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Academic and Career Planning for College and Career-Ready Graduates Kevin Miller Dual Enrollment Consultant Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic and Career Planning for College and Career-Ready Graduates Kevin Miller Dual Enrollment Consultant Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic and Career Planning for College and Career-Ready Graduates Kevin Miller Dual Enrollment Consultant Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

2 Agenda: Diamonds in the Rough Setting the Table Overview of Academic & Career Planning (ACP) A Shift The ACP-Transition Connection Questions

3 Diamonds in the Rough

4 Consider the Diamond Laid out on a soft cloth or viewed through a magnifier Set amongst other beautiful gems Set in a ring, necklace, or earrings The Hope Diamond or the Crown Jewels Maybe industrial applications

5 The Rest of the Story The beauty and/or utility requires extensive processing by skilled craftspeople There is natural beauty before refinement, but there is also great potential The right person with the right skills can bring out the potential

6 Children as Diamonds Genetics and early nurturing form unique characteristics of each child There is natural beauty in each child Children bring smiles and joy Children hold incredible potential, but it is sometimes hidden deep inside

7 Finding the Potential Good teachers – like good jewelers –look deeply and carefully at each student They find the unique characteristics They apply different tools and techniques tailored to the unique characteristics They constantly reassess and adapt their approach for each child

8 Some Have Personal Jewelers Receive refinement and polishing outside of school Caring nurturing adults Surrounded by books, reading, etc. Challenged by games and activities Access to camps, trips, cultural events, sports, drama, clubs, etc.

9 Schools not Always Conducive Increasing academic demands Directed or mandated instruction and assessments Limited time to carefully discover each students unique characteristics Limited opportunities to develop meaningful, trusting, mutually respectful relationships

10 Opportunities Better than Ever Web-based and other technology tools New ways to deliver instruction New contexts for students to learn Increasing acceptance of innovation Academic and Career Plans and ACP Planning Process

11 ACPs – Polishing for Every Child ACP only as good as process that created it Generic diamond cutting instructions wont achieve max potential for most diamonds Same is true for students Caring adult needs time to discover student characteristics, guide development of personalized ACP, then bring the ACP to life

12 Strength and Beauty Regardless of treatment (neglect, abuse, or just poorly skilled craftspeople), diamonds remain strong with potential for beauty Humans are the same, however… Both can be crushed beyond repair if subjected to enough of the wrong types of pressure

13 ACPs as a Means to Success Caring Adult relationship Self-Awareness and discovery Vision, skills, desire Achieving potential and satisfaction

14 Setting the Table for ACPs

15 Pervasive achievement gaps High drop-out/low graduation rates in some places Post-secondary school performance – High need for remedial coursework – Poor program completion rates Skills gaps Low CTE enrollment Truancy and student conduct concerns Challenges Facing Schools:

16 Whats Been Tried: Bring to scale successful initiatives Increased academic instruction District-wide, school-wide, program-wide reforms and initiatives Initiatives based on test scores Academic standards and standardized assessments

17 The Results: Incremental improvements Occasional successes Strained resources Initiative overload And…

18 ACP Overview

19 The World Before ACPs

20 The World with ACPs Students have a realistic vision of their future Students know the skills, knowledge, and habits needed to achieve that vision Students have access to the instruction needed to develop the skills, knowledge, and habits Students are an active participant in determining how to meet their needs

21 An ongoing process to actively engage a student : – in his or her instructional and learning opportunities both in and out of school – in career development opportunities that incorporate self- exploration, career exploration, and career planning and management activities. A product that documents and reflects a students: – coursework, learning, and assessment results – post-secondary plans aligned to career goals – record of the students college and career readiness skills. What is Academic and Career Planning?

22 Who am I? (Know) What do I want to do? (Explore) How do get I there? (Plan) Lets GO! (Implement) Each students process:

23 Why Academic and Career Planning? 1.RESEARCH! S tudents with a future focus show: a)improved motivation, engagement in school, academic performance, relevant course selection, understanding post-secondary options; and b)engage in decreased risk-taking behaviors. 2.ACPs are identified as best practice in the WI comprehensive school counseling standards & in the WI Digital Learning Plan. 3.Academic and Career Planning adds relevance to other initiatives (i.e. personalizing learning, PBIS, RtI, Dual Enrollment, Youth Options). 4.WI Statute 115.28(59) supports Academic & Career Planning Student Learning Plans: Supporting Every Student's Transition to College and Career Rennie Center for Education Research and Policy, June 2011. School Connectedness: Strategies for Increasing Protective Factors Among Youth Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009.

24 Includes $1.1 million in 2014-2015 funding for software technology and professional development supporting statewide implementation of ACP. Authorizes DPI to create administrative rule with requirements for ACP services for all students in grades 6-12 by 2017-18. Wisconsin Statute 115.28(59)

25 A Shift 4-Year Plan (Traditional)ACP (Now) Product-basedProcess-based Some or select studentsAll students Acts as a 4-year plan of courses Acts as a navigational tool for students from grade 6-12 and beyond Student on own for its development Student-driven with collaboration (mentor and parents) HS Graduation = End pointHS Graduation = Check point Student adapts to offeringsOptions adapt to student needs Career development is only the school counselors job. Career development is a systematic, whole- school responsibility.

26 ACP Process Components: KNOW – Self awareness (i.e., interests, aptitudes, strengths, weaknesses, passions) – Exploration activities (i.e., interest inventories, reflection exercises) – Vision development – Individual goal-setting EXPLORE – Career awareness assessments and activities – Career research – Occupational and career experiences (i.e., investigative interviews, job shadows, paid or unpaid work experience)

27 ACP Process Components Include: PLAN – Connect instructional activities with the education and preparation needed to successfully enter a particular field of interest – Work-based learning opportunities – Extra-curricular and community-based learning experiences – Postsecondary training options – Financial plan IMPLEMENT – Update Quarterly (at least) – Adapt/Modify Intentional Sequence of Courses – Adapt/Modify Personal Goals – Adapt/Modify Career Goals – ACP Conferencing

28 Select ACP Resources ACP Resources In Development ACP Webpage ACP Listserv ACP on Facebook & Twitter ACP Software ACP Guidance (K-12) ACP Guidance (parents) ACP Guidance (community) ACP Guidance (business) Work-based Learning Dual Enrollment Programs of Study

29 ACP Challenges Buy in Student engagement Current structure of our schools A shift in how we approach career development

30 Includes and reinforces strong relationships between students and the mentors/adults in their lives Increases the connections between student self-awareness, daily instruction, and career/college goals Shows positive outcomesstudents are more engaged and autonomous in school Enhances student resiliency to overcome challenges & changes Provides qualitative and quantitative data regarding college and career readiness paths Quality Academic & Career Planning

31 ACP Navigation Goal All students understand themselves, explore their world, establish goals for their futures, and create a plan to achieve their goals; while realizing that alternative routes or temporary roadblocks can mean that a recalculation is necessary on ones journey.

32 The ACP-Transition Connection All students must transition, but… Certain students are required to have a transition plan ACPs = Transition Plans for all students with… All school staff dedicated to implementation In other words, ACPs will improve numerous outcomes for all students, including SWD

33 Questions? Kevin Miller Dual Enrollment Consultant; WI Department of Public Instruction 608-267-3161

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