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Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajers first publication was a prose poem Illa. Starting 1891, he published next poetical volumes. Before 1924 he had created eight.

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Presentation on theme: "Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajers first publication was a prose poem Illa. Starting 1891, he published next poetical volumes. Before 1924 he had created eight."— Presentation transcript:


2 Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajers first publication was a prose poem Illa. Starting 1891, he published next poetical volumes. Before 1924 he had created eight of them.

3 He became famous for the first three volumes of Poetry. In volume I (1891) social tones dominated, in volume II and III the subject of philosophy was the most important. Both volumes became cultural events. Volume II (1894) made Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer a poet of a decadent current. It comprised works in which feelings of weariness, sadness and melancholy predominated. The poet promoted the worship of Shopenhauer and Nietzsches philosophy. He was interested in aspects of Eastern religion.

4 Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer is the author of daring love poems ( I like when a woman, me, bending my lips towards yours… ) In these poems he promoted the praise of carnal beauty, short-lived bliss which was given by fullfilling of the desires. They charmed you by honesty and directness. These works were a peculiar revolution in the history of Polish love poetry.

5 In Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajers poetry we can find adoration for art., admiration for nature and legends of the Tatry mountains. Art was extremely important to the poet. It allowed him to appease dejection and despair. Nature became an escape from his problems. Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer treated nature in a very artistic way, just like Impressionists.

6 Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer also wrote in prose. In 1895 a short story Ksiądz Piotr came out, in 1903-1910 he created novellas written in a highland dialect which were a part of a Na kalnym Podhalu collection. He wrote the first historical-peasant novel Legenda Tatr in 1912.

7 Kazimierz Przerwa – Tetmajer is also the author of such dramas as "Zawisza Czarny" (1901), "Rewolucja" (1906), "Judasz"(1917).

8 Kazimierz Przerwa- Tetmajer is one of the most populars poets of Młoda Polska period. In his artistic work he emphatically expressed anxieties and fears of the generation of the turn of the century. Many his works are said to be a manifesto of the times he lived in.

9 More information about the life and wok of Kazimierz Przerwy – Tetmajer can be found on the following websites:

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