.


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