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Nutrition and Body Image: The Truth vs The Media Tammy Beasley, RD, CSSD, CEDRD Rev It Up Fitness, LLC.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition and Body Image: The Truth vs The Media Tammy Beasley, RD, CSSD, CEDRD Rev It Up Fitness, LLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition and Body Image: The Truth vs The Media Tammy Beasley, RD, CSSD, CEDRD Rev It Up Fitness, LLC

2 What do these have in common? Movies like The Matrix and Inception Magazines like Glamour and Vogue

3 Startling Statistics 1 out of 4 girls in 4 th - 5 th grade afraid to be fat, already dieting Twice as likely to develop eating disorder if diet before age 12 1 in 8 high school girls, 1 in 5 college, use vomiting to diet 1 out of 3 adolescent boys unhappy w/ body Mens dissatisfaction w/ appearance has tripled in past 30 yrs 10-22% of people w/ diagnosed ED will die as direct result

4 More Startling Statistics Fiji Study: Prior to 95, going thin was sign of social problem, big was beautiful –TV entered scene 95 (Bev Hills 90210, etc) –Eating disorders doubled to 30% in 3yrs –74% said felt too fat –62% dieting Fashion models are thinner than 98% of all American women Barbie stats: 6, 101# and size 4 GI Joe stats: 12.2 biceps in 1964 to 26.8 biceps in 1998

5 Thats Not ALL! 100% of all magazine photos and videos are AIRBRUSHED to perfection – 100%!!! Americans spend $40+ billion on dieting and beauty-related products every year WHO is manipulating WHO?????









14 sm Do you struggle with disordered eating? Do you avoid eating around people? Do you constantly count calories, fat grams? Are you afraid of gaining weight? Do you weigh often and obsess over #? Do you ever feel out of control when eating Is weight loss, dieting or controlling food a major concern? Do you feel shame, disgust or guilt after eating?

15 Its a new year, so lets throw out the old and bring in the NEW… a NEW way of thinking about why you do what you do for your body and health

16 A new way of thinking leads to a new way of doing! Same health goals but new ways to reach them… and renewed confidence in you and your body again.

17 sm The Starting Place for Change Believe that you, and your body, are CAPABLE of change Believe that change occurs one small step at a time, and one person at a time Believe that your body image is NOT limited to changes in weight or appearance only Believe that a number on a scale or a reflection in a mirror CANNOT determine WHO you are

18 sm What is a POSTIVE body image? What it does NOT mean –You love everything about yourself –You have no need to make any changes –You have to wait to enjoy certain things in life until you look better What it DOES mean –You can appreciate the positive things that your body can do –You can enjoy life for the moment even if you havent reached all of your health goals

19 sm To be nobody – but oneself – in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting. e.e. cummings

20 sm Throw out the dieting, throw out the good/bad food list, and begin simple small changes that make a lifetime difference! Lets Look at WHAT We Put in Our Bodies First…

21 sm Where do you START? The first KEY is meal timing! –Breakfast turns the key to your metabolism ignition – eat within 1 hour of getting up –Dont go longer than four hours before eating again, either meal or snack if not mealtime

22 sm How to Fuel Your Tank Build a meal from 3 to 4 fuel groups Build a snack from 1 to 2 fuel groups

23 sm Pick from the Five Fuel Groups Whole grains (the more fiber, the better) Fruits (the fresher, the better) Vegetables (the brighter, the better) Lean Meats, Nuts and Seeds (the more variety, the better) Low-fat Dairy (the more calcium, the stronger the bones)

24 sm Rev It Up Fuel Tips: Choose more brown (high fiber) carbohydrates than white For every brown carbohydrate you choose, try to eat an equal amount of color Better yet, eat COLOR at every meal and snack

25 sm Rev It Up Fuel Tips: Check out your palm size, and use that as a guide for the amount of protein you eat at each meal Always plan an afternoon snack to boost your metabolism, making sure you include protein fuel with carbohydrate energy. Drink water to open and close the door to your meals and snacks, every day

26 sm What About those other Fuel Favorites: Fried Foods…? Use as compliments, not building blocks! Follow the more often than not rule, choose to eat lower fat choices more often than not (fried or creamy no more than 3x week is good guideline to follow) Play Ping Pong with your added fats, like salad dressings, mayonnaise and butter: about 3 to 4 ping pong balls in play per day!

27 sm What About those other Fuel Favorites: …and Sweets? If you want something sweet, share it with friends or family, and eat it within 30 minutes of your meal to take advantage of hunger and fullness cues. And actually, the first and last bites are the best! Remember, it is what you do MORE OFTEN THAN NOT that matters!

28 sm Now.. Lets Look at What We Put in Our MINDS Next!

29 sm A New Way of Thinking Think about someone you admire, respect –Describe characteristics you look up to –How many had to do with physical looks? Stop the fat talk! Change the subject if you or your friends talk only about body, weight, dieting, food, exercise, etc. Be a smart consumer of body images in the media – perfection is NOT REAL!

30 sm A New Way of Thinking Make a list of positive statements that emphasize the way you want to THINK about yourself. Dont allow yourself to criticize your own shape or size. If you catch yourself being critical, follow with a positive statement. Your body is where you will live the rest of your life, so isnt it time you made it your home?

31 sm Be the most you can be, so that life will be more because you were. Susan Glaspell

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