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Published byMiles Luscomb Modified over 10 years ago
Upgrade of Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems for the LHC Experiments Nicoletta Garelli CERN XXIII International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing, 12-19 September 2011, Varna, Bulgaria
Acknowledgment & Disclaimer I would like to thank David Francis, Benedetto Gorini, Reiner Hauser, Frans Meijers, Andrea Negri, Niko Neufeld, Stefano Mersi, Stefan Stancu and all other colleagues for answering my questions and sharing ideas. My apologizes for any mistakes, misinterpretations and misunderstandings. This presentation is far to be a complete review of all the trigger and data acquisition related activities foreseen by the LHC experiments from 2013 to 2022. I will focus on the upgrade plans of ATLAS, CMS and LHCb only. 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 2
Outline Large Hadron Collider (LHC) – today, design, beyond design LHC experiments – design – trigger & data acquisition systems – upgrade challenges Upgrade plans – ATLAS – CMS – LHCb 9/13/2011 3 N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011
LHC: a Discovery Machine 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 4 SPS PS LHC LHCb Alice ATLAS CMS Goal: explore TeV energy scale to find Higgs Boson & New Physics beyond Standard Model How: Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, with possibility of steady increase of luminosity large discovery range LHC Project in brief LEP tunnel: 27 km Ø, ~100 m underground pp collisions, center of mass E = 14 TeV 4 interaction points 4 big detectors Particles travel in bunches at ~ c Bunches of O(10 11 ) particles each Bunch Crossing frequency: 40 MHz Superconducting magnets cooled to 1.9 K with 140 tons of liquid He. (Magnetic field strength ~ 8.4 T) Energy of one beam = 362 MJ (300x Tevatron)
Current StatusDesignBeyond Design beam energy (TeV)3.5 (½ design)7 (7x Tevatron)- bunch spacing (ns)50 (½ design)25- colliding bunches n b 1331 (~½ design)2808- peak luminosity (cm -2 s -1 )3.1 10 33 (~30% design)10 34 (30x Tevatron)5 10 34 (leveled) bunch intensity, protons/bunch (10 11 ) 1.25 (>design)1.151.7 3.4 (with 50 ns) * (m) 1 (~½ design)0.550.15 LHC: Today, Design, Beyond Design 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 5 * beam envelope at Interaction Point (IP), determined by magnets arrangements & powering. Smaller * = Higher Luminosity Interventions needed to reach design conditions LHC can go further Higher Luminosity 1 1 2 2
LHC Schedule Model 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 6 JanFebMarAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDec TSHWCPhys Phys TS+MD Phys Phy TS+MD Phys TS & Ion TS Yearly Schedule operating at unexplored conditions long way to reach design performance need for commissioning & testing periods one 2-month Technical Stop (TS). Best period for power saving: Dec-Jan every ~2 months of physics a shorter TS followed by a Machine Development (MD) period necessary 1 month of heavy ion run (different physics program) Yearly Schedule operating at unexplored conditions long way to reach design performance need for commissioning & testing periods one 2-month Technical Stop (TS). Best period for power saving: Dec-Jan every ~2 months of physics a shorter TS followed by a Machine Development (MD) period necessary 1 month of heavy ion run (different physics program) Every 3 years a 1 year long (at least) shutdown Every 3 years a 1 year long (at least) shutdown needed for major component upgrades … and the experiments? profit from LHC TS & shutdown periods for improvements & replacements LHC drives the schedule experiments schedule has to be flexible Every 3 years a 1 year long (at least) shutdown Every 3 years a 1 year long (at least) shutdown needed for major component upgrades … and the experiments? profit from LHC TS & shutdown periods for improvements & replacements LHC drives the schedule experiments schedule has to be flexible
LHC: Towards Design Conditions Dont forget that life is not always easy Single Event Effects due to radiation Unidentified Falling Objects (UFO), fast beam losses What LHC can do as it is today: with 50 ns spacing: n b = 1380, bunch intensity = 1.7 10 11, * = 1.0 m L = 5 10 33 cm -2 s -1 at 3.5 TeV with 25 ns spacing: n b = 2808, bunch intensity = 1.2 10 11, * = 1.0 m L = 4 10 33 cm -2 s -1 at 3.5 TeV Not possible to reach design performance today: 1)Beam Energy: joints between s/c magnets limits to 3.5 TeV/beam 2)Beam Intensity: collimation limits luminosity to ~5 10 33 cm -2 s -1 with E = 3.5 TeV/beam 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 7
LHC Draft Schedule – Consolidation 2013 CONSOLIDATION Long Shut-Down fully repair joints between s/c magnets install magnet clamps E = 6.5-7 TeV L = 10 34 cm -2 s -1 9/13/2011 8 N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 Electrical fault in bus between super conducting magnets caused 19.9.2008 accident limit E to 3.5 TeV After joints reparation 7 TeV will be reached, after dipole training: O(100) quench/sector O(month) hardware commissioning Upgrade Phases after Shut-Down LCH activities
fully repair joints between s/c magnets install magnet clamps LHC Upgrade Draft Schedule – Phase1&2 Long Shut-Down 2013 E = 6.5-7 TeV L = 10 34 9/13/2011 9 N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 Upgrade Phases after Shut-Down LCH activities 2017 PHASE 1 collimation upgrade injector upgrade (Linac4) E = 7 TeV L = 2 10 34 cm -2 s -1 2021 PHASE 2 new bigger quadrupoles smaller * new RF Crab cavities E = 7 TeV L = 5 10 34 cm -2 s -1 CONSOLIDATION New collimation system necessary to be protected from high losses at higher luminosity
LHC Upgrade Draft Schedule Long Shut-Down fully repair joints between s/c magnets install magnet clamps 2013 E = 6.5-7 TeV L = 10 34 cm -2 s -1 9/13/2011 10 N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 Upgrade Phases after Shut-Down LCH activities 2017 PHASE 1 collimation upgrade injector upgrade (Linac4) E = 7 TeV L = 2 10 34 cm -2 s -1 2021 PHASE 2 The Super-LHC new bigger quadrupoles smaller * new RF Crab cavities E = 7 TeV L = 5 10 34 cm -2 s -1 3000 fb -1 by the end of 2030 x10 3 wrt today 3000 fb -1 by the end of 2030 x10 3 wrt today CONSOLIDATION
LHC Experiments Design LHC environment (design) – pp inelastic ~ 70 mb Event Rate = 7 10 8 Hz – Bunch Cross (BC) every 25 ns (40 MHz) ~ 22 interactions every active BC – 1 interesting collision is rare & always hidden within ~22 minimum bias collisions = pile-up Stringent requirements fast electronics response to resolve individual bunch crossings high granularity (= many electronics channels) to avoid that a pile-up event (1) goes in the same detector element as the interesting event (1) radiation resistant 9/13/2011 11 N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 (1) Event = snapshot of values of all front-end electronics elements containing particle signals from single BC
LHC Upgrade: Effects on Experiments Higher peak luminosity Higher pile-up – more complex trigger selection – higher detector granularity – radiation hard electronics Higher accumulated luminosity radiation damage: need to replace components – sensors: Inner Tracker in particular (~200 MCHF/experiment) – electronics? not guaranteed after 10 y use 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 12 Challenge for experiments: LHC luminosity x10 higher than today after second long shutdown (phase 1) 2013 2014 2017 2018 2021 2022
13 Interesting Physics at LHC Fluegge, G. 1994, Future Research in High Energy Physics, Tech. rep Total (elastic, diffractive, inelastic) cross-section of proton-proton collision Cross-section of SM Higgs Boson production Find a needle … Higgs -> 4 DESIGN ~22 MinBias 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 …in the haystack! BEYOND DESIGN 5x bigger haystack ~100 MinBias BEYOND DESIGN 5x bigger haystack ~100 MinBias
Trigger & Data Acquisition (DAQ) Systems 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 14 @ LHC nominal conditions O(10) TB/s of data produced – mostly useless data (min. bias events) – impossible to store them Trigger&DAQ: select & store interesting data for analysis at O(100) MB/s – TRIGGER: select interesting events (the Higgs boson in the haystack) – DAQ: convey data to local mass storage – Network: the backbone, large Ethernet networks with O(10 3 ) Gbit & 10-Gbit ports, O(10 2 ) switches Until now: high efficiency (>90%) Local Storage CERN Data Storage 40 MHz O(10)TB/s O(100)MB/s Trigger & DAQ
Comparing LHC Experiments Today 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 15 ExperimentRead-out channels Trigger Levels Read-Out Links (type, out, #) Level 0-1-2 Rate (Hz) Event Size (B) HLT Out (MB/s) ATLAS ~90 10 6 3S-link, 160 Mb/s ~1600 L1 ~ 10 5 L2 ~ 3 10 3 1.5 10 6 300 CMS ~90 10 6 2S-link64, 400 Mb/s ~500 L1 ~ 10 5 10 6 600 LHCb ~1 10 6 2G-link, 200 Mb/s ~400 L0 ~ 10 6 5.5 10 4 70 ATLAS: partial & on-demand read-out @L2 CMS & LHCb: read-out everything @L1 ATLAS: partial & on-demand read-out @L2 CMS & LHCb: read-out everything @L1 Similar read-out links ATLAS CMS LHCb
ATLAS Trigger & DAQ (today) 9/13/2011 16 N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 ATLAS Data Calo/Muon Detectors Data- Flow Data- Flow ATLAS Event 1.5 MB/25 ns TriggerDAQ High Level Trigger ROI data (~2%) ROI Requests ~4 sec EF Accept ~200 Hz ~ 200 Hz ~ 3 kHz Event Filter Level 2 L2 Accept ~3 kHz SubFarmOutput SubFarmInput ~4.5 GB/s ~ 300 MB/s Detector Read-Out Level 1 FE <2.5 s Other Detectors Regions Of Interest L1 Accept 75 (100) kHz 40 MHz 75 kHz ~40 ms 112 GB/s Trigger Info CERN Data Storage Event Builder ROD Event Filter Network ReadOut System Data Collection Network
CMS Trigger & DAQ (today) 9/13/2011 17 N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 LV1 trigger HW: – custom electronics – rate from 40 MHz to 100 kHz Event Building – 1 st stage based on Myrinet technology: FED-builder – 2 nd stage based on TCP/IP over GBE: RU-builder – 8 independent identical DAQ slices – 100 GB/s throughput HLT: PC farm – event driven – rate from 100 kHz to O(100) Hz Detectors Front-End pipelines Read-out buffers Processors farms O( s) 40 MHz 100 kHz 100 Hz High Level Trigger Level 1 Trigger Level 1 Trigger Mass storage Switching Networks
Experiments Challenges Beyond Design Beyond design new working point to be established Higher pile-up increase pattern recognition problems Impossible to change calorimeter detectors (budget, time, manpower) Necessary to change inner tracker – current damaged by radiation – needs for more granularity Level-1 @ higher pile-up select all interesting physics – simple increase of thresholds in p T not possible: lot of physics will be lost – more sophisticated decision criteria needed move software algorithms into electronics muon chambers better resolution for trigger required add inner tracker information to Level-1 Longer Level-1 decision time longer latency More complex reconstruction in HLT – more computing power required 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 18
DAQ Challenges Problem: – which read-out ? – at which bandwidth? – which electronics? Higher detector granularity higher number of read-out channels increased event size Longer latency for Level-1 decisions possible changes in all sub- detector read-out systems Larger amount of data to be treated by network & DAQ – higher data rate network upgrade to accommodate higher bandwidth needs – need for increased local data storage Possibly higher HLT output rate if increased global data storage (Grid) allows 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 19
As of Today: Difficult Planning Hard to plan – while maintaining running experiments – with uncertain schedule Upgrade plans driven by – Trigger: guarantee good & flexible selection – DAQ: guarantee high data taking efficiency New technologies might be needed – Trigger: new L1 trigger & more powerful HLT – DAQ: read-out links, electronics &network To be considered – replacing some components may damage others – new architecture must be compatible with existing components in case of partial upgrade 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 20
ATLAS A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS 9/13/2011 21 N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011
ATLAS Draft Schedule – Consolidation Long Shut-Down TDAQ farms & networks consolidation Sub-detector read-out upgrades to enable Level-1 output of 100 kHz Current innermost pixel layer will have significant radiation damage, largely reduced detector efficiency replacement needed by 2015 Insertable B-Layer (IBL) built around a new beam-pipe & slipped inside the current detector 2013 9/13/2011 22 N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 Upgrade Phases after Shut-Down ATLAS Activities TDAQ related CONSOLIDATION E = 6.5-7 TeV L = 10 34 cm -2 s -1
Evolution of TDAQ Farm Today: architecture with many farms & network domains: – cpu&network resources balancing on 3 different farms (L2, EB, EF) requires expertise – 2 trigger steering instances (L2, EF) – 2 separate networks (DC & EF) – huge configuration Proposal: merge L2, EB, EF within a single homogeneous system – each node can perform the whole HLT selection steps L2 processing & data collection based on ROIs event building event filter processing on the full event – automatic system balance – a single HLT instance 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 23 To be approved
TDAQ Network Proposal 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 24 Current network architecture: – system working well – EF core router: single point of failure – new technologies 2013: replacement of cores mandatory (exceeded life- time) SV ROS XPU EF SFI SFO DC EF Proposal: merge DC&EF networks OK with new chassis some cost reduction perfect for TDAQ farms evolution mixing functionalities reduce scaling potential with actual TDAQ farms configuration SV ROS PU XPU PU SFO SFI
ATLAS Upgrade Draft Schedule – Phase1 Long Shut-Down TDAQ farm & network consolidation L1 @ 100 kHz IBL 2013 E = 6.5-7 TeV L = 10 34 cm -2 s -1 9/13/2011 25 N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 Upgrade Phases after Shut-Down ATLAS activities TDAQ related 2017 PHASE 1 E = 7 TeV L = 2 10 34 cm -2 s -1 Level-1 Upgrade to cope with pile-up after phase-1 New muon detector Small Wheel (SW) Provide increased calorimeter granularity Level-1 topological trigger Fast Track Processor (FTK) CONSOLIDATION
New Muon Small Wheel (SW) Muon precision chambers (CSC & MDT) performance deteriorated need to replace with a better detector Exploit new SW to provide also trigger information today: 3 trigger stations in barrel (RPC) & end-caps (TGC) New SW = 4 th trigger station reduce fake improve p T resolution level-1 track segment with 1 mrad resolution Micromegas detector: new technology which could be used 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 26 Small Wheel
L1 Topological Trigger Proposal: additional electronics to have a Level-1 trigger based on topology criteria, to keep it efficient at high luminosities:,, angular distance, back-to- back, not back-to-back, mass – di-electron low lepton p T in Z, ZZ/ZW,WW, HWW/ZZ/tt and multi-leptons SUSY modes – jet topology, muon isolation, … New topological trigger processor with input from calorimeter & muon detectors, connected to new Central Trigger Processor Consequence: longer latency, develop common tools for reconstructing topology both in muon & calorimeter detectors 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 27 Under discussion
Fast Track Processor (FTK) Introduce highly parallel processor: – for full Si-Tracker – provides tracking for all L1-accepted events within O(25μs) Reconstruct tracks >1 GeV – 90% efficiency compared to offline – track isolation for lepton selection – fast identification of b & τ jets – primary vertex identification Tracks reconstruction has 2 time-consuming stages: – pattern recognition Associative memory – track fitting FPGA After L1, before L2 – HLT selection software interface to FTK output (tracks available earlier) 9/13/2011 28 N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 Pattern from reconstruction Good match between Pre-stored & Recorded patterns Good match between Pre-stored & Recorded patterns Discarded patterns Pre-stored patterns
ATLAS Upgrade Draft Schedule – Phase2 Long Shut-Down Reduce heterogeneity in TDAQ farms & networks 2013 PHASE 0 E = 6.5-7 TeV L = 10 34 cm -2 s -1 9/13/2011 29 N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 Upgrade Phases after Shut-Down ATLAS activities TDAQ related 2017 PHASE 1 E = 7 TeV L = 2 10 34 cm -2 s -1 FTK L1 Topological trigger 2021 PHASE 2 E = 7 TeV L = 5 10 34 cm -2 s -1 2. Precision muon chambers used in trigger logic dismount as less as possible 3. L1 Track Trigger 1. Full digital read-out of calorimeter (data & trigger) faster data transmission trigger access to full calorimeter resolution (provides finer cluster and better electron identification) proposed solution: fast rad-tolerant 10 Gb/s links
Improve L1 Muon Trigger – Phase2 Current muon trigger: trigger logic assumes tracks to come from interaction point (IP) p T resolution limited by IP smearing (Phase2: 50mm ~150mm) MDT resolution 100 times better than trigger chambers (RPC) Proposal: use precision chambers (MDT) in trigger logic – reduce rates in barrel – no need for vertex assumption – improve selectivity for high-p T muons 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 30 Current limitation: MDT read-out serial & asynchronous Phase2: improve MDT electronics performance (solve latency problem) Fast MDT readout options: – seeded/tagged method use information from trigger chambers to define RoI & only consider small # of MDT tubes which falls into the RoI. Longer latency – unseeded/untagged method stand-alone track finding in MDT chambers. Larger bandwidth required to transfer MDT hit pattern
Track Trigger – Phase2 Possible to introduce L1 track trigger keep L1 rate @ 100 kHz – combine with calorimeter to improve electron selection – correlate muon with track in ID & reduce fake tracks – possible L1 b-tagging L1 track trigger Self Seeded – use high p T tracks as seed – need fast communication to form coincidences between layers – latency of ~3 s L1 track trigger ROI Seeded – need to introduce a L0 trigger to select RoI at L1 – long ~10 s L1 latency 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 31 New Inner Detector only with silicon sensors better resolution, reduced occupancy more pixel layers for b-tagging
multi-jet event at 7 TeV CMS The Compact Muon Solenoid 9/13/2011 32 N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011
CMS Consolidation Phase Long Shut-Down Trigger & DAQ consolidation x3 increase HLT farm processing power replace HW for Online DB 2013 9/13/2011 33 N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 Upgrade Phases after Shut-Down CMS activities TDAQ related CONSOLIDATION Muons CMS design: space for a 4 th layer of forward muon chambers (CSC & RPCs) better trigger robustness in 1.2<| |<1.8 preserve low p T threshold Muons CMS design: space for a 4 th layer of forward muon chambers (CSC & RPCs) better trigger robustness in 1.2<| |<1.8 preserve low p T threshold E = 6.5-7 TeV L = 10 34 cm -2 s -1
CMS Upgrade Draft Schedule – Phase1 Long Shut-Down 2013 E = 6.5-7 TeV L = 10 34 cm -2 s -1 9/13/2011 34 N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 Upgrade Phases after Shut-Down CMS activities TDAQ related 2017 PHASE 1 E = 7 TeV L = 2 10 34 cm -2 s -1 New pixel detector Upgrade hadron calorimeter (HCAL) silicon photomultipliers. Finer segmentation of readout in depth New trigger system Event Builder & HLT farm upgrade CONSOLIDATION Trigger & DAQ consolidation 4 th layer muon detectors Phase-1 requirements&plans as ATLAS radiation damage change silicon innermost tracker maintain Level-1 < 100 kHz, low latency, good selection tracking info @ L1+ more granularity in calorimeters DAQ evolution to cope with new design Phase-1 requirements&plans as ATLAS radiation damage change silicon innermost tracker maintain Level-1 < 100 kHz, low latency, good selection tracking info @ L1+ more granularity in calorimeters DAQ evolution to cope with new design
CMS New Pixel Detector – Phase1 New pixel detector (4 barrel layers, 3 end-caps) Need for replacement – radiation damage (innermost layer might be replaced before) – read-out chips just adequate for L=10 34 cm -2 s -1 with 4% dynamic data loss due to read-out latency & buffer to improve Goal – gives better tracking performance – improved b-tagging capabilities – reduce material using a new cooling system CO 2 instead of C 6 F 14 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 35
CMS New Trigger System – Phase1 Introduce regional calorimeter trigger – to use full granularity for internal processing – more sophisticated clustering & isolation algorithms to handle higher rates and complex events New infrastructure based on μTCA for increased bandwidth, maintenance, flexibility Muon trigger upgrade to handle additional channels & faster FPGA 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 36 moving from custom ASICs to powerful modern FPGAs with huge processing & I/O capability to implement more sophisticated algorithms Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (ATCA). Dramatic increase in computing power & I/O
CMS Upgrade Draft Schedule – Phase2 Long Shut-Down 2013 9/13/2011 37 N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 Upgrade Phases after Shut-Down CMS activities TDAQ related 2017 PHASE 1 E = 7 TeV L = 2 10 34 cm -2 s -1 2021 PHASE 2 E = 7 TeV L = 5 10 34 cm -2 s -1 CONSOLIDATION Trigger & DAQ consolidation 4 th layer muon detectors New pixel detector Upgrade HCAL silicon photomultipliers New trigger system EventBuilder&HLT farm upgrade Install new tracking system track trigger Major consolidation of electronics systems Calorimeter end-caps DAQ system upgrade Install new tracking system track trigger Major consolidation of electronics systems Calorimeter end-caps DAQ system upgrade E = 6.5-7 TeV L = 10 34 cm -2 s -1
New Tracker R/D projects for new sensors, new front-end, high speed link (customized version of GBT), tracker geometry arrangement – >200M pixels, >100M strips Level-1 @ high luminosity need for L1 tracking 9/13/2011 38 N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 ~ 1 mm ~ 100 μm pass fail 2 2 Delivering information for Level-1 – impossible to use all channels for individual triggers – Idea: exploit strong 3.8 T magnetic field and design modules able to reject signals from low-p T particles Different discrimination proposals to reject hits from low-p T tracks data transmission at 40 MHz feasible: 1.within a single sensor, based on cluster width 2.correlating signals from stacked sensor pairs pass fail 1 1
LHCb The Large Hadron Collider beauty experiment B0s meson μ+ μ- 9/13/2011 39 N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011
LCHb Trigger & DAQ Today 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 40 Single-arm forward spectrometer (~300 mrad acceptance) for precision measurements of CP violation & rare B-meson decays L0 e, L0 had L0 HLT1. High pT tracks with IP != 0 Global reconstruction HLT2. Inclusive & exclusive selection 40 MHz < 1 MHz 30 kHz 3 kHz Designed to run with average # of collisions per BX ~ 0.5 & n b ~2600 L ~ 2 10 32 cm -2 s -1 running with L = 3.3 10 32 cm -2 s -1 Reads-out 10 times more often than ATLAS/CMS to reconstruct secondary decay vertices very high rate of small events (~55 kB today) L0 trigger: high efficiency on dimuon events, but removes half of the hadronic signals All trigger candidates stored in raw data & compared with offline candidates: HLT1: tight CPU constraint (12 ms), reconstruct particles in VELO, determine position of vertices HLT2: Global track reconstruction, searches for secondary vertices Event size ~35 kB HW SW
LCHb Upgrade – Phase1 Interesting physics with ~ 50 fb -1 (design: 5 fb -1 ): precision measurements (charm CPV, …) searches (~1 GeV Majorana neutrinos,…) 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 41 LLT p T of had,, e,/y 40 MHz 2011: L ~O(150%) of design, O(35%) of bunches after 2017: Higher rate higher E T threshold even less hadronic signals Calo, Muon 1-40 MHz All sub-detectors HLT Tracking, vertexing, inclusive/exclusive selections 20 kHz CPU farm Custom electronics UPGRADE NEEDED increase read-out to 40 MHz & eliminate trigger limitations LLT will not simply reduce rate as L0, but will enrich selected sample new VELO detector no major changes for muon & calo upgrade electronics & DAQ data link from detector: components from GBT readout-network made for ~ 24 Tb/s common back-end read-out board: TELL40. Parallel optical I/Os (12 x > 4.8 Gb/s), GBT compatible UPGRADE NEEDED increase read-out to 40 MHz & eliminate trigger limitations LLT will not simply reduce rate as L0, but will enrich selected sample new VELO detector no major changes for muon & calo upgrade electronics & DAQ data link from detector: components from GBT readout-network made for ~ 24 Tb/s common back-end read-out board: TELL40. Parallel optical I/Os (12 x > 4.8 Gb/s), GBT compatible
Need for Bandwidth – Phase2 New front-end GigaBit Transceiver (GBT) chipset – point-to-point high speed bi-directional link to send data from/to counting room at ~5Gb/s – simultaneous transmission of data for DAQ, Slow Control, Timing Trigger & Control (TTC) systems – robust error correction scheme to correct errors caused by SEUs Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (ATCA) – point-to-point connections between crate modules – higher bandwidth in output Which electronics in 20 y? Will VME be still ok? Do we need ATCA functionality? 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 42 Front-End ~200 Mb/s Front-End ~200 Mb/s Board VMEVME VMEVME PC ~40 Mb/s S-link ~200 Mb/s S-link ~200 Mb/s Ethernet 1 Gb/s Ethernet 1 Gb/s Read-Out System Read-out from cavern to counting room GBT ~5 Gb/s ATCAATCA ~40 Gb/s Ethernet ~40 Gb/s
Conclusion Trigger & DAQ systems worked extremely well until now After the long LHC shutdown of 2017: beyond design – increased luminosity – increased pile-up Experiments need to upgrade to work beyond design – New Inner Tracker: radiation damage & more pile-up – Level-1 trigger: more complex hardware selection & deal with longer latency – New read-out links: higher bandwidth – Scale DAQ and Network Difficult to define upgrade strategy as of today – unstable schedule – maintaining current experiments One thing is sure: LHC experiments upgrade will be exciting 9/13/2011N. Garelli (CERN). NEC'2011 43
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