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Both natural beauty and rich architectural heritage characterize this mighty jewel of Asia.

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Presentation on theme: "Both natural beauty and rich architectural heritage characterize this mighty jewel of Asia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Taiwan, formerly known as Formosa, a name which means “beautiful island”

2 Both natural beauty and rich architectural heritage characterize this mighty jewel of Asia

3 Having a population of over 23 million, only 300,000 people in Taiwan are Catholic

4 Our mission is in the heart of the capital city of Taipei
Our mission is in the heart of the capital city of Taipei. The majority of people who live here are Buddhist

5 Missionaries from many countries serve in Taiwan

6 Sisters currently serving in Taiwan

7 Our ministries encourage family life and foster the love of God in the hearts of the people

8 Both the catechetical and medical mission bring joyful hope and vibrant faith to children, youth and adults

9 Extending the healing care of Jesus to the sick

10 Through the efforts of the RCIA Pastoral care team many doctors and staff have received the gift of Baptism

11 Praying with the nursing staff

12 We train catechists throughout the island to use our 5 Step Illustrated Method

13 Teaching children how to pray using sign language and song

14 A major part of our apostolic works involve preparing children, youth and adults for the Sacraments

15 First Reconciliation Celebration

16 This First Communion class carries in banners they made for this special occasion

17 Children in this mountain village participate in a Summer School of Religion conducted by our Sisters

18 Our Summer Camps introduce Jesus to over 200 children each year.

19 Our prayer and communal life keep us united to the Source of our Light and our Life.

20 We find joy in spending time together

21 It is a privilege to proclaim the message of Christmas every day of the year: Emmanuel, God is with us!

22 Go out to all the world and tell the Good News

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