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In MILLAU (France) we find the highest bridge in the world.

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2 In MILLAU (France) we find the highest bridge in the world.

3 Even the highest bridge in the world started from nothing...

4 And little by little...

5 One layer at a time...

6 It began to rise...

7 At first it was just columns rising higher and higher...

8 And higher and higher...

9 Nothing out of the ordinary... Just columns rising.

10 Higher and higher...

11 Until they began to command the attention of passersby...

12 Rising into and above the clouds...

13 One column being connected to the next column...

14 In an almost unbelievable manner...

15 The majesty of the final project begins to take form...

16 Planning and Preparation...

17 Teamwork and collaboration...

18 Perseverance through the setbacks...

19 Quality materials...

20 And it all started coming together...

21 Everyone doing a small part to add to the bigger picture...

22 Growing and moving toward the final goal...

23 Until finally the goal is achieved... The highest bridge in the world 8071 feet long 1125 feet high

24 ENGINEERING Millau, the highest bridge in the world The construction of the Millau viaduct in the southeast of France was a colossal engineering effort. The piers rise 803 feet from ground level, and the bridge weighs 400,000 tons. The bridge is supported by seven huge pillars. When the thickness of the platform (14 feet) and the height of the pillars are included, the total height reaches 1102 feet. That is about 50 feet higher than the famous Eiffel Tower. Construction of this bridge required more than 350,000 tons of concrete and 40,000 tons of steel. Assembled with the precision of a Swiss watch, this giant was designed to resist winds of up to 130 miles per hour and has cost almost 300 million euros (US$523 million). Built across the mountainous terrain of the Tarn river valley, the 8071-foot long bridge is part of the A-75 freeway that connects the cities of Clermont-Ferrand and Béziers. It will shorten by more than 60 miles the route connecting Paris with the Mediterranean. Seven European countries participated in construction of the bridge, the design of which was the work of the prestigious British architect, Sir Norman Foster, of Manchester, England.

25 And so it is with your life and your Bookwise business... You start from scratch with nothing. You plan and prepare. You employ teamwork and collaboration. You know you are working with quality materials and products. You commit yourself to persevere through the setbacks and challenges. Little by little, one level at a time, it begins to grow. Nothing out of the ordinary at first... Just a little business with a lot of potential. But little by little, one person and one day at a time, it begins to command the attention of passersby. It begins to rise above the clouds– one Associate being connected to the next. In an almost unbelievable manner the majesty of the final goal begins to take form. It all starts coming together– everyone doing a small part to add to the bigger picture. Growing and moving toward the full potential until the goal is achieved and you find your dreams have all been realized!

26 And in the end a thing of beauty and grandeur has been created for all to enjoy.. and we all benefit together! (passkey: freedom)

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