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Personal Development Year 6 & Year 7.

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1 Personal Development Year 6 & Year 7

2 Rules for today This is an open and honest forum – any questions (where appropriate) will be answered directly and honestly Respect what others may not know Try and be serious when we are using the ‘tricky’ words Remember – even though you may think you know most things, we never can truly know everything!

3 Why is understanding about growing up so important?
The older we get, the more we seek to understand ourselves It is important to understand the changes that will eventually take place in order to be prepared for them It is important to have ‘smarts’ when it comes to making good choices It is a vital part of becoming a grown-up

4 What do we know already? Let’s revise some of the words/concepts we have come to know thus far Differences between male and females Male body parts Female body parts Life cycles Family structures The development of the human being prior to birth Puberty Hormones

5 The Difference between Males and Females
The emotional differences The importance of gender (sex) The roles of both the male and female in terms of reproduction Although we are different, we are all created in God’s image, and as God sees the beauty in all of us, as must we recognise that equal beauty exists between males and females

6 The Female Body Parts Breasts Bottom Vagina Cervix Womb
Fallopian tubes Ovary Egg/Ovum

7 The Male Body Parts Bottom Penis Urethra Testicles Scrotum Sperm duct

8 Birth Umbilical Cord Placenta Amniotic Sac Foetus
Breast Feeding (bottle feeding)

9 Conception and Fertilisation
FERTILIZATION – when a male sperm successfully breaks through the female ova (or egg), and union occurs CONCEPTION – the moment at fertilisation when two cells unite and new life begins

10 Now the new stuff… Sexual Intercourse
Fertilisation and conception is the end result of the loving physical union between a male and female married couple during the process called ‘sexual intercourse’ Due to a woman’s menstrual cycle, she is only capable to ‘conceive’ a couple of days in the month

11 REVISION OF PUBERTY Puberty is defined as:
“sexual maturity; the earliest age at which a person is capable of procreating offspring”. There are both internal and external changes that occur in both boys and girls Depending on the individual, puberty may commence in girls and boys anywhere between the ages of 10 – 16 It is not uncommon for puberty to occur outside this age bracket, depending on the development of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the release of hormones Generally, girls go through puberty before boys, but this is not always the case Puberty marks the merge of the child body into the adult body Together with the onset of puberty comes considerable social and emotional change, and a season of self-discovery

12 Common Changes for both Boys and Girls
Development of the PITUITARY GLAND, located in the base of the head, responsible for releasing ‘HORMONES’ that trigger changes in the body Rapid growth spurts (girls may be considerably taller than boys during this time) Pubic hair developing under the arms and in the pubic region (around the genitals) Deepening of the voice (more-so in boys) May be increasingly emotional Pimples / acne Increased sweat production

13 And just for the BOYS… Broadening of shoulders and greater muscle definition Sperm (male sex cell) Nocturnal emissions/Wet dreams ALL THESE CHANGES ARE SPURRED ON BY THE RELEASED OF THE HORMONE ‘TESTOSTERONE’ FROM THE PITUITARY GLAND IN THE BRAIN



16 And just for the GIRLS… Physical changes include: Widening of the hips

17 Menstruation The female menstrual cycle has four major phases:
The Period: In this phase the menstrual flow (bleeding) occurs. This phase usually lasts between 2-5 days. Also called the menstrual ‘period’. 2. Pre-Ovulation: Levels of reproductive hormones increase to stimulate the release of an ovum. This phase usually lasts between the 5th and 13th day. 3. Ovulation: It is the release of the ovum (egg) from the ovary. It usually occurs at the 14th day of the cycle. 4. Post-Ovulation: In this phase, which lasts on average of 13 days, the internal lining of the uterus prepares itself for nourishing a fertilized ovum by filling with blood vessels. If pregnancy does not occur, the uterine wall is shed and the female returns to the start of her cycle again.


Many women may experience pre-menstrual symptoms such as mood swings and breast tenderness. When these changes are more severe, women may experience pre-menstrual syndrome. This syndrome may include anxiety, breast tenderness, food cravings, fluid retention, headache, and depression among others. An average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. Some women, however, may have longer menstrual cycles. It is important to consult with a physician to rule out any hormonal or physical problem when the cycles last more than 35 days.

20 A scary looking belt device that was actually used!!
Tampons Sanitary Pads Throughout history women have used different versions of tampons and pads. Some were made from natural sponges, grasses, or cloth. Your great-grandmother may have used rags, which she washed out in cold water each night. Today, women can choose mainly from sanitary napkins (pads) and tampons.

21 What happens if fertilisation after sexual intercourse takes place?
If fertilization takes place, this may be marked by a missed menstrual period.

22 Things to be mindful of during puberty…
People are developing at their own rate – be respectful of this and be sensitive to those who develop earlier than other people, and later than other people PERSONAL HYGIENE – keeping clean – regular washing with increased oil production, deodorant, skin care

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